March 26 Negotiations Update

The College and Faculty and Staff Federation have reached a tentative agreement that avoids a strike. Classes, work and activities will be held as scheduled.

Syllabus Guidelines

There are many benefits to a well-designed syllabus.  For example, many instructors use their syllabus to introduce themselves to students, articulate their teaching philosophy, set the tone for the semester, or convey their enthusiasm for the material to be learned and invite students on a journey of intellectual discovery.  

Pennsylvania Department of Education regulations require that a syllabus be on file for every course offered.  A clear, well written syllabus helps create an understanding between instructor and student.   It must contain at least the following information.

  • Course name
  • Catalog description of the course (verbatim, available online from the College catalog)
  • Approved course learning outcomes (CLOs) for the course. (NOTE: these should be consistent with AEFIS)   
  • Course section number
  • Date or term
  • Instructor’s name
  • Instructor’s office location, office hours, and contact information (e.g., phone, email, website)
  • Required materials (e.g., textbook, flash drive)
  • Schedule of topics, readings, assignments, exams, etc.  
  • Grading procedures and standards
  • Instructor's policy on attendance and/or lateness
  • Information regarding classroom management practices such as cell phones, class discussions etc. 
  • Policy on academic honesty (plagiarism, cheating, etc.)
  • Statement on disability (recommended statement): “Students who believe they may need an accommodation based on the impact of a disability should contact their instructors privately to discuss their accommodation letter and specific needs as soon as possible (preferably within the first week of class).  If you need to request accommodations, but do not have an accommodation letter, please contact the Center on Disability, room BG-39, phone number 215-751-8050”

Syllabus Template

AI Syllabus Support Information

Please contact your department for sample syllabi.

Developed by the Curriculum Development Team (CFT). Updated May 2021.