March 26 Negotiations Update

The College and Faculty and Staff Federation have reached a tentative agreement that avoids a strike. Classes, work and activities will be held as scheduled.

Faculty - Adjunct Faculty

Medical, Prescription and Dental

  • MEDICAL: Employees in Pools I and II who have earned at least 1 seniority unit, the College will pay 50% of the monthly premium cost of the more expensive single (employee only) coverage. For Pools III and above the College will pay 75% of the monthly premium of the more expensive single (employee only) coverage.
  • DENTAL & PRESCRIPTION: Employee pays 100% of monthly premium costs. Newly hired employees may sign up for coverage when they have earned at least 1 seniority unit. Existing faculty can enroll and/or make changes during Open Enrollment or with a Life Changing Event (such as birth, adoption, loss of coverage etc.) 

If hired for the Fall Semester, medical benefits begin on October 1 and continue through March 31. If hired in the Spring, coverage begins on April 1 and continues through September 30th.

Medical, Prescription and Dental

Life Insurance, Accidental Death and Dismemberment

Eligible for life insurance and Accidental Death and Dismemberment after accruing 12 seniority units, coverage amount of $16,000. Cost is shared by you and College.

Life Insurance, Accidental Death and Dismemberment

Short-Term Disability (STD)

For information on STD, refer to Federation Disability and Travel Fund policies in CBA. An employee who is unable to work because of personal sickness or injury and has exhausted sick days and short-term disability (180 days) shall be granted an unpaid leave. This leave will not exceed one additional semester.

Short-Term Disability (STD)

Retirement Plan

Upon completion of 4 seniority units, Employee contributes 5% of base pay, College contribution is 5% of base pay. Retirement account is 100% vested. Participation is not mandatory.

Note: May begin participation at any time by contributing your own money.

Retirement Plan

Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA)

Not eligible.

Paid Time Off

  • SICK: Shall be entitled to the equivalent of one (1) full work week off with pay for illness during a traditional semester (Spring and Fall) and during a non-traditional semester (including summer). The time off shall not exceed 1/15 of that semester’s hours


In the event of a death of an immediate family member: Parent, Spouse, Child, Brother or Sister Paid leave for one full work week and shall be paid for any scheduled work days that fall within that week. Leave can start either date of death or date of funeral. Verification (obituary notice, etc.) must be supplied to HR.

Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

Not eligible

Tuition Remission

Adjunct faculty in Pools I – VI are eligible to take one academic credit course per semester. Dependents are not eligible. Adjunct faculty in Pools VII and above shall be entitled to two courses per semester for themselves, spouse/partner and eligible children. 100% tuition and fees for one academic credit course taken at Community College of Philadelphia provided classroom space is available and that employee was employed during the previous semester or is currently employed.

Tuition Remission

Forgivable Loans

Not eligible.

Computer Loans

After attaining 36 seniority units and in Pool X or higher. This program is intended for staff to purchase a computer for home use.

For the application and more information please click on the link below. Questions can be directed to the Tasha Lindo in the Controller's Office at .

Jury Duty/Court Appearances

Excused from normal duties for jury duty, or to appear before any governmental agency, provided that subpoena issued by such court or agency is presented to HR. Court appearances relating to traffic and/or parking violations are NOT excused absences.

Employee Discounts and College Services

College employees are eligible for a variety of employee discounts and services.

Employee Discounts and College Services