March 26 Negotiations Update

The College and Faculty and Staff Federation have reached a tentative agreement that avoids a strike. Classes, work and activities will be held as scheduled.

East Stroudsburg University - Tourism and Hospitality Management to Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism Management (2019 - 2020, 2020 - 2021)

Community College of Philadelphia Program: Tourism and Hospitality Management
Catalog Years: 2019 - 2020, 2020 - 2021
Transfer School: East Stroudsburg University
Bachelor Program: Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism Management


Transfer guides are created and maintained to help students and staff make appropriate course and program choices. The guides show how the requirements for the appropriate Community College of Philadelphia associate degree transfer to the bachelor's institution. It is, however, possible for program requirements at Community College of Philadelphia or the transfer institution to change without advanced notice.

Students are advised to visit with a Community College of Philadelphia academic advisor or counselor for further assistance. To schedule an appointment with an academic advisor, login to MyCCP for the Starfish Connect appointment system, call 215-751-8777 or stop by BG-12 on Main Campus. To schedule an appointment with a counselor, call 215-751-8169, email or stop by BG-7 on Main Campus. Academic advisors and counselors are also available at the Regional Centers.

General Information:

This transfer guide is developed in support of a program-to-program agreement between Community College of Philadelphia and East Stroudsburg University. It shows how the Community College of Philadelphia’s Associate in Arts (A.A.) in Tourism and Hospitality Management transfers to the Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism Management at East Stroudsburg University and then shows remaining requirements at East Stroudsburg University. Completion of the A.A. as described in this guide leads to junior standing in the B.S. at East Stroudsburg University.

Students in the A.A. in Tourism and Hospitality Management must earn at least a 2.0 final cumulative GPA to be admitted to East Stroudsburg University and a minimum 2.5 GPA in the major to be admitted into the B.S. in Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism Management. A grade of “C” or higher is needed for courses to transfer. All East Stroudsburg University students must earn at least 60 credits at East Stroudsburg University upon matriculation.

Transfer guides are created and maintained to help students and staff make appropriate course and program choices. The guides show how the requirements for the appropriate Community College of Philadelphia associate degree transfer to the bachelor's institution. It is, however, possible for program requirements at Community College of Philadelphia or the transfer institution to change without advanced notice.

For information concerning transfer, please schedule an appointment to visit a Community College of Philadelphia academic advisor or counselor. Students are also welcome to contact the transfer institution directly.

Semester Credits:

First Semester

CCP CourseCCP CreditsEast Stroudsburg University Equivalent CourseCredits
BUSL 101 - Navigating Leadership and Business Professions 3 MGT 199 – Navigating Leadership and Business Professions 3
ENGL 101 - English Composition I 3 ENGL 103 – English Composition 3
FNMT 118 - Intermediate Algebra or
MATH 162 - Pre-Calculus II
3 MATH 090 – Intermediate Algebra
MATH 135 – GN: Pre-Calculus
CIS 103 - Applied Computer Technology 3 CPSC 100 – GN: PCs & Their Uses 3
ACCT 101 - Financial Accounting 4 MGT 211– Financial Accounting Fundamentals 4

Second Semester

CCP CourseCCP CreditsEast Stroudsburg University Equivalent CourseCredits
ECON 181 - Principles of Economics (Macro) 3 ECON 111- GN: Principles Macroeconomics 3
MATH 161 – Pre-Calculus I or
MATH 171 - Calculus I
3 or 4 MATH 135 – GN: Pre-Calculus
MATH 140 – GN: Calculus I
3 or
ACCT 102 - Managerial Accounting 3 MGT 212 – Managerial & Cost Acct Fund 3
ENGL 102 - The Research Paper 3 ENGL 203 – GN: Advanced Composition 3
MNGT 121 - Introduction to Business 3 MGT 299 - Introduction to Business 3

Third Semester

CCP CourseCCP CreditsEast Stroudsburg University Equivalent CourseCredits
MNGT 141 - Principles of Management 3 MGT 200 – Principles of Management 3
ECON 182 - Principles of Economics (Micro) 3 ECON 112 – GN: Principles Microeconomics 3
MKTG 131 - Principles of Marketing 3 MGT 204 – Principles of Marketing 3
ECON 112 - Statistics I 4 MATH 110 – GN: General Statistics 4
ANTH 112 - Cultural Anthropology or
GEOG 103 - Intro to Human Geography 
3 SOC 102 – GN: Intro Cultural Diversity
GEOG 110 – GN: Cultural Geography

Fourth Semester

CCP CourseCCP CreditsEast Stroudsburg University Equivalent CourseCredits
ECON 114 - Statistics II or
FIN 151 - Risk Management and Insurance or
MNGT 142 - Management Information Systems
3 MATH 299 - Statistics II
MGT 299 - Risk Management and Insurance
CPSC 103 – GN: Intro Info Technology
BIOL 106 - General Biology I or
CHEM 101 - Fundamentals of Chemistry I (Lab Based) or
PHYS 111 - General Physics I or higher
4 BIOL 114 – GN: Intro Biology I
CHEM 121 & 123 – GN: Gen Chem I + Lab PHYS 131 – GN: Fund Physics I
ENGL 115 - Public Speaking or
ENGL 117 - Group and Team Communication
3 CMST 111 - Intro Communication
CMST 230 – Small Group Communication
HIST 121 - Global History I or
HIST 122 - Global History II or
HIST 151- History of Capitalism
3 HIST 112 – GE: Modern World Civ 1300-1914
HIST 113 – GN: World History since 1500
HIST 399 – History of Capitalism
MNGT 262 - Business Law 3 MGT 225 – Business Law I 3

Community College of Philadelphia Minimum Credits to Graduate: 63/64
Equivalent East Stroudsburg University Credits: 63/64
