March 26 Negotiations Update

The College and Faculty and Staff Federation have reached a tentative agreement that avoids a strike. Classes, work and activities will be held as scheduled.

Fiscal Stability and Sustainability Progress

Build a sustainable financial model that utilizes a transparent and collaborative budgeting process where resources are directed to strategic priorities. 

Strategic Plan 2021-2022 Progress

  • The College had only one tuition increase and one fee increase in the last nine years
  • The College ended Fiscal Year 2021-2022 with a significant surplus
  • The College has had a clean financial audit for the last 13 years
  • Developed a 2022-2023 budget with reductions in operating expenses to reflect the anticipated decline in student revenue

Strategic Plan 2020-2021 Progress

  • The College had only one tuition increase and one fee increase in the last eight years
  • The College ended Fiscal Year 2020-2021 with a healthy surplus
  • The College has had a clean financial audit for the last 12 years

Strategic Plan 2019-2020 Progress

  • The College had only one tuition increase and one fee increase in the last seven years
  • The College managed to have a balanced budget, even with the pandemic, which started in mid-Spring 2020
  • The College has had a clean financial audit for the last 11 years

Strategic Plan 2018-2019 Progress

  • The College had only one tuition increase and one fee increase in the last six years
  • In comparison with the other 13 Pennsylvania Community Colleges, the College had the highest tuition and fees in 2009-10. Currently the College has the 9th highest tuition
  • Operating expenses have remained relatively flat over the last five years
  • The College managed to have a balanced budget even with the decrease in tuition and fee revenues due to declining enrollments
  • The College has had a clean financial audit for the last 10 years

Strategic Plan 2017-2018 Progress

  • The College had only one tuition increase and one fee increase in the last five years
  • In comparison with the other 13 Pennsylvania Community Colleges, the College had the highest tuition and fees in 2009-10. Currently the College has the 4th highest tuition
  • Operating expenses have increased only by 1.5% over the last five years
  • The College managed to have a balanced budget even with the decrease in tuition and fee revenues due to declining enrollments
  • The College had a clean, financial audit for the last 10 years

Ensure all areas of the College are operating efficiently and seek opportunities to contain costs through shared services and new technologies. 

Strategic Plan 2021-2022 Progress

  • Effectively managed HEERF I, II & III and ARP institutional funds in the amount of $64 million
  • Completed the migration of Oracle license from a processor-based license to a Campus license and replaced the Oracle Internet Application server with an open source server generating significant savings over a six-year period
  • Negotiated a new five-year Ellucian Banner ERP contract resulting in significant savings
  • Implemented Kronos Time and Attendance software replacing a labor-intensive paper process with an electronic process

Strategic Plan 2020-2021 Progress

  • Completed a successful transaction of a New Market Tax Credit of $24m related to the financing of the West Philadelphia’s Career and Advanced Technology Center for savings of $4.2 million when compared to the traditional Bond Issue
  • Completed rollout of 500 GoToMyPC licenses to expand remote desktop functionality to staff
  • Continue to expand use of the BDM Imaging System

Strategic Plan 2019-2020 Progress

  • Implemented new remote desktop application gateways through Labstats, allowing faculty, staff and students to access on-campus desktop computers, labs and other resources
  • Expanded remote access to administrative technology assets by over 60% utilizing GoToMyPC in support of faculty and staff
  • Provided over 650 loaner devices for faculty and students during Summer 2020, and more than 1,100 devices for Fall 2020 through both purchases and rentals
  • Expanded operational Wi-Fi support to common and public areas
  • The Controller’s Office, Human Resources and Information Technology Services have been successfully supporting College operations remotely and on-site due to the pandemic

Strategic Plan 2018-2019 Progress

The College continued implementation of the mobile app for students to do all transactions using mobile devices. There have been about 72,000 downloads of the app since the activation in Spring of 2016.

  • The College continued support of the Banner 9 implementation which will provide new streamlined interfaces for students in registration and bill paying
  • The College improved College Public Safety by upgrading CCPTV information, conducting continuous drills and exercises and lockdown procedures and evacuations, added locks on classroom doors, and provided ongoing Hostile Intruder Prevention training across the College community
  • College research showed 97% of student respondents said they considered the College safe

Strategic Plan 2017-2018 Progress

  • Continued implementation of the mobile app for students to do all transactions using mobile devices. 58,130 downloads of app since the activation in Spring of 2016
  • Continue support of the Banner 9 implementation which will provide new streamlined interfaces for students in registration and bill paying
  • Improved College Public Safety by upgrading CCTV, conducting continuous drills and exercises in lockdown procedures and evacuations, and providing ongoing Active Shooter training across the College community

Improve student success to ensure that the College is able to support the region and to continue to ensure the public good created by the College's education. 

Strategic Plan 2021-2022 Update

  • Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) ability was implemented for the Library/Learning Commons area along with mobile printing
  • Implemented the Accommodate Symplicity Database to automate, simplify, and track the approval and delivery of accommodations for students with disabilities
  • Completed the rollout of Qless kiosks to facilitate the digital queue management to eliminate waiting lines
  • Provided restricted and discretionary scholarship dollars to support student enrollment, retention, and success; awarded close to $1 million in scholarship support to students.
  • Secured funding from private and public/governmental philanthropic sources, including HEERF funding.
  • Raised more than $900,000 from the Black & Gold Gala for student scholarships, which is more than double the amount that was raised in the previous year. The event was sold out one month prior to the evening.

Strategic Plan 2020-2021 Progress

  • Provided 790 laptops to students
  • Completed the implementation of Destiny One software for the College’s noncredit educational programs
  • Improved technology services for students by upgrading internet bandwidth, improving Wi-Fi in areas of need, implemented the new student intake survey and implemented single sign on for the Canvas LMS
  • Provide scholarship dollars to support student recruitment, retention, persistence and success.

Strategic Plan 2019-2020 Progress

  • Expanded access to Helpdesk resources to 7x24x7 and completed more than 12,248 Helpdesk tickets during the COVID-19 downturn
  • Provided loaner devices through in-person 4ITSupport to students and on-campus staff daily during pandemic
  • Extended home access to all Adobe and Microsoft software for students and faculty
  • Implementation of Destiny One, the new noncredit registration system, is slated to go live officially on October 19th (web registration opens this day)
  • Expanded Analytics work continues, in conjunction with Marketing, on the public view of Destiny One that students will use for account creation and registration. We are wrapping up the build and testing of all exports/imports between Banner and Destiny One.
  • Telephony upgrades are being implemented to include an expanded call center, intelligent call-back and remote work from home capabilities. The foundation work, including new servers and high availability redundancies, have been completed and testing has started on soft-phone application and training.

Strategic Plan 2018-2019 Progress

  • The College successfully implemented Ellucian Customer Relations Management Recruit

Strategic Plan 2017-2018 Progress

  • Support of the Guided Pathways and Intake redesign process through the implementation of Ellucian CRM Recruit and the Advantage Online Orientation platform

Develop an entrepreneurial approach to partnering with local businesses, organizations, philanthropies, and community groups in ways that help sustain the College. 

Strategic Plan 2021-2022 Progress

  • Established a Procurement Practices and Diversity, Equity & Inclusion committee to further the College’s commitment to MWDBE firms
  • Conducted feasibility study as preliminary step for the next comprehensive major gifts campaign.

Strategic Plan 2020-2021 Progress

  • Successfully engaged five new local minority firms for small scale facility projects
  • Secured funding from private/philanthropic and public/governmental sources to support student scholarships, programs, facilities, furniture, equipment, and multiple flexible needs.
  • Engaged campaign consultant and began preliminary steps needed to conduct feasibility study for a comprehensive major and capital gifts campaign.

Strategic Plan 2019-2020 Progress

  • The College successfully renewed its Goldman Sachs Ten Thousand Small Businesses program for a seventh year, and are currently negotiating its eighth year renewal to begin December 2020. The program funds a staff of eight, and served 88 businesses during 2019-2020 academic year.  
  • The College secured $47,718 in philanthropic support to help fund individuals with barriers to employment in workforce training programs including Child Development Associate, Welding, Precision Machining, Nurse Aide, Dental Assisting and Pharmacy Technician programs. 
  • The College received a fifth year of funding, beyond the city's initial 3-year commitment, for $800,000 to support our Power Up Your Business program that targets neighborhood and commercial corridor businesses throughout the city.
  • The College received renewal of funding from Philadelphia Works to support a success coach for CareerLink participants enrolled in College programs. 

Strategic Plan 2018-2019 Progress

  • The College successfully renewed its Goldman Sachs Ten Thousand Small Businesses Program for a 6th year. It is currently negotiating its 7th year renewal to begin December 2019. The program funds a staff of 8, and served 81 businesses during 2019.
  • The College secured just over $43,000 is philanthropic support to help fund individuals with barriers to employment in workforce training programs including Child Development Associate, Welding, Precision Machining, Nurse Aide, Dental Assisting, Pharmacy Technician programs.
  • The College received three grants from the Commonwealth to support pathways to manufacturing training and two pre-apprenticeships in industrial maintenance, and career readiness skills. The total of these three grants $410,000. These programs have enabled the College to partner with JEVS Human Services, OIC's SOAR Re-Entry Program and the City's Office of Re-entry Partnerships (RISE), along with the Southeastern Pennsylvania Manufacturing Industry Partnership, among many others to help recruit and provide experiential learning opportunities to the students enrolled in the program.
  • The College was supported by the United Way of Southeastern PA and NJ's Jobs Opportunity Investment Network (JOIN) in 18-19 to support the Advanced Manufacturing programs for a total of $100,000.
  • The College received a 4th year of funding, beyond the City's initial 3 year commitment, for $800,000 to support our Power Up Your Business program that targets neighborhood and commercial corridor businesses throughout the City.

Strategic Plan 2017-2018 Progress

  • Public Private Partnership: Construction for The Hamilton should be completed in December 2018. Building is partly occupied.