March 26 Negotiations Update

The College and Faculty and Staff Federation have reached a tentative agreement that avoids a strike. Classes, work and activities will be held as scheduled.

Arcadia University Early Childhood Education Program Agreement

Community College of Philadelphia and Arcadia University have entered into a Program-to-Program Transfer Agreement to facilitate the transfer of students who earn an Associate in Arts in Education: Early Childhood (Birth to 4th Grade). They will be assured third-year status into Arcadia University Bachelor’s of Art (B.A.) in Education in PreK-4 with PreK-4 Certification as long as they meet Arcadia University’s entry requirements. 

  • Arcadia University offers two formats for the Bachelor’s of Art (B.A.) in Education in PreK-4 with PreK-4 Certification degree. Students are welcome to choose between the full-time traditional on-campus program or the part-time accelerated online program. Only full-time employees working in an early childhood setting are eligible for the part-time academic program for working professionals although they are welcome to pursue the traditional on-campus program if schedules allow.
  • Full-time students enrolled in the traditional on-campus program will complete requirements for the bachelor’s degree within four full-time fall/spring semesters provided they complete the appropriate sequence of their remaining course work at Arcadia University. The part-time student entering the bachelor’s degree program for working professionals will be able to complete the degree program within seven semesters fall/spring/summer.

Terms and Conditions

Part-time students who are full-time Early Childhood Working Professionals:

The following terms and conditions apply for Community College of Philadelphia graduates entering the Professional Teacher Certification Program designed for part-time students who are full-time Early Childhood Working Professionals:

  1. Graduate from Community College of Philadelphia with the A.A. in Education: Early Childhood (Birth to 4th Grade) with 62 credits or more as described in the transfer guide included in this Agreement.
  2. Earn a final cumulative Community College of Philadelphia grade point average of at least a 3.0.
  3. Obtain qualifying scores on PAPA/CORE/SAT/ACT/equivalent paths at the time of application as outlined in the transfer guide included in this Agreement.
  4. Meet the requirements of the Child Protective Services Law, 23 Pa. C.S.A., section 6344 (relating to prospective childcare personnel).
  5. Meet deadlines for admissions application, payment of fees and other enrollment requirements that apply to other entering students at Arcadia University.
  6. Enroll directly to Arcadia University within one year of completing an associate degree program of study from Community College of Philadelphia and not attend another institution between graduation and attendance at Arcadia University.
  7. Be employed as a full-time employee in an early childhood setting.

Full-time students pursuing the face-to-face program

The following terms and conditions apply for Community College of Philadelphia graduates entering the Professional Teacher Certification Program designed for full-time students in the face-to-face program:

  1. Graduate from Community College of Philadelphia with the A.A. in Education: Early Childhood (Birth to 4th Grade) with 62 credits or more as described in the transfer guide included in this Agreement.
  2. Earn a final cumulative Community College of Philadelphia grade point average of at least a 3.0.
  3. Obtain qualifying scores on PAPA/CORE/SAT/ACT/equivalent paths at the time of application as outlined in the transfer guide included in this Agreement.
  4. Meet the requirements of the Child Protective Services Law, 23 Pa. C.S.A., section 6344 (relating to prospective childcare personnel).
  5. Meet deadlines for admissions application, payment of fees and other enrollment requirements that apply to other entering students at Arcadia University.
  6. Enroll directly to Arcadia University within one year of completing an associate degree program of study from Community College of Philadelphia and not attend another institution between graduation and attendance at Arcadia University.

Students pursuing the benefits of this Program-to-Program Agreement are also eligible for dual admissions and core-to-core


  • Arcadia University requires matriculated students to complete half of their major courses at the University. Arcadia University will accept a maximum of 75 credits from a 2-year college.
  • All transfer students who have less than a B in ENGL 101 will take a writing sample at Arcadia University. The writing sample will provide the information English Department faculty need to develop a personalized program for the student that is intended to promote success in future writing courses.
  • Arcadia University will need official transcripts to evaluate credit from all institutions attended including military transcripts. Credit will also be awarded for AP, CLEP, etc. with appropriate documentation. Developmental courses are not eligible for transfer.
  • The grade of “S” for satisfactory will be awarded by Community College of Philadelphia to students in the Education: Early Childhood (Birth to 4th Grade) associate degree program with “credit for experience.” Students with an “S” have satisfactorily met the assigned course-based competencies with a "C" or better. These credits will transfer in as a part of this Program-to-Program Agreement. 
  • Students who have pursued a Community College of Philadelphia associate degree study other than the A.A. in Education: Early Childhood (Birth to 4th Grade) or who do not earn the associate degree prior to transfer to Arcadia University are not covered by this Agreement. Such students will be considered for admissions on an individual basis and their credits will be evaluated on a course-by-course basis.


Contact Information

Community College of Philadelphia students pursuing the Associate in Arts in Education: Early Childhood (Birth to 4th Grade) are strongly encouraged to talk with the Community College of Philadelphia Education department to discuss this Agreement and develop a course taking strategy to maximize course transferability.

Community College of Philadelphia
Amy Saia, Ed.D.
Education Curriculum Coordinator


Approved Degree Program and Transfer Guide

Community College of Philadelphia's Associate in Arts in Education: Early Childhood (Birth to 4th Grade) is approved for the Bachelor’s of Art (B.A.) in Education in PreK-4 with PreK-4 Certification at Arcadia University. Students are advised to follow the Transfer Guide for this Agreement.

Transfer guides are created and maintained to help students and staff make appropriate course and program choices. The guides show how the requirements for the appropriate Community College of Philadelphia associate degree transfer to the bachelor's institution. It is, however, possible for program requirements at Community College of Philadelphia or the transfer institution to change without advanced notice.

Students are advised to visit with a Community College of Philadelphia education faculty, academic advisor or counselor for further assistance.

Transfer Guide