English Language Learners Student Services


English Language Learners (ELL) Student Services helps English Language Learners have the best student experience at Community College of Philadelphia and increase their retention. ELLs are current and former students in the ESL program. They are a very diverse and remarkable group, coming from more than 80 countries, speaking more than 30 languages, and bringing a wealth of cultural knowledge to the College. When ELLs need assistance, we connect them to appropriate resources both inside and outside of CCP. These supports include tutoring, financial aid, health care, legal and immigration questions, children's resources, food, housing and much more.

Current Initiatives

  • Administer the annual ELL Student Experience Survey and analyze its data to make recommendations to the College
  • Increase College-wide awareness and capacity on using translation (written) and interpretation (spoken) services
  • Create ELL-affirming, systemic approaches in collaboration with faculty and administration
  • Facilitate a support space for ELLs: Multilingual Hub

Office Hours and Location:

Location: Library and Learning Commons, Room L1-06C

Fall and Spring Semesters:
Monday to Thursday, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Friday (Remote) 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Summer Semester:
Monday to Thursday, 8 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.
Closed on Friday

Helpful Links

Contact Us


Juan Suarez Romero, Coordinator
Phone: 215-751-8479
Email: jsuarezromero@ccp.edu