March 26 Negotiations Update

The College and Faculty and Staff Federation have reached a tentative agreement that avoids a strike. Classes, work and activities will be held as scheduled.

Faculty Promotions

If you are a full-time faculty member eligible for promotion (eligibility criteria for the rank of Associate and Full Professor are outlined in the Collective Bargaining Agreement) and wish to apply, please be advised that your portfolio is due to your Department Head on or before Friday, February 14, 2025.

Below is the Administrative Criteria for Promotion. Faculty members interested in applying for promotion should review the document carefully.

Administrative Criteria for Promotion (Revised 2023). This document further delineates criteria to be met for promotion to both Associate Professor and Full Professor. It is important to note that evidence of teaching effectiveness must include results obtained through your department’s approved evaluation plan. Please note that the procedure requires: (a) results of the Student Evaluation of Faculty Teaching survey; (b) results of departmental evaluations; and (c) results of another evaluative technique chosen by the candidate. Results of these evaluations are a consideration in merit promotion.

You are urged to contact your Department Head and Dean before beginning the process. They can provide important advice and guidance.  Portfolios are to be submitted using an electronic platform. Kelvin Veale ( ), Academic Technology Specialist in the Division of Online Learning and Media Services, and Jeremy Harvey ( ), Instructional Technology Specialist, will be available to provide technical assistance in order to make the process as smooth as possible.

An information session on the promotion process and guidance on the electronic platform will be conducted on Wednesday, October 23, 2024, at 2:30 p.m.  If you plan to attend, please RSVP to Naima Turner Fleming ( ) with in-person or remote preference.  This session is open to all faculty, whether the plan is to apply for promotion this year or in the future.

Administrative Criteria for Promotion (Revised 2023)

Administrative Criteria for Promotion

Procedures for Evaluations for Self-Improvement, Retention and Promotion

Procedures for Evaluation for Self-Improvement, Retention and Promotion

College Policies and Procedures Memorandum No. 117B

This memorandum supersedes College Policies and Procedures Memorandum No. 117A.

Faculty who are interested in being considered for promotion should show significant involvement in the College in the furtherance of its goals, both stated and implied. In order to be considered for promotion, faculty must demonstrate that they have met their basic job responsibilities and have made significant contributions to the College in terms of instructional leadership and improvement of learning, service to students, contributions to the life of the College, and service to the larger community. The activities contained in instructional leadership, improvement of learning and service to students constitute the core of a faculty member's activity, and, in the promotion process, will receive significantly more weight than contributions to the life of the College and service to the community.

Promotion Information Session

Presentation Slide Deck 2024