Weather Alert!

Community College of Philadelphia will be closed on Monday, Jan. 6, 2025, and all activities will be canceled or rescheduled. Please see your email for additional details.

Divisional Planning

Academic and Student Success Divisional Plan - Priorities and Goals 

The Academic and Student Success Division is a community of learners committed to student success as demonstrated through equitable and measurable outcomes, innovative practices, relevant curriculum, quality learning, and a rewarding student experience.

Priority 1: Improve retention and completion outcomes for ALL students.

Priority 2: Increase employment success rates and career goal attainment for ALL students.

Priority 3: Improve the student experience for ALL students.

Priority 4: Increase employee progress and growth through meaningful and targeted professional development and enhanced operational efficiency.

Goal 1:  Improve student success and eliminate racial equity gaps.

Pillar 1: The Student Experience
Pillar 6: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Area of Focus: Students
Area of Focus: Programs 

Goal 2:  Improve student learning outcomes through high-quality teaching of relevant curriculum.

Pillar 1: The Student Experience
Pillar 2: Workforce Development, Readiness and Economic Innovation
Area of Focus: Students
Area of Focus: Programs

Goal 3:  Increase the number of students that attain field employment, career advancement, program completion or successful transfer.

Pillar 1: The Student Experience
Pillar 2: Workforce Development, Readiness and Economic Innovation
Pillar 6: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Area of Focus: Students

Goal 4:  Increase student engagement and provide equitable access to high-quality student support services to positively impact student retention and progression.

Pillar 1: The Student Experience
Pillar 6: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Area of Focus: Students

Goal 5:  Increase the number of opportunities for students to have equitable access to challenging, intellectual and creative co-curricular experiences.

Pillar 1: The Student Experience
Pillar 6: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Area of Focus: Students

Goal 6:  Improve the student and employee experience by streamlining divisional processes.

Pillar 1: The Student Experience
Area of Focus: Operations

Goal 7:  Increase educational opportunities for professional growth for all divisional employees.

Pillar 1: The Student Experience
Area of Focus: Operations
Area of Focus: Students

Goal 8:  Implement enhanced academic and instructional technology including extended realities (VR/AR/MR), HyFlex and AI to support improved student learning outcomes and meet changing curricular needs.

Pillar 1: The Student Experience
Area of Focus: Futures and Innovations

Goal 9: Increase the number of high-quality credit and non-credit programs aligned with regional workforce needs.

Pillar 1: Workforce Development, Readiness and Economic Innovation
Area of Focus: Programs

Working Glossary of Terms for Academic and Student Success Strategic Planning

Academic Progression - demonstrable forward movement through a pre-determined course sequence aimed at completing a credential.

ALL students - all learners pursing knowledge and/or skills acquisition at CCP.

Co-curricular experiences refer to activities, programs, and learning opportunities that complement, in some way, what students are learning in the classroom.
Adapted from:

Community of Learners is a general term used to refer to the concept of grouping individuals to support collective and individual learning. The phrase has been associated with professional learning communities (PLCs).
Fischer, C., Pribesh, S. (2012). Community of Learners. In: Seel, N.M. (eds) Encyclopedia of the Sciences of Learning. Springer, Boston, MA.

Completion Outcomes refers to a set of conditions that show the achievement of adopted goals by the learner (e.g. course completion, program completion, certificate completion, workforce microcredential completion).

Equitable/Equity – the prioritization of the creation of opportunities for historically underserved and racially underserved populations to have equal outcomes and participation in educational programs and services that close the opportunity gap in student success and completion.
Adapted from McNair, T. B., Bensimon, E. M., & Malcolm-Piqueux, L. (2020). Equity Talk to Equity Walk. Hoboken, NJ: Jossey-Bass

High Quality Teaching incorporates best practices and evidence-based teaching strategies to achieve quality learning.

Innovative [Teaching] Practices are new and relevant evidence-based changes in classroom pedagogy to deepen student learning and success. 

Measurable Outcomes - Learning outcomes are measurable statements that articulate at the beginning what students should know, be able to do, or value as a result of taking a course or completing a program.  
Adapted from:  

Operational Efficiency - the optimization of institutional processes and technologies to increase speed and quality of productivity.

Persistence - the rate of re-enrollment of students who remain at the College from term to term (semester to semester).

Priority - a value or initiative that the college aims to achieve first during a designated time period out of a larger list of tasks.
Adapted from

  • Goals determine the broad, long-term outcomes the College aims to achieve. They provide the overarching direction for achieving the institution’s strategic plan. A goal should be measurable and align with the vision and mission of the institution.
    Adapted from

Quality Learning is demonstrated by student achievement of any learning outcome whether learning inside the classroom, outside the classroom, through co-curricular or work-based activities as a result of evidence-based pedagogies including inclusive/culturally relevant pedagogies.

Relevant Curriculum - Applicability and appropriateness of a curriculum to the needs, interests, aspirations and expectations of learners and society in general including needs of local workforce and community.
Adapted from International Bureau of Education:

Retention - the rate of re-enrollment of students who remain at the College from year to year.

Rewarding Student Experience – a student experience that fosters a sense of belonging and community both inside and outside of the classroom.  

Student Experience encompasses the many different aspects of student life; academic and intellectual; social and emotional; and the growth of cultural, political, sporting and artistic interests.

Student Engagement - A sustained connection a learner has with any aspect of learning or education in general, that demonstrates specifically how connected they are to their classes, their institution, and each other.

Adapted from:

Student Success is defined as students’ achieving the goals they set when they embarked upon their college career.
Adapted from: Schuh, John H. (2019). Student Success in College. obo in Psychology. doi: 10.1093/obo/9780199828340-0234

Spring 2024 Academic and Student Success Divisional Meeting 

Panel of Excellence: Fostering Student Success (Divisional Meeting)