New Faculty On-Boarding

New Faculty On-Boarding

Schedule of Topics


Fall 2023

New Faculty – On-Boarding



The duration of this course will be 14 weeks during Fall 2023. The course will be offered as a hybrid with in-person meetings (frequency TBD). Faculty will work on the course content online and complete modules.


The highlighted areas (weeks 5-7, or 8-10) are the sets of sessions required for faculty hired between Fall 2021 through Spring 2023, that wish to be compensated for their participation.  These faculty shall have the option to attend one set of three (3) of the highlighted training sessions with accompanying readings and related work and receive a one-time stipend. Only one complete set is required.


Course Schedule


Content Topic(s)  

Tasks & Deliverables


Week 1

August 30




The Basics

-Centering Student Success

-Couse Context (CLO/PLO/GE)

-Instructional Objectives



*Create/Modify Syllabus   


Week 2


Hybrid with sync video recording


*Science of Learning

-Bloom’s Taxonomy


-Backwards Design

*Course Document Discovery

*Backwards Design Assignment




Week 3

Async & Mentor Meeting



-Backwards Design



*Assignment Design


Week 4



*Classroom Management

-Faculty Presence/Tone



Meet with mentors

*Participate in Faye Allard’s Title 3 session


Week 5

Hybrid with sync video

*Understanding our students

-First Gen

-Adult Learners




*Self-Paced complete one module in each of past certificates (in spring they can choose to complete one certificate fully)



Week 6


Hybrid & sync recording


*Understanding our students

-Trauma Informed



* First module in TiT certificate

*Accessibility & UDL assignment

*Culturally Response Check


Week 7



*Supporting Student Success



-Single Stop

-Math Anxiety

-Financial Pathway




Discussion Forum Online


Week 8


*Teaching Strategies

-Flipped Classroom

-Collaborative Learning


Work with mentors for a trust-based observation


*Strength Based Observations Self-Reflection

*HIP Showcase/Slam


Week 9



*Teaching Strategies

-Online Environment Basics

*Small Teaching Book Excerpts

*SI video FD

*QA 1

* Strength Based Observations in class


Week 10



* Teaching Strategies

-Online Environment Expanded

* QA 2/3

*Strength Based Observations in class

* Quality Academy


Week 11



*    Assessment


* AA sessions 1/2


Week 12



*    Assessment



*AA sessions 3/4


Week 13


*   Thanksgiving


* Chosen PD expansion reflection

Week 14








Course Tasks/Deliverables


Competency Based, i.e. completing at least 90% of the weekly deliverables to successfully ‘pass’ the course. Course is setup as about 2-3 hours of content delivery each week along with 3-4 hours of tasks per week that result in a clear deliverable to be used in class. In addition faculty is expected to attend at least one additional PD event during the semester. Finally, during the last part of the course faculty will be asked to complete an overall trust and strength-based self-reflection of their course that will serve as the foundation for a mentored observation of one of their active class sessions.


Expanded Course


v Week One: Basics (August during PD Week maybe Friday a.m. or pm)

  • Setting the right tone with an equity-centered syllabus
    • Prior to in-person meeting gain knowledge about inclusive syllabus and transparency in learning and teaching


  • In person meeting
    • Introductions
    • 6th Pillar and the significance to the courses and student success
    • Context of the Course you are teaching:

Understand how the course you are teaching fits in with the program it is connected to: CLO-PLO connections and how the assignments need to align with CLOs of the course;

understand the connection to General Education Essential Skills

  • Plan your instructional objectives around the CLOs-Transparency in Learning and Teaching model
  • Syllabus Equity Checklist Rubric
  • Introduction to Mentorship and Trust Based Observation


ü  Deliverable to be submitted:

Create/modify syllabus that is inclusive and accessible and use the checklist to ensure that most if not all the elements are represented


v Week Two: Science of Learning (Async module delivery and a )


¨     How the Brain Learns by David A. Souza--particularly relevant chapters focus on brain research on how the brain processes information, memory, retention and learning, and transfer of information related to learning.

¨     Brain Rules by John Medina--particularly relevant is the chapter on memory.

  • Science of Learning


  • Scaffolding


  • Androgyny


ü  Deliverable to be submitted:

Curriculum Document Discovery – finding the course’s official document to reflect on the larger approved processes, rationale, and gleam activities, etc.



v Week Three: Assignments


ü  Deliverable to be submitted:

A. Backward Design- create three assignments, one early in the semester, one mid-semester, and one for end of semester.

B.  Modify an existing assignment using the TILT model


v Week Four: Classroom Management




ü  Deliverables: Attend/Participate in Faye’s Title 3 sessions on Pedagogy of Care and incorporate two to three elements. Submit a detailed description of what changes you made and how it was received by your students.



v Week Five  Understanding  Our Students


  • CCP’s Diverse Student Population
    • First Gen Students - (modules on CANVAS)
    • ESL Students – Talar's CANVAS course modules  
    • Watch Summer Institute session relevant videos
    • Read excerpts from the following books:
      • Norton Guide to Equity-Centered Teaching
      • Transform Your Teaching with Universal Design for Learning

(FCTL has copies)

  • Students with Disabilities- Center on Disability  




ü  Deliverables: Complete the first module from each of the outlined CANVAS courses.


v Week Six: Understanding Our Students contd


ü  Deliverables: Survey your students to see how you can support them and submit how you plan to support them.


v Week Seven: Supporting Student Success


ü  Deliverable: Research has shown that when faculty work with student support services, it results in serving students holistically. Please discuss with your colleagues how as a faculty you can collaborate with student support services. (Discussion Forum Online)


v Week Eight – Teaching Strategies

ü  Deliverable: What is your HIP that you will use for your students? Describe briefly.

ü  Work with your mentor to begin the process of trust based observation.


  • Week Nine & Ten: Teaching Strategies: Online Environment
  • Read excerpts from Small Teaching Online
  • Watch Flower Darby’s session from SI23
  • Introduction to Best Practices document
  • Use of Technology to Engage Students;s=FF181015;utm_term=FF181015&utm_source=ActiveCampaign&utm_medium=email&utm_content=Leveraging+High-Impact+Practices+at+the+Course+Level&utm_campaign=FF181015

  • Quality Academy sessions- participate



ü  Deliverable to be submitted: Complete one module from Quality Academy.



v Week Eleven & Twelve- Assessment Academy

  • Understand the curriculum map and how your courses fit in this map and how the CLOs impact the PLOs
  • Assessment 101
  • Assessment Cycle and its relationship to assessing CLOs
  • Assessment Philosophy
  • Practice Backward Design
  • Plan for Data Driven Assessment and Continuous improvement
  • Assessing Students’ Performance and identify continuous improvement strategies



ü  Deliverable to be submitted: Complete the first two modules in Assessment Academy.

ü  Work with the DCAFs in your division to discuss assessing your course.


v Week Thirteen – Thanksgiving- Break


ü  Submit a reflection on your learning experience and which PD pathway you will complete in Spring and why.


v Week Fourteen – ONE THING SHOWCASE – in person session