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Administrative Vacation and Other Leave Time Policy

Memorandum #260 Administrative Vacation and Other Leave Time Policy

Revised: February 19, 1999
Original Date of Issue: April 9, 1980

The following provisions apply with respect to vacation and other leave time for administrators.

Personal Time

Personal activities which involve a half of a workday or more for activities, such as religious holidays or doctor’s appointments, should be charged in half day increments against personal time.  Three days of personal time shall be granted to administrative employees each appointment year.  Personal days do not accrue nor are they cashable upon leaving the employment of the college or retirement.

Bereavement Leave

In the event an Employee suffers a death in his/her immediate family, s/he shall receive a leave of absence with pay for five (5) College working days.

  • “Immediate family” shall be defined as parent, spouse, child, brother or sister. 
  • A leave of absence with pay of three (3) College working days shall be granted upon the death of any of the following:  mother-in-law, father-in-law, grandparent or a person who is a member of the Employee’s household at date of death, including a person who left the household to go to a nursing home or hospital.
  • Any additional such leave taken, if more than a half day, should be taken as personal leave or vacation time. 

Jury Duty and Court Appearances

Jury duty, court appearances in response to valid subpoenas, and time used when an administrator is a party to a court action is non-chargeable against any paid time.

Compensatory Time

Compensatory leave is available to administrative employees for time worked under the following conditions:

  • Time worked on a weekend, holiday, during period of time the College is officially closed, or if work involves an extraordinary number of assigned work hours.
  • Compensatory time is available to administrators in Grade I through Grade VI.
  • Compensatory time must be approved in advance of working the extra hours by the immediate supervisor.  The appropriate vice president and immediate supervisor shall approve the scheduled use of compensatory time.
  • Such time should be on the basis of one hour of time off for one hour worked and will not be cashable.
  • The supervisor must approve the time frame for using the compensatory time.  Compensatory time normally cannot be carried over to the next appointment year.

Vacation Accrual

Vacation days should accrue on a monthly basis.  Time may be used as it accrues.  Individuals must be in a payroll status for a full month to receive accrual for the month worked.  For each full month worked, an administrative employee receives 2 vacation days (except for the month of June; 1 vacation day accrues for June).  Up to 46 days of accrued vacation time may be carried from one appointment year to the subsequent year.