March 26 Negotiations Update

The College and Faculty and Staff Federation have reached a tentative agreement that avoids a strike. Classes, work and activities will be held as scheduled.

Adjunct Health Benefits

In this section of the site you'll find information on the health insurance plans offered by the College, premium costs, and participation rules. You will also find a comparison grid of the benefits offered to adjunct faculty under the two medical plans; an explanation of how contributions toward benefits are earned; and contact information for Brokerage Concepts, Inc. d/b/a HealthNow as well as for the various carriers. For those who have medical benefits elsewhere, there is information on the reimbursement process.

Adjuncts and Visiting Lecturers are eligible to receive contributions from the College towards health insurance premiums. Visiting Lecturers are entitled to fully paid benefits through the College. Adjunct faculty may either: elect coverage offered by the College and pay a portion of the premiums, or be reimbursed, up to the amount contributed by the College, for premiums paid for plans obtained elsewhere.

Adjunct faculty who wish to enroll in one of the plans or make changes to their current elections may obtain enrollment forms online or in the Human Resources Office at, 1500 Spring Garden Street, 7th Floor, or by contacting the Benefits Department at . Those already enrolled in a medical plan at the College who do not wish to make any changes, do not need to complete any paperwork at this time.

Medical Plan Options

Medical coverage represents the foundation of your benefit plan protection. You are eligible for this coverage after one (1) seniority unit has been earned. The College offers two medical plan options, both with Independence Blue Cross.

  1. Flex Personal Choice
  2. Keystone Point-of-Service (KPOS)

It’s important that you carefully review the descriptions of covered services and supplies for these medical plan options and assess your medical needs before making your benefits selections.

Personal Choice PPO

Personal Choice is a PPO option a preferred provider organization. You may select network associated general practitioner, pediatric and specialty doctors. Under a PPO, you do not need to select a primary care physician (PCP), nor do you need to receive prior approval from a primary care physician (PCP) before seeking advice from a specialist or for emergency room treatment. You also have the opportunity to be treated by a non-participating doctor and still receive partial reimbursement.

Keystone Point-of-Service (POS)

POS is a type of HMO (health maintenance organization) option. An HMO plan operates under different guideline than the Personal choice option. First, you select your primary care physician (PCP) from a list of participating doctors. If you wish to see a specialist or visit the emergency room, normally you must first get a referral from your primary care physician (PCP). The KPOS medical plan also permits you to receive some healthcare service out-of-network, after payment of a deductible. Out-of-network expenses are also subject to co-insurance.

Personal ChoiceKeystone POS
In-NetworkOut-of-NetworkReferred CareSelf-referred Care
Medical Deductible
Employee $500 $700 $500 $700
Employee + 1 Dependent $1000 $1400 $1000 $1400
Family $1500 $2100 $1500 $2100
Medical Coinsurance None 70% None 80%
Out-of-Pocket Maximum
Employee $4500 N/A $4500 N/A
Family $9000 N/A $9000 N/A
Lifetime Maximum Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Doctor’s Office Visits
Primary Care Physician $10 Copayment 70%, after deductible $10 Copayment 80%, after deductible
Specialist Services $40 Copayment 70%, after deductible $25 Copayment 80%, after deductible
Routine GYNExam/PAP None 70%, No deductible None 80%, No deductible
Pediatric Immunizations 100% 70%, No deductible 100% 80%, No deductible
Inpatient Hospital Services 100% 70%, after deductible 100% 80%, after deductible
Inpatient Hospital Days Unlimited 70 days Unlimited 120 days
Inpatient Hospital Services 100% 70%, after deductible 100% 80%, after deductible
Outpatient Surgery 100% 70%, after deductible 100% 80%, after deductible
Emergency Room $100, not waived if admitted $100, not waived if admitted $35, waived if admitted $35, waived if admitted
Laboratory Services 100% 70%, after deductible 100% 80%, after deductible

Eligibility Requirements

Newly hired employees may sign up for coverage once they have earned one (1) seniority unit. Existing faculty can enroll and/or make changes during Open Enrollment or with a Life Changing Event (such as birth, adoption, loss of coverage etc.)

Cost of Medical Plan Coverage

For Pools I and II , the College will pay 50% of the more expensive single (employee only) coverage. For Pools III and above the College will pay 75% of the more expensive single (employee only) coverage.

Prescription Drug Benefits

Your prescription drug benefits are provided to you through a “free-standing” drug plan (CVS Caremark). Your prescriptions can be filled at pharmacies both locally and throughout the country – with a 30-day supply. If you are taking a “maintenance” medication, you can use the mail order option and receive a 90-day supply. Medications provided via mail order are subject to two (2) co-payments, so you save both time and money!

Eligibility Requirements

Newly hired employees may sign up for coverage once they have earned one (1) seniority unit. Existing faculty can enroll and/or make changes during Open Enrollment or with a Life Changing Event (such as birth, adoption, loss of coverage, marriage, divorce, etc.)

Cost of Prescription Plan

There is no contribution from the College. Employee pays 100% of monthly premium cost.

Prescription DrugRetailMail Order
Generic Co-Pay $0 $0
Preferred Brand Co-Pay $30 $60
Non-Preferred Brand Name $50 $100
Specialty $80 $160
Supply Limit # Days 90 (Maintenance Drugs) 90 (Maintenance Drugs)

Dental Plan Options

The College offers two dental plan options.

Delta Dental

Delta Dental is a dental PPO option, which offers you the option to select a dentist from their Delta Premier or Delta Preferred list of participating dentist, or use a dentist from outside of the network.

United Concordia

United Condordia is a dental HMO option, which means that you must select a primary dentist from a list of participating dentists.

The chart below will provide you with a comparison overview of dental benefit coverages under the College’s two (2) plan options. More detailed information is provided at enrollment time, including plan exclusions and limitations.

Eligibility Requirements

Newly hired employees may sign up for coverage after one (1) seniority unit has been earned. Existing faculty can enroll and/or make changes during Open Enrollment or with a Life Changing Event (such as birth, adoption, loss of coverage, marriage, divorce, etc.).

Cost of Dental Plan

There is no contribution from the College. Employee pays 100% of monthly premium cost.

Delta DentalUnited Concordia
Paid by DeltaPaid by PatientPaid by United ConcordiaPaid by Patient
Diagnostic 100% 0% 100% 0%
Preventative 100% 0% 100% 0%
Basic Restorative 100% 0% 100% 0%
Major Restorative 100% 0% Various based on treatment from $0 - 284
Oral Surgery 100% 0% 100%, less copayment Various based on treatment from $19 - $158
Endodontics 100% 0% 100%, less copayment Various based on treatment from $0 - $231
Periodontics 50% 50% 100%, less copayment Various based on treatment from $0 - $100
Prosthodontics (full or partial) 50% 50% 100%, less copayment Various based on treatment from $25 - $353
Denture Repair 100% 0% 100%, less copayment Various based on treatment from $0 - $256
Orthodontics 50% 50% 100%, less copayment Various based on treatment from $440 - $2,530
Orthodontics Lifetime Limit $1,000/patient balance 100%, less copayment

Basic Life Insurance and Accidental Death Dismemberment

The College provides basic life and Accidental Death & Dismemberment insurance protection.

Eligibility Requirements

Adjunct Faculty are eligible for the Group Life Insurance, at the conclusion of the semester in which they earn twelve (12) seniority units or more. The face value of this term life insurance policy is $16,000. You must be actively working in each semester of coverage.

Cost of Basic Life and AD&D

Monthly premium costs are split 50/50 between the College and adjunct faculty member.

Group Certificate and Summary Plan

Class 6   - Part Time Adjunct Faculty Members and Visiting Lecturers