March 26 Negotiations Update

The College and Faculty and Staff Federation have reached a tentative agreement that avoids a strike. Classes, work and activities will be held as scheduled.

Adjunct Retirement Benefits

The college provides a basic 403(b) retirement plan with TIAA and Fidelity to eligible adjunct faculty and visiting lecturers.

  • The College contributes 5% of your base pay each pay period.
  • You are required to contribute 5% of your base pay each pay period.
  • All funds are 100% vested when contributed.

You may contribute additional funds to the retirement plan if you wish, up to the maximum permitted under federal law. You can elect to contribute in the form of a percentage of you base pay, or as a fixed dollar amount each pay period. These extra contributions are either:

  • Additional Basic Contributions: which must be invested with the same provider (TIAA-CREF or Fidelity) and in the same funds as your mandatory basic contributions.
  • Supplement Contributions: may be invested with a different provider and/or different funds than your mandatory basic contributions.

Under certain limited situations, a College employee may be eligible for the SERS or PERS. Please contact a member of Benefits area in Human Resources for more information.

Eligibility Requirements

Adjunct Faculty are eligible for the retirement plan, at the conclusion of the semester in which they earn four (4) seniority units or more.