Lindback Distinguished Teaching Award

Lindback Lecture with Dr. Lynsey Madison

Watch LEAP, featuring 2023 Lindback Award Winner Dr. Lynsey Madison, associate professor of Tourism & Hospitality Management.

Lindback Lecture with Dr. Faye Allard

Watch The Little Big Things, featuring 2022 Lindback Award Winner Dr. Faye Allard, associate professor of Social Science.

Lindback Lecture with Dr. Girija Nagaswami

Watch Path to a Growth Mindset: A Personal Narrative, featuring 2021 Lindback Award Winner Dr. Girija Nagaswami, professor of English.

Lindback Lecture with Dr. Debonair Oates-Primus

Watch Normalizing Unapologetic Authenticity in Our Classrooms, featuring 2020 Lindback Award Winner Dr. Debonair Oates-Primus, assistant professor of English.

Lindback Lecture with Laura Davidson

Watch Food for Thought: Nutrition as a Student Success Strategy, featuring 2019 Lindback Award Winner Laura Davidson, associate professor, Nutrition and Allied Health.


Each year, Community College of Philadelphia is pleased to recognize excellence in teaching by bestowing the Lindback Distinguished Teaching Award on a member of our college faculty. This award, which includes a stipend of $4,000, is supported by the Christian R. & Mary F. Lindback Foundation and recognizes demonstrated excellence in teaching students, the primary criterion established by the Foundation.

Nominations are now being invited for the Lindback Distinguished Teaching Award. Any member of the Community College of Philadelphia faculty may submit a nomination. Faculty are limited to a single nomination, but may nominate outside their departments. Nominees may be full-time faculty or adjunct faculty; however, adjunct faculty must be current employees who have taught continuously during the past five academic years. Self-nominations are permitted.

Review Process

  • Each of the five Divisions: Business & Technology; Educational Support Services; Liberal Studies; Math, Science, & Health Careers; and Student Development will have a Committee to evaluate nominations.  Each division will forward one nomination to the College Lindback Award Committee.
  • The College Lindback Award Committee will be made up of two representatives from each of the five Divisions for a total of 10 members. Committee members will serve a two-year staggered term limit.  The College Lindback Award Committee will evaluate Division Committee nominations and submit a final list of nominees in rank order to the President.
  • The President will make the final decision.

Nomination Process

Nominations are submitted electronically using the link below.  Once submitted, nominations are sent to the nominee's respective division for review and evaluation.  Nominees will then be contacted to submit materials from the list below as evaluation criteria. 

As a covering memo, nominees should prepare a one-page fact sheet which includes, and is limited to: 

  • Name
  • Department
  • Position
  • Division
  • Years of service:  Nominees must have completed 5 years of continuous service at the College prior to the nomination
  • Roles/positions held at the College

Nominee Evaluation Criteria: Nominees may only submit 5 items from the list below. Nominees should include a brief (1-2 sentence) description at the beginning of each submitted criteria to draw attention to the main point the nominee wishes to make in the criteria documentation.

  1. Teaching philosophy statement (no more than 2 pages) required
  2. Up to 3 discrete examples of teaching materials such as exams, assignments, syllabi, sample lessons, multi-media, etc.
  3. Examples of how an instructor engages students to meet course outcomes (no more than 2 pages)
  4. Examples of how an instructor fosters learning outside the classroom through co-curricular activities, service learning, etc. (1 page)
  5. Evidence of how an instructor is keeping up with best/current practices in teaching and an explanation of how this has been incorporated into the classroom (no more than 2 pages)
  6. Evidence that instructor is keeping up with his/her discipline by maintaining professional certifications/licenses, presenting at conferences, publishing work, etc. (no more than 2 pages)
  7. Teaching-related contributions to the department or program such as curriculum development, mentoring, shared techniques or tools, etc. (no more than 2 pages)
  8. Up to 2 letters of endorsement from a colleague submitted confidentially (no more than 2 pages each)

After receiving materials from the nominees, each Division Committee will evaluate nominations using a common rubric and determine one nominee to be sent to the College Lindback Award Committee.  Completed rubrics used at Division levels will not be passed to the College Committee.  The rubric may be viewed here.

The College Lindback Award Committee will evaluate nominations using the same common rubric used at the Division level to evaluate final nominees.  The College Committee will rank-order the nominees and submit a list to the President who will make the final decision.

The deadline for nominations is February 24, 2025.

Please Use This Form to Submit Nominations