March 26 Negotiations Update

The College and Faculty and Staff Federation have reached a tentative agreement that avoids a strike. Classes, work and activities will be held as scheduled.

Facilities Master Plan

The College’s 2017-2025 Strategic Plan affirms the College’s long-standing commitment to quality, access, affordability and upward mobility. The plan firmly plants student success at the center of all efforts.

To achieve these student success goals, the strategic plan is supported by divisional plans, including the Facilities Master Plan.

The College is committed to providing world-class facilities that reflect excellence and equity. These aspects are fundamental to addressing the needs of students and establishing the College as a high quality community asset.

Excellence and equity will be evident throughout the Main Campus, Regional Centers and community sites. Infrastructure will be used effectively and managed through efficient systems.

The College community values environmental stewardship, health and wellness, and accessibility. These values will be reflected in the facilities, building our credibility through consistent experiences in each of those areas.

Striving for World-Class Facilities in the attitude and character of all of our buildings and environments will allow every stakeholder to experience pride of ownership and fully support student success.

Strategic Directions

  • Create facilities that optimize learning, leverage technology and enhance the student experience beyond the classroom, including providing adequate space for student engagement, student life, student clubs and activities.
  • Develop facilities that inspire pride of ownership, build community among stakeholders, support a commitment to health & wellness, and exceed standards for sustainability and environmental stewardship.
  • Provide equitable facilities at all locations that are inviting, accessible and safe.

Letter from the President

Read the latest message from the President regarding the Facilities Master plan.

2017 Facilities Master Plan

2017-2025 Facilities Master Plan

2003 Facilities Master Plan

The 2003 Facilities Master Plan was an update and revision to the 1997 Master Plan.

Major components include:

  • A report on the achievement of facility initiatives outlined in the 1997 Plan
  • Planning assumptions that guided institutional thinking about appropriate directions in future facilities development
  • Space goals in three areas (student affairs, academic affairs, and general administrative).

Many of the goals in the Facility Master Plan are based upon directions set in the College's 2000-04 Strategic Plan and 2000-03 Technology Plan.

Landscape Vision Plan

View the 2013 Landscape Vision Plan.