March 26 Negotiations Update

The College and Faculty and Staff Federation have reached a tentative agreement that avoids a strike. Classes, work and activities will be held as scheduled.

Division of Workforce and Economic Innovation Strategic Plan

The Community College of Philadelphia has issued its strategic plan covering 2017-2025. The activities of the Workforce and Economic Innovation Division is primarily guided by the section of the plan titled, “Workforce Development, Readiness, and Economic Innovation,” while the Division must strive to enhance and support the directions of the other four pillars. The Workforce Pillar is outlined below.

Workforce Development, Readiness, and Economic Innovation

Philadelphia’s existing and potential new employers commonly cite a robust educated workforce as the dominant factor in their plans for where to locate, invest, and grow. Workforce is a key determinant in whether businesses will prosper, but in Philadelphia there is a large gap between current workforce skills and the jobs available. There is a particular deficiency in computer, math and science skills. 

The College will be at the forefront of addressing both the new growth opportunities for the region and the gaps in educational and skill attainment for all Philadelphians. Investments in post-secondary training, certificate and degree attainment yield clear economic benefit to individuals, their families, the City, region and Commonwealth. As Philadelphia’s population changes and grows, the College will adjust and offer programs that are relevant and necessary to the interests and needs of individuals, and responsive to new economic growth sectors. 

The College is a crucial workforce development asset in Philadelphia’s economy and will serve as a driver of economic innovation and career readiness in the region. With locations throughout the city and affordable tuition, the College is well positioned to increase the workforce skill and educational attainment of students. To respond to a shifting economy, the College will develop innovative new programs to meet regional workforce needs.

Strategic Directions

  • Promote the College as a leading provider of workforce and economic development solutions and corporate training in the region by delivering high quality training and instruction that enables clients to grow, succeed and stay ahead of industry needs. 
  • Develop entrepreneurial programs around industry clusters reflective of the region’s needs, employer needs and College priorities. 
  • Connect students with the world of work in ways that allow them to direct their learning and future employment to fields that fuel their personal ambitions and the region’s economic opportunities.

Division of Workforce and Economic Innovation 2017-2025 Strategic Plan

Division of Workforce and Economic Innovation 2017-2025 Strategic Plan