College Closed Friday, February 14

Community College of Philadelphia will be closed Friday, Feb. 14, in honor of the Eagles’ Super Bowl victory parade and in light of street closures. All classes are cancelled. 
This cancellation does not apply to students who may be scheduled for clinical rotations, off-site practicum/observation sites or internships.

Previous Strategic Plans

2013 - 2017 Strategic Plan

The 2013-2017 Strategic Plan was developed through the combined efforts of the Strategic Planning Steering Committee, the President's Cabinet and informed discussions with the College's Board of Trustees.  Through a series of strategic planning forums held during the 2012 year, input into the development of the Plan was received from a broad cross section of internal and external campus constituents.

View the 2013-2017 Strategic Plan

Strategic  Planning Process

The process to draft the 2013–17 Strategic Plan began in January 2012 with a review of external and internal environmental scans, developed by the College’s Institutional Research department. A Strategic Planning committee was charged with the responsibility of identifying the priorities, goals and strategies that will guide the College in its decision making and resource allocation over the next four years.

The strategic planning process was viewed as serving a variety of purposes including:

  • Establishing realistic goals and objectives consistent with the College’s mission.
  • Communicating the College’s goals and objectives to key stakeholders and constituents
  • Ensuring that the most effective use is made of the College’s resources
  • Providing a base from which progress can be measured and establishing a mechanism for informed change when needed.
  • Providing a transparent opportunity to build consensus about where the College is going and develop a sense of ownership within the College community.

A process was put in place to ensure that a broad audience was involved in the strategic planning discussion, including faculty, staff, students, volunteer leadership and external partners. Along with the scans, the committee considered the College’s mission and vision to determine the guiding principles that would be the framework for the process. Five guiding principles were developed: Student Success, The City’s College, Visibility, Fiscal Stability and Impact. These were used to create a series of roundtable discussions where more than 200 participants were encouraged to tackle hard questions and develop transformational ideas. The roundtables were well attended and well received.

 2013-2017 Strategic Planning Process Process.pdf

Strategic Plan Steering Committee

Geoff Berken Department Chair Photographic Imaging (215) 751-8319
Jon Brown Department Head Counseling (215) 751-8167
Pam Gallimore Manager Student Affairs Services (215) 751-8216
Jane Grosset Director of lnstitutional Research Finance and Planning (215) 751-8085
Susan Hauck Dean Flexible Learning Options and Academic Technology (215) 751-8994
Tom Hawk Vice President Finance and Planning (215) 751-8029
GimLim Director Financial Aid (215) 972-6397
Dennis McGrath Professor, Sociology (215) 751-8228
Barbara McLaughlin Professor and Head Department of Nursing
(215) 751-8853
Olympia Mitchell Learning Lab
Disability Specialist
(215) 751-8474
Marsha Ray Vice President
Institutional Advancement
(215) 751-8205
Dorothy Sumners Rush College Trustee (215) 242-4021
Sharon Thompson Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs
and Dean of Liberal Studies
(215) 751-8450
Agnes Trummer Director, Employee Benefits - Human Resources (215) 751-8208
Earl Weeks President
Student Government Association
(215) 722-2711

Strategic Plan Performance Measures

2013-2017 Strategic Plan Performance Measures

Previous Strategic Plans