March 26 Negotiations Update

The College and Faculty and Staff Federation have reached a tentative agreement that avoids a strike. Classes, work and activities will be held as scheduled.

Retirement Options

The information provided on this website is a general summary of benefits for information purposes only.  It does not create any right to any benefit.  All benefits are subject to change at any time through the collective bargaining process for employees in any of the College's three bargaining units and/or by the College's Board of Trustees for all other employees.

These pages are in the process of being updated to reflect new terms agreed to in the College's new Collective Bargaining Agreements as identified in the Memorandum of Agreements for the bargaining unit employees and based on the Board of Trustees Resolution for non-bargaining unit employees.

Regular Retirement

Regular retirement for the 2024-2025 fiscal/academic year

A faculty member must meet the following requirements: retire from College at the end of the academic year which s/he turns at least age 62 and have at least 10 years of Full-Time service and his/her age plus years of Full-Time service must equal at least seventy-seven (77). Other Full-Time employees (Classified, Confidential, Administrators) may elect to retire after s/he turns age 62 and have at least ten years of Full-Time service and that age and years of service equal at least seventy-seven (77). Temporary Administrators are not eligible for retirement or retiree benefits.

Adjunct Retirement

Adjuncts (Part-Time Faculty) in Pools X and above may retire from the College by informing the HR Department in writing of their desire to be removed permanently from all Adjunct seniority lists. Retiring Adjuncts shall receive recognition and continued use of their College email address*, gym, library, and attendance at all performances, lectures and home athletic contests. They may convert their Adjunct (PT Faculty) badge for a College retiree ID badge.

Retirement Incentive Options and Phased Retirement Options

Age 63 Retirement Incentive Option, Three Year Window

Full-Time employees who are at least age 63 with at least 20 years of Full-Time service may elect the Retirement Incentive Option at age 63, 64, or 65 (or for three consecutive years after 63). Full-Time service may include VL service. The incentive payment is a percentage of final pay based on years of service and will start at a minimum of 80% of final pay for employees with 20 years of full-time service, and go up to  100% of final pay for employees with 25 years of full-time service. The Age 63 RIO offer letters go out in July for Classified, Confidential, and Administrators, and September for Faculty.

Step-Down Retirement Option for Faculty

Eligibility starts when a Faculty member reaches at least age 66 with a minimum 20 years of Full-Time service (may include VL service). Year 1: Workload reduced to the closest percentage to at least 75% = 100% salary; Year 2: Workload reduced to the closest percentage to at least 50% = 100% salary; Year 3: Workload is reduced to the closest percentage to at least 25% = 50% salary; then, employee retires August 31st at the end of year 3. This is a self-elect program and the deadline is February 15th to send a letter to your Department Head to elect Step-Down to Retirement to start the following Fall semester. You will need to confirm your eligibility with the Benefits Department before notifying your Department Head of your intention to elect the Step-Down Retirement option.  

* Your employee email account will close as early as the end of the day you retire, and you will no longer have access to this account. However, as a retiree you have the right to maintain a retiree email account, (retiree email addresses begin with "r2"), which gives you access to MyCCP.

Please note: Temporary employees and Part-Time Classified, Part-Time Confidential and Part-Time Administrators are not eligible for retirement or retiree benefits.