March 26 Negotiations Update

The College and Faculty and Staff Federation have reached a tentative agreement that avoids a strike. Classes, work and activities will be held as scheduled.

Strategic Planning

Fall 2016 Strategic Planning

Strategic Planning

The Division of Strategic Initiatives and the Division of Academic and Student Success is pleased to present the College's new 2017-2025 Strategic Plan. The planning process was a College-wide, collaborative effort between faculty, staff, administrators and students.

The 2017-2025 Strategic Plan focuses on six areas of strategic focus, or pillars, identified in The City’s College: Impact 2025. In addition, the plan builds on our mission and vision while incorporating student success initiatives that are currently underway.

2017-2025 Strategic Plan

Review the College's eight-year strategic plan.

Mission, Vision and Focus

Learn about Community College of Philadelphia's mission, vision and focus.

Learn more