Division of Business and Technology

A diverse offering of courses, degree-granting programs, and proficiency certificates are available in the division of Business & Technology to help students on their academic and professional journey. Our academic programs range in areas from Accounting, Automotive Technology, Business, Culinary Arts, and Fashion Merchandising/Marketing to Computer Science, Cybersecurity, Network Technology Administration, and Web Development.
The workforce and transfer oriented coursework taught in the B&T division are instructed by subject matter experts. Many of our course offerings are also available in flexible learning environments such as in seat on-campus, fully online, and in hybrid formats allowing students to conveniently earn an academic credential.
Whether you are interested in launching a business, advancing in your current career, or transitioning into a new career and beginning a new career path; one of our 15-degree programs or 27 certificates can help you gain the knowledge and practical experience needed while on your educational pathway.
New Programs
Academic Degrees:
Business - Accelerated (accelerate your degree and career)
Medium & Heavy Truck Technology
Toyota T-TEN (earn while you learn)
Web & Mobile App Development
Proficiency Certificates:
Alternative Fuels - Carbon Based Fuels
Alternative Fuels - Electric Vehicles
Entrepreneurship & Innovation
Project Management
Contact us
We welcome you to explore the division of Business & Technology programs further! For questions, feel free to visit the B&T suite in B2-22 or call 215-751-8414.
Department Location and Contact Information:
1700 Spring Garden Street
Bonnell Building, Room B2-22
Philadelphia, PA 19130
Telephone: 215-751-8414