March 26 Negotiations Update

The College and Faculty and Staff Federation have reached a tentative agreement that avoids a strike. Classes, work and activities will be held as scheduled.

Adjunct & Visiting Lecturer Benefits

Adjuncts and Visiting Lecturers are eligible to receive contributions from the College towards health insurance premiums. Visiting Lecturers are entitled to fully paid benefits through the College. Adjunct faculty may either: elect coverage offered by the College and pay a portion of the premiums, or be reimbursed, up to the amount contributed by the College, for premiums paid for plans obtained elsewhere.

Adjunct faculty who wish to enroll in one of the plans or make changes to their current elections may obtain enrollment forms by contacting the Benefits Department at . Those already enrolled in a medical plan at CCP who do not wish to make any changes, do not need to complete any paperwork at this time.

Premiums due for benefits earned during a semester are collected over the course of the semester, rather than on a per-month basis. Thus, you pay for six months of coverage over a four month period and a year of coverage over an eight month period. Premium payments are due on the 20th of each month. Please Note: The September and January payments may be due before adjunct/visiting lectures are paid for the Fall and Spring semesters, please budget accordingly.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Your work status in the Fall determines if you pay the pool rate or the full premium rate, for the September, October, November, and December payments. Your work status in the Spring determines the rate at which the January, February, March, and April payments are made. Persons who missed working at least one of those terms, but who work in the summer, will have their accounts credited accordingly, but will still experience a loss of some contributions. IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO KEEP THE BENEFITS TEAM INFORMED OF CHANGES IN YOUR WORK STATUS.