March 26 Negotiations Update

The College and Faculty and Staff Federation have reached a tentative agreement that avoids a strike. Classes, work and activities will be held as scheduled.

College Policies

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Remote Work Policy for 12 Month Faculty

Memorandum No. 267 Community College of Philadelphia Remote Work Policy for 12 Month Faculty

Approved: July 7, 2022
Approved By: President
Policy Owner: Associate Vice President, Human Resources
Revised: February 27, 2024

Effective Date

This Remote Work Policy will be in effect from January 1, 2024 through August 31, 2024.  The College will evaluate this policy during the Spring and Summer semester/terms to determine whether the policy should be amended or discontinued after August 31, 2024.   

Purpose of Policy

All employment policies including this Remote Work Policy should serve the College’s Mission and Core Values and be in the best interests of the overall College Community.  The College must ensure we are able to provide an optimal learning and service environment at all times.  Providing the flexibility for partial remote work serves the College’s interests by allowing the College to attract and retain the best employees to serve the College’s students and the greater Philadelphia Community.

This policy sets forth the terms governing when and how 12 Month Faculty including Advisors, Counselors, Learning Lab Faculty, Librarians and Instructional Aides (hereinafter “12 Month Faculty”)[1] at Community College of Philadelphia (“College”) may conduct their work remotely.   Remote work allows employees to perform their job responsibilities remotely as opposed to on campus.  Remote work is a privilege of employment, not a right or entitlement.  

At all times, service to the College’s students and the College community will remain paramount, and any request for remote work made pursuant to this policy must be evaluated to ensure that it will not negatively impact the College’s students, operations of the College or the greater Philadelphia community.  Remote work arrangements must at all times be consistent with institutional, divisional, and departmental needs. 

Eligibility for Remote Work

In order to be eligible for remote work, a 12 Month Faculty member must be a Remote Eligible Person in a Remote Eligible Position. “12 Month Faculty Remote Ineligible Positions/Fully On-Campus Positions” are the Instructional Aide positions.  

Other 12 Month Faculty may not be eligible for remote work (“12 Month Faculty Remote Ineligible Persons”) because: 

  • they have had disciplinary action in the last six (6) months;
  • they are currently on a Performance Improvement Plan;
  • they have failed to demonstrate the ability to use technology sufficiently to work remotely (i.e., failed to demonstrate computer literacy; failed to demonstrate the ability to effectively utilize technology resources required for remote work; etc.);
  • they do not have the technological resources including sufficient network, internet, and phone connectivity resources to enable remote work; or
  • they do not have sufficient workspace in a confidential safe environment.

If a Full-Time 12 Month Faculty member is not in a 12 Month Faculty Remote Ineligible Position/Fully On-Campus Position and they are not a 12 Month Faculty Ineligible Person, they meet the Remote Work Eligibility Factors.  

The College will provide training during regular work hours of up to four (4) hours to assist an employee in improving their ability to work remotely. However, if in the judgment of their Department Chair and Dean, the employee cannot work remotely after up to four (4) hours of training, then the employee will remain ineligible for remote work.  If the employee is later able to demonstrate that they have become technologically proficient, they may be able to requalify for remote work.  If the employee does not have the technology (network, internet, phone connectivity) or a confidential, safe space, they must demonstrate that they have obtained sufficient technology and/or a confidential, safe space to be eligible for remote work.  If an employee has a disciplinary action, more than six months must pass before they can be reconsidered for remote work. If an employee is on a performance improvement plan, they must successfully complete it before they can be eligible for remote work.

Types of Remote Work Arrangements

Remote work arrangements may consist of the following:

  • Partial Remote Work Arrangement.  In a partial remote work arrangement, eligible Full-Time 12 Month Faculty approved for remote work may be granted the equivalent of up to one (1) remote day per work week.  For Learning Lab Faculty who already have five (5) remote hours of their 35-hour workweek, they will be given a maximum of seven (7) remote hours of their 35-hour workweek.  During summer schedule, they will have a maximum of one (1) day remote.  The Cabinet member responsible for each Division will have sole discretion to determine the allocation, approval and scheduling of remote work days for employees in that Division  (i.e. some Divisions may schedule employees to have their remote work day on a particular day of the week to ensure adequate coverage for each day of the week; other Divisions may set an “allotment” of remote days  equivalent to one (1) day per week (i.e., 46 days per year not to be carried over) and provide rules regarding the scheduling of remote work days such as no more than four (4) per month.  Department Chairs, the Dean or the Provost and Vice President of Academic and Student Success may also schedule periods when remote work will be unavailable according to College, divisional or departmental needs.  The details of each partial remote work arrangement, including any periods during which remote work will not be permitted, must be captured in a Remote Work Agreement as set forth in Exhibit B.

  • Temporary Occasional Remote Work.  Eligible employees may also seek to work remotely occasionally when extenuating or unforeseen circumstances might prevent them from coming to campus.  Occasional remote work requires the approval of the employee’s Department Chair, and if longer than one (1) day will also require the approval of the Dean and Vice President of Academic & Student Success. Occasional remote work should occur only sporadically and for a short period.  Occasional remote work may not be used in place of an ADA accommodation, paid time off, or when the circumstances preventing an employee from coming to campus were foreseeable. Employees who abuse occasional remote work requests will become ineligible for occasional remote work.  Employees seeking to work remotely occasionally will be governed by this policy even if they do not have a Remote Work Agreement on file.   

  • ADA Accommodations.  Partial remote work may be a reasonable accommodation for some employees whose essential functions do not require them to be on campus.  Requests for accommodations should be made in accordance with the College’s ADA Accommodations Policy.

Process for Requesting and Approving a Remote Work Arrangement

Employees may request a remote work arrangement by submitting the request in writing to their Department Chair.  Considerations for remote work will be based on the Remote Work Eligibility factors identified above.  In determining the scheduling of remote work days Department Chairs must ensure that there is adequate on-campus presence for their department/office during the College’s hours of operation to continue to meet the on-campus needs of employees, students, visitors and other civic partners. Factors that should be considered in determining the approval of remote work are listed in the Remote Work Assessment Form attached hereto as Exhibit A.  A Remote Work Assessment Form does not need to be completed more than once unless the remote work arrangement changes.

Once a request is made, the Department Chair and the employee should meet to discuss the remote work arrangement, including the remote work allotment, schedule, applicable procedures, and other expectations of the remote work arrangement in accordance with this policy.  The Department Chair should complete the Remote Work Assessment Form and indicate whether remote work is appropriate.  If the Assessment reveals that remote work is not appropriate, then the Department Chair must complete the denial section of the Remote Work Assessment Form and submit the form to the employee, the Dean, the Provost and Vice President of Academic & Student Success, and Human Resources.  If the Department Chair approves the remote work arrangement, the details of the arrangement should be set forth in a Remote Work Agreement (see Exhibit B hereto) which the employee and Department Chair must sign and submit to Human Resources, the applicable Dean, and the Provost and Vice President of Academic & Student Success for final approval and then signatures.  Approved remote work agreements will be kept on file with Human Resources.

Reviewing, Modifying, or Ending the Remote Work Arrangements

All remote work arrangements must be reviewed within ninety (90) days of when the arrangement takes effect. Thereafter, the Department Chair must review remote work arrangements with their direct reports at least annually (typically in conjunction with the employee’s performance review) to determine if the arrangement should continue or if any modifications are warranted.    A Department Chair may modify or end a remote work arrangement if the employee no longer meets the Remote Work Eligibility Criteria including: (1) the employee has a disciplinary action; (2) the employee is placed on a performance improvement plan or otherwise has performance issues working remotely; or (3) the employee does not have sufficient technology or a confidential, safe space to work remotely.  The Remote Work Arrangement may also be ended if the needs of the department require greater presence on campus.   In the case of the needs of the department requiring a greater presence on campus, the employee should be provided at least one week’s notice that the remote work arrangement will end.  If the arrangement is modified or ended, such modifications must be captured in an amended Remote Work Agreement which must be provided to and approved by Human Resources and the Provost and Vice President of Academic & Student Success.  Unless remote work is required by the College, an employee may also terminate the remote work arrangement at any time.  

Terms and Conditions of Remote Work

  1. An employee’s compensation, benefits, work status and work responsibilities will not change due to working remotely. The amount of time an employee is expected to work per day or pay period will not change as a result of working remotely. If an employee is unsure of what hours they are expected to work while working remotely, they should consult with their Department Chair. 
  2. Remote work should be conducted at the home address listed on file for the employee with Human Resources (the Remote Work Location).   If an employee needs to work in a location other than their home address, the employee must advise their Department Chair in writing in advance.  No employee may work outside of the Tri-State Area (Pennsylvania, New Jersey or Delaware).  The Remote Work Location must at all times meet the terms of Section 3 below.  Employees may not work in any location with restrictions that would preclude the employee from completing their job duties, including but not limited to any zoning, lease, or community ordinance.  It is the employee’s responsibility to understand and comply with any such restrictions.  
  3. The employee must maintain a safe, ergonomic, quiet, secure and confidential work environment in the Remote Work Location that is free of hazards and suitable for performing their job duties.  
  4. The employee must comply with all College policies and procedures while working remotely, including but not limited to all policies governing the use of College technology or equipment, including but not limited to the Policy for Responsible Computing, Acceptable Use Policy for Interactive Systems, the Policy Governing the Use and Duplication of Software, the Personal Information Privacy and Protection Policy, and comply with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (“FERPA”).  
  5. The employee must be actively working and be accessible via phone and email during the College’s core business hours and/or during their scheduled shift as agreed to with their Department Chair. The employee must communicate their schedule and how they may be contacted to other employees, students, or others doing business with the College through appropriate communication methods (e.g., voicemail, automatic email replies, email signatures, etc.).  
  6. The employee must check in regularly with their Department Chair, at intervals determined by their Department Chair, while working remotely.   A Department Chair may also require an employee to maintain active status via various software/technology tools to ensure productivity and responsiveness (e.g. Microsoft Teams).  
  7. The employee may not use remote work in place of other leave.  Employees unable to work due to illness or personal obligations should use their allotted time off as appropriate.  Remote work may not serve as a replacement for dependent care or any other obligations that may negatively affect the employee’s ability to perform work remotely.  The employee must obtain care for any dependents during their remote work hours in the same manner as during their on-campus hours.  
  8. An employee’s Department Chair, the Provost and Vice President of Academic & Student Success, or the College may designate certain times of the year when remote work is unavailable for various reasons. During these times and as otherwise requested by the employee’s Department Chair, the employee must come to campus even if during their scheduled remote work hours.  Department Chairs are not required to offer a “make-up” remote workday for any employee required to come to campus on a remote workday.  The Provost and Vice President of Academic & Student Success will announce any “Black Out Periods” when remote work is not available at least two weeks in advance.  However, Department Chairs may also call an employee into campus for special circumstances when needed provided that they provide the employee at least two (2) business days’ notice (i.e., informed on a Monday if you need to work in person on a Wednesday).
  9. Travel between the Remote Work Location and the College that would otherwise be considered normal commuting will not count as hours worked or otherwise be reimbursable as travel expenses.  
  10. Calendar Year/ Non-Instructional employees are required to work during their regularly scheduled days and hours and accurately record all days worked and time off in the KRONOS attendance system. 
  11. Any extended time assignments must be approved in accordance with the regular processes for extended time.  
  12. An employee working remotely will continue to have Philadelphia City Wage Tax deducted from their paycheck as working remotely is optional and not required.  The employee will be responsible for determining any income tax implications related to working remotely.  The College cannot provide tax advice and will not assume any additional tax liabilities.  Employees should seek professional tax advice if they have questions regarding any tax deductions or other tax implications of working from the Remote Work Location.   
  13. The employee may not conduct in-person meetings at the Remote Work Location.  
  14. The employee may not use a personal vehicle for College business unless specifically authorized in advance in writing by their Department Chair and Dean.  
  15. The College is not liable for any injuries to family members, visitors, or other third parties at the Remote Work Location, nor does the College accept responsibility for the safety, security or suitability of any Remote Work Location.  The College accepts no responsibility or liability for damages to the employee’s personal or real property at the Remote Work Location.
  16. The College’s worker’s compensation policy and procedures may apply to work-related injuries sustained by the employee at the Remote Work Location.  The employee must report work-related injuries occurring at the Remote Work Location to their Department Chair and Human Resources as soon as possible.  The College’s worker’s compensation policy does not apply to injuries to third parties or family members of the employee at the Remote Work Location, or to injuries to the employee that do not arise out of and in the course of employment.  To assess whether an injury arose out of and in the course of employment, the employee agrees to allow the College and/or its representative(s) to access the Remote Work Location to investigate any injury that occurs while an employee is working at the Remote Work Location.  
  17. The employee will be solely responsible for paying for and providing the internet service, phone service, and utilities required for remote work. 
  18. All work should be conducted using GoToMyPC or any other remote work platform specifically authorized by the College.  If employees wish to use their own personal equipment for work, they must be authorized to do so by their Department Chair and Dean.  The College will not be responsible for repairing any personal device.  The employee may not store or save work materials on a personal device.  The employee agrees to permit the College to access any personal device upon which the employee conducts work to the extent legally required or necessary to fulfill College’s obligations.  
  19. The employee may request a College laptop or other College computer equipment required to conduct work at the Remote Work Location.  The College will be responsible for repairing College equipment that is provided to the employee.  The employee will be required to bring any equipment in need of repair back to campus for such repairs.  The employee will be responsible for any intentional damage to any College equipment.  All College equipment provided to the employee will remain the property of the College and must be returned to the College when the remote work arrangement or the employee’s relationship with the College ends.
  20. The College will supply office supplies required to work at the Remote Work Location.  The employee should submit office supply requests to their Department Chair, or, if authorized by their Department Chair, order office supplies required for remote work via the College’s remote office supply service. Employees may be reimbursed for the purchase of office supplies only if such purchase was pre-approved in writing by their Department Chair.
  21. The employee must maintain all work materials, technology or documents confidentiality and securely, and shall take appropriate actions to prevent the unauthorized or accidental disclosure of such materials, technology, or documents to third parties.  If a breach of work materials, technology, or documents is suspected or occurs, the employee must immediately notify their Department Chair.  
  22. The College reserves the right to require remote employees to undergo relevant training from time to time (e.g.,training in workplace safety, technology resources, etc.).  The employee must participate in any required training.  12 Month Faculty will go through any such training during regular work hours.
  23. All performance evaluations, performance improvement plans, and/or disciplinary action arising out of this policy shall be done in accordance with the Full-Time Faculty Collective Bargaining Agreement. 

[1]  Any Advisor, Counselor, Librarian, Learning Lab Faculty, and/or Instructional Aide who works an Academic Year schedule is also covered by this policy.

Exhibit A - Remote Work Assessment

Exhibit B – Remote Work Agreement