Frequently asked Questions

The Online Master Schedule Maintenance Form

Why do we use the Online Master Schedule Maintenance Form (MSMF)? 

In an attempt to expedite your requests, Academic and Student Success Operations has asked that you use the Online Master Schedule Maintenance Form. This Form includes all of the relevant information for adding, canceling, and changing sections.

To whom do I submit the form?

Your division dean will tell you the procedures for submitting a request to add or delete a section. Requests for maintenance to existing courses can be forwarded directly to the Scheduling Office (Credit Courses) or Vanessa Brown (Non-Credit Courses).

Why do I need to complete the form to cancel a class? Can't I just email you the CRN?

 It's very easy for someone to enter CRN 45678 instead of 45687. Completing the form provides us with other identifying information that enables us to prevent these mishaps. We also need to know if we're canceling a section that's part of a block, coreq'd, linked, cross listed, etc. The form serves as a reminder to provide us with that information.

I want to add (or cancel) several classes at once. Do I need to complete several forms? 

No. You can send an email or memo for multiple requests. However, we process the Online MSMF's first. So you may want to submit a form for each request if you just have a few.

I want to request/change a room assignment. Do I use this form?

No. You use the Online Room Change Request Form.

Instructional Space Request Form

When should I use this form?This form should be used by instructors to request a permanent or temporary change in the General Purpose (GPC), Instructor Tech (ITC), Student Tech (STC), Active Learning (ALC), or Special Purpose Classroom assigned to his/her class(es). Please note that instructors may request to be moved from one type of room to another to meet their instructional needs. However, instructors may not request to be moved from one room to another of the same type.

What is an Instructor Tech (ITC) Classroom?An Instructor Tech (ITC) Classroom is equipped with Smart Podium (SP), Electronic Cart (EC), Smart Board (SB) or 65" touch enabled flat panel display. These rooms allow faculty to completely integrate any number of multimedia elements into their classroom presentations, without reserving any external equipment from MMS.

What is a Student Tech (STC) Classroom?A Student Tech (STC) Classroom provides each student with a computer workstation and in-room printing, along with an instructor's PC station. Certain rooms are equipped with a Smart Board or the flat panel display.

What is an Active Learning (ALC) Classroom?Two ALC's are now available. For a complete description of those rooms and instructions on how to reserve one, please visit the Academic Computing Homepage

How do I reserve a room that isn't scheduled by Academic and Student Success Operations?You should consult the Facility Use Schedule to determine who you should contact.

Do I need to complete the entire form?No. You only need to complete three sections: "Information about Your Class", "Submitted by", and the section for the type of room that you are requesting.

I have multiple requests. Do I need to submit more than one form?Yes. Each form is designed to capture the information relevant to a particular course. Multiple requests will necessitate submitting multiple forms.

Can I use the form to request space for an event other than a class? If the event relates to your class (study day, review class, make up exam, etc.), the answer is yes. If you need a classroom for an event not related to a class (dept. meeting, club meeting, prof. dev. workshop, etc.), you should complete the Online Event Request Form.

Why do I need to provide you with so much information about my class? This form will enable us to process your requests faster. Most of the information about your class can only be found on multiple screens in Banner and on Brio reports. Accessing this data is time consuming and delays the processing of your request. Our goal is to process your request as quickly as possible.

The Final Exam Scedule

Can I change the day and/or time of my exam?

Since the Office of the Scheduler developed the final exam schedule with the goal of minimizing exam conflicts, it is virtually impossible to honor a request for a change to an assigned exam time slot. A single change to the exam schedule may introduce a myriad of new conflicts, so each change request must be analyzed to assure that no direct conflicts will result. Nevertheless, requests to change an exam's day and/or time will be considered.   Requests to change an exam's day and/or time MUST be approved by your department head. The request should be sent to your department head via email and include the following information:   1.  Your class information (Subject Code, Course Number, Section, and CRN). For example, ANTH 101 003 12342.  A cogent reason for the proposed change in the scheduled time.   3.  The new day and/or time you would like to hold your final exam which must be one of the preapproved exam time blocks. 

If approved by your department head, your request will be forwarded to me for processing.

How do I go about changing the room assignment for my final exam? Email your exam room change request to . Please use "S24" Final Exam Room Change Request: CRN 1xxxx" as the subject line. Emails with this subject line will be given priority until the process is completed.

What do I do if one of my students has an exam conflict? An exam conflict occurs when a student has two exams or a class meeting and an exam scheduled for the same day and time. If an exam conflicts with a class meeting, the student should attend the class. Instructors holding exams are expected to make suitable arrangements for their students. You are encouraged to consult your department head or dean for suggestions on how to address the conflict. If the conflict involves two exams, one of the instructors will usually allow the student to take his or her exam with another class at another exam time. 

When will the S24 final exam schedule be posted? 

The target date for publishing the S24 Final Exam Schedule is Monday, 06/03.

When will S24 Final Exams be held?

S24 Final Exams will be held , Thursday 06/27 and Monday, 07/01.

Why can't I find my class on the S24 Final Exam Schedule?

The S24 Final Exam Schedule only includes in-person lectures assigned to the 14A and 7A Part-of-Terms (POT) and a select few online sections that will have in-person, on-campus final exams.  Classes in all other POTs will have their final exams on the last day of class, during their regularly assigned times, and in their regularly assigned room.  Online learning classes not added to the final exam schedule will have their final exams online, unless the department has been approved to do otherwise. Synchronous Online Learning classes are encouraged to use the attached chart to choose a day/time for their online exams. 

Are there special instructions for synchronous online instructors?Yes. Instructors teaching synchronous distance sections who will hold scheduled exams on fixed days and times are asked to use the attachment to select each exam’s day and times to avoid final exam conflicts with in-person, on-campus exams and other synchronous instructors who are doing the same. 

Are there special instructions for asynchronous online instructors? Yes. The assumption is that asynchronous online instructors will give finals that don't have fixed days or times.  If that's not what you choose to do, please choose an exam time slot from the attached list.  This will at least prevent you from scheduling an exam that overlaps with most other exams. Also, please remember that the testing window must be during Final Exam Week.   

What can you tell me about the exam scheduling methodology?Community College of Philadelphia's SP24 Final Exam Schedule contains 25 time slots used for exams over six days. The Office of the Scheduler, under Academic and Student Success Operations, creates the exam schedule in consideration of several goals, ranked in order of priority:

  • Assign each section to one exam time slot with a minimum length of 120 minutes 

  • Minimize the number of "conflicts" (occurrences of students with two simultaneous exams) 

  • Place reasonable time buffers between exams ("not too close together or too far apart") 

  • Provide the exam schedule to the College community ASAP 

Why is the start time of my exam different from the start time of my class? Final exams are scheduled during final exam time blocks which are close to the standard semester time blocks, but do not exactly correspond to them.  Remember, the typical class meets for 90 minutes with 10 minutes between each class.  However, final exams are a minimum of 120 minutes with 30 - 60 minutes between each exam.  Therefore, final exam time blocks are not identical to standard semester time blocks. Instructors and students are provided with the exam schedule 30 days in advance to allow them sufficient time to note those time changes and adjust their schedules accordingly.

Why does the first evening exam time block start at 5:30 p.m. instead of 6:00 p.m.? Can my exam be changed from 5:30 – 7:30 p.m. to 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.? 

5:30 p.m. is the first evening exam time blocks and is used for our 6:00 - 7:30 p.m. classes.  We need to have two evening exam time blocks on MTWR and they need to end by 10 p.m., which is why they're scheduled for 5:30 - 7:30 and 8:00 - 10:00 p.m.  In order to allow for exams to begin a little early and end a little late, movement between exams, a short break, etc.; there's 30 minutes between the two exam periods. It's not uncommon for exam time slots to differ from semester time slots. Classes during the semester are typically 90 minutes long with 10 minutes between them while exams are 120 minutes long with 30 - 60 minutes between them. In order to allow students and faculty to adjust their schedules accordingly, the final exam schedule is published as early as possible, typically 30 days prior to the start of exam week. I understand that this causes an inconvenience to some students, but it's necessary in order to create a functional final exam schedule.

Can I change thes start time of my final exam to one of my choosing?

No. Final exams are scheduled during preapproved standard exam time blocks.  Read the two FAQs above for more information.

How will the final exam schedule be posted?

The schedule is announced in the following manner:

A broadcast email is sent to each of our faculty members with the subject heading, "The [SEMESTER] Final Exam Schedule is now available." The following information is included in each of those emails: 

  • Detailed information about their course(s) 

  • The time, day, and location of their exam(s)  

  • The location of the Final Exam Website  

A link to the Final Exam Schedule is placed on the MyCCP Portal, a website that is frequented by our staff and students.

Please note: 

  • 14A and 7A Final exams are to be given only during the final exam days published in the Academic Calendar (06/27 - 07/01).  In addition, no scheduled final exam should be less than 2 hours long. 
  • You should ask your students who have concerns about access to online exams to contact you for clarification or to make alternative arrangements. 

  • Students who are eligible to receive accommodations for a documented disability through the Center on Disability should email with any questions or concerns regarding testing accommodations for final exams.