Filing Deadlines

Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) Deadline
For Community College of Philadelphia, the priority filing deadline is the tax filing date of April 15, or the first business day after April 15. Filing a FAFSA after this date can delay your aid package and disqualify you from certain aid offers for which you may otherwise qualify.
Community College of Philadelphia Deadline
Your financial aid application must be completed at least four weeks before the payment deadline if you plan to use financial aid to hold your classes. Otherwise, please make alternative payment arrangements with Student Tuition Services.
You can register for your classes before your financial aid is completed; however, your financial aid application must be finalized before the payment deadline. If your financial aid package is not offered by the payment deadline, you must make alternative payment arrangements with Student Tuition Services or you may be dropped from your classes. It is important to log into your MyCCP portal to confirm that you have no outstanding financial aid requirements before the payment deadline and you have no balance due on your College bill after authorized aid was applied.
All aid for the semester will be canceled if financial aid requirements remain unsatisfied by the last day of the semester.
PA State Grant Deadline
The deadline for new applicants is August 1, and the deadline for renewal applicants is May 1.
For more information about College deadlines, view the academic calendar.