March 26 Negotiations Update

The College and Faculty and Staff Federation have reached a tentative agreement that avoids a strike. Classes, work and activities will be held as scheduled.

College Policies

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Campus Mail Procedures

Memorandum #302 Campus Mail Procedures

Revised: September 22, 2000
Date of Issue: July 12, 1971 
Reissued: 57A - July 27, 1993

Mail services and operations are conducted in the Mint Building in Room MG-21. All domestic and foreign matter which is entered into the U.S. Postal System is subject to U.S. regulations.

Mail which represents the official business of the College is processed as metered mail. Individuals must provide their own envelopes and postage for personal mail.

Hours of Operation

The mail room is open from 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday through Friday (summers: Monday through Thursday). Mail is taken to the post office.

Pickup and delivery between 11:30 a.m. and 2:00 p.m.
Final pickup 3:15 p.m.

Daily deliveries to and from the Regional Centers are made from the mail room via courier service. Mail for the Regional Centers leaves the mail room at the following times:

Northeast Regional Center 9:00 a.m.
West Philadelphia Regional Center 9:00 a.m.
Northwest Regional Center 9:00 a.m.

Any mail received in the mail room after the scheduled pickup time is held for the next scheduled delivery.

Incoming Mail

All incoming mail, including special delivery and certified mail, is delivered by College employees to the College mail room, not to the individual concerned. College mail service personnel will notify addressees that special mail is being held for them by placing notification slips in individual mailboxes. The individuals concerned may then pick up their mail at room MG-21 and sign the receipt for same.

External Mail

Outgoing mail

College envelopes must include the name/department of sender above the return address. All mail returned from postal authorities to the College for lack of proper address, insufficient postage, etc., is opened for identification unless the sender has already provided such identification on the return address.

Postal regulations require that the name of the individual addressee or department appear above the address on outgoing mail. In order to be processed through postal machinery, the bottom address line on an envelope must be the city, state, and zip code. A stock of College logo envelopes in various sizes is maintained in Central Supplies. Requests for special outgoing mail such as express, certified, or registered shall be addressed to the Mail Room Supervisor as outlined below. Money covering the cost of all mailing must be deposited with postal authorities in advance.

To ensure timely mailing, persons who desire large mailings must inform the Mail Room Supervisor seven days in advance. Adequate notification includes the number and type of pieces in the bulk mailing and a sample, if available. Failure to make this notification may result in a delay in the mailing.

Bulk Mailings

Central Duplicating provides the following services: offset printing, duplicating, photocopying, collating, stapling, and other finishing services. Central Duplicating stocks and makes transparencies to be used on its equipment. Other types of transparencies may not be completed. Mailings that exceed a certain number of pieces qualify for rate discounts. In order to maximize the use of bulk rates, printed envelopes or labels produced by the Computer Center shall be requested in zip-code order with the appropriate bulk mail classification for first class pre-sort or standard mail non-profit rate.

Large mailings that do not qualify for the minimum number may be combined with those of other departments. All large mailings should be coordinated in advance with the Mail Room Supervisor so that the cheapest, most appropriate mail classification can be used.

Utilization of postal permits or pre-printed forms must be coordinated with the Mail Room Supervisor prior to printing to ensure accuracy and sufficient allocation of postage funds.

First Class Pre-sort

If there are 500 pieces or more and the contents are of an individual or personal nature, such as grades or bills, the mail classification is first class pre-sort. Using first class pre-sort saves 7.5% of the per-piece first class postage.

Third Class Non-profit

Mailings of 200 identical pieces or more qualify for standard mail bulk rates. This classification provides a 63.3% reduction from first class postage cost through governmental subsidy. Examples include course and program brochures, exam schedules, and program reminders.

Fourth Class

Fourth class mail service is provided for such items as the College catalogs, films, and other bulky material which is mailed individually or does not reach the minimum number for third class bulk mail. All envelopes must be marked "Fourth Class Mail." If any other class of mail is enclosed in fourth class mail envelopes, the outside must be marked accordingly.

Cleansing Mailing Lists

Mail room staff routinely return to sender incoming mail incorrectly addressed. College originators are requested to assist in reducing excess mail by: a) notifying mailers of junk mail that the mail is no longer desired; and b) return to Records and Registration any returned mail so CCP lists can be updated.

Special Services

Messenger Service
Special deliveries of time-sensitive items can be arranged through the Mail Room Supervisor.

Federal Express
Departments have access to Federal Express through the Mail Room Supervisor. Forms and envelopes are available in the mail room.

Parcel Post
Parcel post packages are processed by mail room personnel. Senders are requested to fill out an application form at the mail room which will specify the method of mailing, addresses, insurance, etc.

A notice is sent to staff when a book is received. Books are held in the mail room for pickup for approximately 30 days. If a book is not picked up within 30 days, it may be turned over to the College library or to the Office of Student Activities. Books will not be returned during the summer.


Interoffice mail delivery service is provided throughout the College daily. Interoffice mail must be placed in the brown reusable envelopes provided for that purpose. The correct interoffice address contains the name of the recipient and her/his department and room location. Excess interoffice envelopes should be returned to the mail room. Requests for interoffice envelopes may be sent to the mail room (reusable) or the Bookstore (new). To ensure that postage is not wasted on internal mail, the use of white envelopes for internal mail with or without the College insignia and return address is prohibited. Plain white envelopes may be used to provide extra security for confidential documents, but these must be placed inside the interoffice mailing envelopes. Mail service personnel cannot pick up or receive mail destined for interoffice delivery which does not meet the above requirements.