Professional Development

The words "Professional Development" with a lightbulb

Spring 2025 Professional Development Week Opening Session

Watch the opening session from Professional Development Week.

Mission Statement

The mission of Community College of Philadelphia's professional development efforts is to improve and sustain excellence in teaching and learning, and the professional growth of all employees through collegial, planned learning opportunities that support the strategic goals of the college.

Call for Proposals

You're invited to submit a proposal(s) for workshops that will enrich and professionally develop CCP's faculty and staff. Please consider creating a session, aligned with the PD week theme, where you can share your expertise and interest with your colleagues. To submit a proposal, please complete the form

The Spring schedule will follow a slightly different format:

  1. MondayFully in-person
  2. TuesdayAll remote sessions 
  3. Wednesday—Fully in-person
  4. Thursday-Optional training sessions
Virtual sessions are required to use some interactive tool such as: Kahoot, Jamboard or Nearpod. 

Proposal Ideas:

The theme for the Spring 2025 PD Week is: Building the Bridge: Cultivating Relationships to Promote Improved Student Outcomes.

The Spring theme will focus on ways CCP can strengthen its synergies, communication and cross-functional handoffs which will help students succeed. By engaging in and learning about the work being done throughout the College and best practice approaches, faculty and staff will become champions of the student experience.

Any questions or concerns, please contact a memeber of the PD Committee. 

Professional Development Week

Professional Development week is held twice yearly at the College, in the Fall and Spring.

Most Recent Professional Development Week Program

Faculty Resources

Educational Resources specifically for full-time faculty and adjunct faculty.

View Faculty Resources

Professional Development Resources

Professional Development resources for all College employees, including administrators and staff.