March 26 Negotiations Update

The College and Faculty and Staff Federation have reached a tentative agreement that avoids a strike. Classes, work and activities will be held as scheduled.

Faculty Syllabus Upload

Community College of Philadelphia Policies and Procedures No. 14 - Standards for Distance Education Courses requires that all online and hybrid courses have a publicly available syllabus. In addition, it is now also possible to make all syllabi for all types of courses publicly available.

Community College of Philadelphia syllabi are publicly available in the Concourse syllabus management system.

Before Uploading Your Public Syllabus to Concourse

It is strongly recommended that you:

How to Upload a Public Syllabus to Concourse

  1. Logon to Canvas and select a course.
  2. Select the CCP Syllabus link on the left side menu of your Canvas course.

  3. The Concourse homepage appears. Click on the Upload Syllabus link.
  4. Then simply browse for your syllabus file, click on Upload, and your syllabus will be added to Concourse.