March 26 Negotiations Update

The College and Faculty and Staff Federation have reached a tentative agreement that avoids a strike. Classes, work and activities will be held as scheduled.

Time and Attendance Training Materials

The following resources are here to assist hourly (classified/confidential, hourly paid administrator and hourly paid adjunct) employees and managers of hourly employees with the UKG/Kronos Time and Attendance system. You will start using UKG/Kronos to directly record hours worked and time off, including sick, vacation and personal time. Kronos is also where you will submit time off requests (based on eligibility), and once approved by your manager or department head, the requests will be directly captured into your weekly timesheet. If you have questions or need assistance, please email

Resources for Hourly Employees and their Managers

Time and Attendance Training for Hourly Employees and Managers of Hourly Employees

If you were unable to attend a training session or if you just need a refresh, this presentation outlines the entire system, from logging in to completing common tasks for both managers and employees. You can also watch a video of the online training session (passcode: 6*b4AMwq).

Download the Mobile App

The mobile application allows you to access the application with a mobile device, such as a mobile phone or tablet. Use this guide to learn how to access and log into the mobile app.

Resources for Hourly Employees

Web Browser Functions for Hourly Employees

The expectation is to clock in and out each day. You can access and view your timesheet to make sure that the hours shown are correct, and update your exceptions (time off) before submitting it to your manager for approval. Learn the available timesheet actions to view your timesheet and submit time off requests.

View Your Timesheet

Use this resource to help you access and navigate the information and features available on your timesheet.

Clock Functions for Hourly Employees

There are nine buttons on the clock face. Each button will prompt you to swipe a badge or enter a number to access the function. Learn how to punch in/out and request time off.

View Accrual Balances

Learn how to view and interpret your current time off accrual balances.

Requesting Time Off

Use this guide to request and monitor your time off using the Time Off Request calendar in Workforce Ready.

Requesting Time Off Using the Mobile App

The application allows you to easily request and monitor time off using the Time Off Request calendar.

Resources for Managers of Hourly Employees

Manager Tasks for Hourly Employees Dashboard

The Dashboard provides a variety of widgets that give you quick reference or insights into information related to your employees’ timesheets, attendance and more. You can also quickly run reports and complete approval tasks from some of the widgets.

Viewing Employee Schedules in Time and Labor

In the Time and Labor module (TLM), you can view employee schedules in multiple ways. This job aid covers how to locate and use the different schedule views.

Mass Editing Employee Daily Schedules

This resource describes how to mass edit schedules for employees in the Weekly Schedule screen within the Time and Labor module. Schedules can be added, replaced or removed using these mass edit options.

Create or Change an Employee Schedule

Learn how to view and edit an employee schedule.

Assigning a Schedule to an Employee

In the Time and Labor module, employees can be assigned basic schedules to reflect their expected work time. This job aid covers how to add a basic schedule to an employee from the Weekly Schedule screen.