Board Meetings

Meeting Dates

Unless otherwise indicated, all Board of Trustees meetings are hybrid, and will be held online via Zoom and in the Mint Building, Isadore A. Shrager Boardroom, Room M2-1, at 2:30 p.m.

Join via Zoom | Meeting ID: 978 2821 1903 | Passcode: CCPBOT

Dial-in at (646) 558-8656

2024 Board of Trustees Meetings

  • January 4, 2024
    • This meeting will be held in the Isadore A. Shrager Boardroom in the Mint Building on Main Campus, Room M2-1
  • February 1, 2024
  • March 14, 2024 (Committee of the Whole)
  • April 4, 2024
  • May 2 2024
  • June 6, 2024
  • June 24, 2024, 9 a.m. | Hybrid: Isadore A. Shrager Boardroom, M2-1 and Zoom
    Combined Meeting of the Business Affairs Committee and the Board of Trustees
  • September 5, 2024
  • October 10, 2024 (Committee of the Whole)
    • This meeting will be held at the Career and Advanced Technology Center, 4750 Market Street, Room 341
  • November 7, 2024
Board of Trustees Public Comment Form

Any member of the public who wishes to address the Community College of Philadelphia Board of trustees is invited to use this form to submit a comment at least 24 hours prior to a scheduled meeting.

The written request must state the purpose of the address and must provide contact information. The maximum duration of the public comment period will be 30 minutes. Speakers normally will have three minutes to share their comments. Requestors will be notified if they are on the schedule for comment.

Submit a Public Comment for Review

Meeting Minutes and Packets