Transfer Agreements

Transfer Agreements

Transfer Agreements are agreements between Community College of Philadelphia and four-year colleges that specify how and when you can transfer your associate degree. Many of these four-year colleges are local or regional.

To participate in these agreements, you must earn an appropriate associate degree before transfer. These agreements are not exclusive of one another. If you transfer to a school with more than one type of agreement, the agreements can complement one another.

Types of Transfer Agreements

Community College of Philadelphia has three types of transfer agreements: dual admissions, core-to-core and program-to-program.

Dual Admissions

Developed with area colleges and universities, dual admissions transfer partnerships are designed to help you seamlessly transfer to these colleges with junior standing after completing an associate degree here.

Search our Dual Admissions Agreements


With these agreements, the general education (core) requirements of approved associate degree programs are accepted to meet the core requirements of the transfer college's curriculum. If you earn an appropriate associate degree, usually an Associate in Arts or an Associate in Science, the core requirements of the transfer college are satisfied except for the core courses required by the intended major (and in some cases the requirements that reflect the specific values of the transfer college, for example, religion or world language courses). The College has core-to-core agreements with the following institutions:

  • Arcadia University
  • Chestnut Hill College
  • College Unbound
  • Holy Family University
  • Kutztown University
  • La Salle University
  • Lincoln University
  • Rosemont College (Gen Ed-to-Gen Ed)
  • Rutgers University - Camden
  • Shippensburg University
  • Temple University (Gen Ed-to-Gen Ed)
  • Wilmington University

PASSHE Core-to-Core

The Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education institutions (commonly referred to as "PASSHE") recognize that students who transfer from Community College of Philadelphia with an Associate of Science or an Associate of Arts degree shall have satisfied the general education requirements at the receiving university with a few exceptions. Details are available on each PASSHE institution's page.


These are agreements in which an entire curriculum or program of study is accepted, so graduates of these specific associate degree programs transfer with advanced standing in a specific bachelor's degree program at the transfer college. Use the table below to search academic programs and colleges of interest.

Community College of Philadelphia has Statewide Agreements with the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education (PASSHE).

Search PASSHE Statewide Agreements

Questions or want to meet with someone?

Visit a Community College of Philadelphia academic advisor or counselor to discuss the transfer process and to review your goals. To schedule an appointment with an academic advisor, email To schedule an appointment with a counselor, email

Approved Academic Degree Programs

Typically, it is important that the associate degree you are pursuing appropriately prepares you to enter your intended bachelor’s degree. For example, you would earn your Associate in Science in Biology to help prepare you for your Bachelor’s of Science in Biology. This is typical of the traditional transfer process and is followed by most traditional transfer students.

But, you will notice that this list also includes bachelor’s degrees that just don’t seem to match such as an associate degree in English for the Bachelor’s of Applied Science in Technical Leadership at Bloomsburg Commonwealth University.

This is an example of what we call a degree completion program. These programs will accept all or most of the courses from any associate degree to satisfy half of a bachelor’s degree. Sometimes these programs are an appropriate match; for example, the associate in Business-General to Eastern University’s bachelor’s in Business Administration (Non-Traditional). At other times, these programs provide an opportunity to pursue a degree that is different than the associate degree major.

Students should meet with a Community College of Philadelphia academic advisor or counselor and ask the transfer institution for a transfer evaluation to find out if this is the best option for you.

Transfer guides are created and maintained to help students and staff make appropriate course and program choices. The guides show how the requirements for the appropriate Community College of Philadelphia associate degree transfer to the bachelor's institution. It is, however, possible for program requirements at Community College of Philadelphia or the transfer institution to change without advanced notice.

Transfer guides are not available for all programs. Students are advised to visit with a Community College of Philadelphia academic advisor or counselor for further assistance.

Search By Institution or Program

Use the category headers to sort by Community College of Philadelphia program major, Transfer Program major, or College/University.

= Programs with a transfer guide

CCP Programsort descending Bachelor Program Transfer Institution
Respiratory Care Technology Bachelor of Science in Respiratory Therapy University of Cincinnati
Respiratory Care Technology Health Administration University of Phoenix
Respiratory Care Technology Organizational Leadership and Change (degree completion) College Unbound
Respiratory Care Technology Health Science: General Studies West Chester University
Respiratory Care Technology Technical Leadership Bloomsburg University
Respitory Care Technology Liberal Studies (all tracks, degree completion) Peirce College
Sound Recording and Music Technology Music Industry (Music Business Concentration) Rowan University
Sound Recording and Music Technology Electronic Music Production and Sound Design Berklee Online
Sound Recording and Music Technology Music Composition for Film, TV & Games Berklee Online
Sound Recording and Music Technology Music Production Berklee Online
Sound Recording and Music Technology Technical Leadership Bloomsburg University
Sound Recording and Music Technology Liberal Studies (all tracks, degree completion) Peirce College
Sound Recording and Music Technology Music Industry (Music Technology Concentration) Rowan University
Sound Recording and Music Technology Music Industry Millersville University
Sound Recording and Music Technology Organizational Leadership and Change (degree completion) College Unbound
Sound Recording and Music Technology Integrative Arts (PSU - Abington) Penn State Univ Commonwealth Campuses
Theater Organizational Leadership (Adult Undergrad) Eastern University
Theater Theater Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Theater Theater Millersville University
Theater Liberal Studies (all tracks, degree completion) Peirce College
Theater Theater Slippery Rock University
Theater Theater Temple University
Theater Organizational Leadership and Change (degree completion) College Unbound
Theater Integrative Arts (PSU - Abington) Penn State Univ Commonwealth Campuses
Theater Theatre West Chester University
Theater Theater Arts/English and Acting Arcadia University
Theater Technical Leadership Bloomsburg University
Theater Theater Arts Bloomsburg University
Theater Theatre California University of Pennsylvania
Theater Theater Clarion University
Theater Theater East Stroudsburg University
Theater Business Administration (Adult Undergrad) Eastern University
Tourism and Hospitality Management Technical Leadership Bloomsburg University
Tourism and Hospitality Management Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism Management East Stroudsburg University
Tourism and Hospitality Management Entrepreneurial Studies Eastern University
Tourism and Hospitality Management Liberal Studies (all tracks, degree completion) Peirce College
Tourism and Hospitality Management Organizational Leadership (degree completion) Peirce College
Tourism and Hospitality Management Tourism and Hospitality Management Temple University
Tourism and Hospitality Management Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism Management Cheyney University
Tourism and Hospitality Management Recreation and Leisure Management Cheyney University
Tourism and Hospitality Management Organizational Leadership and Change (degree completion) College Unbound
Tourism and Hospitality Management Recreation, Park and Tourism Management - Commercial recreation and tourism Management (PSU - Abington) Penn State Univ Commonwealth Campuses
Tourism and Hospitality Management Recreation, Park and Tourism Management - Commercial recreation and tourism Management (PSU - Abington) Penn State Univ Commonwealth Campuses
Toyota T-TEN Organizational Leadership and Change (degree completion) College Unbound
Web and Mobile Application Development Organizational Leadership and Change (degree completion) College Unbound
