March 26 Negotiations Update

The College and Faculty and Staff Federation have reached a tentative agreement that avoids a strike. Classes, work and activities will be held as scheduled.

Strategic Planning History

A review of the development of the 2017-2025 Strategic Plan, from the timeline and plan facilitators, to the process, and presentations and resources utilized in the developement of the plan.

Planning Timeline

A review of the timeline for the development of the plan, from vision through implementation and launch. View timeline.

Plan Facilitators

While the entire College community and interested external stakeholders served as pillar builders for our plan, a team of faculty and administrators facilitated discussions about the pillars. Meet the plan facilitators.

Planning Process

A review of the guidig principles of strategic planning, the planning cycle, and a detailed outline of progress for the development of the plan. Take a look back at the planning process.

Presentations and Resources

View the presentations and resources referenced in the development of the plan.