Course Offerings - Course Learning Outcomes

Use the table below to review the student learning outcomes for all of the College's course offerings.

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Prefix Number Course Offering Course Learning Outcomes
ITAL 102
ITAL 102 - Elementary Italian
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ITAL 102 - Elementary Italian Course Learning Outcomes

  • listen to and understand detailed information in the target language about themselves and others in the present and past.
  • read and understand detailed information in the target language about themselves and others in the present and the past.
  • orally provide detailed information in the target language about themselves and others in the present and past.
  • provide in writing detailed information in the target language about themselves and others in the present and past.
  • identify and describe select aspects of the target culture.
ITAL 201
ITAL 201 - Intermediate Italian
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ITAL 201 - Intermediate Italian Course Learning Outcomes

  1. listen to and understand complex descriptions and narrations in the target language in the present and the past.
  2. read and understand complex descriptions and narrations in the target language in the present and the past.
  3. orally provide complex descriptions and narrations in the target language in the present and the past.
  4. provide in writing complex descriptions and narrations in the target language in the present and the past.
  5. identify and describe select aspects of the target culture.
ITAL 201
ITAL 202 - Intermediate Italian
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ITAL 202 - Intermediate Italian Course Learning Outcomes

  1. listen to and understand complex and detailed descriptions and narrations in the target language in multiple time frames.
  2. read and understand complex and detailed descriptions and narrations in the target language in multiple time frames.
  3. orally provide complex and detailed descriptions and narrations in the target language in multiple time frames.
  4. provide in writing complex and detailed descriptions and narrations in the target language in multiple time frames.
  5. identify and describe select aspects of the target culture.
JAPN 101
JAPN 101 - Elementary Japanese
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JAPN 101 - Elementary Japanese Course Learning Outcomes

  1. listen to and understand basic information in the target language about themselves and others in the present.
  2. read and understand basic information in the target language about themselves and others in the present.
  3. orally provide basic information in the target language about themselves and others in the present.
  4. provide in writing basic information in the target language about themselves and others in the present.
  5. identify and describe select aspects of the target culture.
JAPN 102
JAPN 102 - Elementary Japanese
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JAPN 102 - Elementary Japanese Course Learning Outcomes

  1. listen to and understand detailed information in the target language about themselves and others in the present and past.
  2. read and understand detailed information in the target language about themselves and others in the present and the past.
  3. orally provide detailed information in the target language about themselves and others in the present and past.
  4. provide in writing detailed information in the target language about themselves and others in the present and past.
  5. identify and describe select aspects of the target culture.
JAPN 201
JAPN 201 - Intermediate Japanese
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JAPN 201 - Intermediate Japanese Course Learning Outcomes

  1. listen to and understand detailed information in the target language about themselves and others in the present and past.
  2. read and understand detailed information in the target language about themselves and others in the present and the past.
  3. orally provide detailed information in the target language about themselves and others in the present and past.
  4. provide in writing detailed information in the target language about themselves and others in the present and past.
  5. identify and describe select aspects of the target culture.
JAPN 202
JAPN 202 - Intermediate Japanese
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JAPN 202 - Intermediate Japanese Course Learning Outcomes

  1. listen to and understand detailed information in the target language about themselves and others in the present and past.
  2. read and understand detailed information in the target language about themselves and others in the present and the past.
  3. orally provide detailed information in the target language about themselves and others in the present and past.
  4. provide in writing detailed information in the target language about themselves and others in the present and past.
  5. identify and describe select aspects of the target culture.
JUS 101
JUS 101 - Survey of Criminal Justice
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JUS 101 - Survey of Criminal Justice Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Demonstrate orally and in writing a thorough understanding of historical and theoretical antecedents of crime causation theories.
  2. Apply these historical antecedents to current criminal justice policy in the United States.
  3. Analyze how diverse perspectives and experiences relate to the criminal justice system.
  4. Explain the functions of police, courts and corrections agencies within a democratic society.
  5. Identify the range of careers in the criminal justice field and how to access resources for entry to those fields in a professional capacity.
JUS 105
JUS 105 - Introduction to Corporate and Homeland Security
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JUS 105 - Introduction to Corporate and Homeland Security Course Learning Outcomes

  1. explain, in detail, how the 2001 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon have altered the focus of security operations.
  2. describe the history and development of private security operations in the United States.
  3. compare and contrast the general functions of security operations, including asset protection, access control, investigations and management of emergency situations.
JUS 121
JUS 121 - Legal Issues in Justice and Human Services
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JUS 121 - Legal Issues in Justice and Human Services Course Learning Outcomes

  1. describe several currently evolving legal issues in the field of criminal justice.
  2. defend contrasting positions on a current public policy issue affecting the field of justice.
  3. demonstrate the effective use of technology to research and gain a broader understanding of a current legal issue in Justice.
  4. critically review and analyze justice-related sources.
JUS 122
JUS 122 - Race and Justice
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JUS 122 - Race and Justice Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Describe how race, ethnicity and other legal factors are associated with criminal behavior.
  2. Discuss how the functioning of the criminal justice system, particularly that of law enforcement and the courts, contributes to the tension between minorities and the criminal justice system.
  3. Evaluate information and assess research to determine the racial climate and existence of discrimination within the criminal justice system.
  4. Examine past, present and future data trends regarding the intersectionality of race and the criminal justice system within society.
JUS 131
JUS 131 - Technology in Criminal Justice
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JUS 131 - Technology in Criminal Justice Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Use word processing software to produce criminal justice reports to convey information in a clear and professional manner.
  2. Synthesize data using electronic spreadsheets.
  3. Analyze data using GIS software and criminal justice database management systems.
  4. Demonstrate the ways in which social networking technology is used as a tool in the commission of crime, as well as in the apprehension of criminal offenders.
  5. Utilize digital technology to collaborate, network, and present information in a professional way.
  6. Evaluate the competing ethical issues of privacy and security in the criminal justice context.
  7. Utilize digital technology to collaborate within and outside of agencies and to investigate criminal activity.
JUS 151
JUS 151 - Police Operations
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JUS 151 - Police Operations Course Learning Outcomes

  1. describe the history development of the policing in the United States.
  2. compare and contrast the different functions of police agencies including patrol, traffic, criminal investigation and crime prevention.
  3. define the concept of community policing and describe its effects on the operation of police organizations.
JUS 171
JUS 171 - Juvenile Justice
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JUS 171 - Juvenile Justice Course Learning Outcomes

  1. list examples of social and personal situations that are positively correlated with delinquency.
  2. explain the major sociological theories of crime connected to poverty and explain how they connect delinquent behavior to the lower socioeconomic classes.
  3. demonstrate how delinquency prevention programs are assumed by many researchers to be not only well worth the cost, but also how they can actually save taxpayers money.
  4. compare and contrast the arrest process, criminal trial and sentencing possibilities of adult and juvenile offenders.
JUS 181
JUS 181 - Community Relations
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JUS 181 - Community Relations Course Learning Outcomes

  1. analyze the impact of police activities in a community.
  2. design a program to improve police-community relations.
  3. describe the benefits of police-community partnerships.
  4. describe the policing strategies most often employed in urban areas.
JUS 191
JUS 191 - Victimology and Trauma
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JUS 191 - Victimology and Trauma Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Identify and describe victimization from a historical perspective.
  2. Identify and describe multiple varieties of reporting measures.
  3. Identify and describe multiple types of crimes and how the victim is affected.
  4. Delineate and analyze the rights afforded to crime victims in the criminal justice system.
  5. Apply various theoretical perspectives of criminal justice to victimology.
  6. Identify and describe resources available to crime victims.
JUS 201
JUS 201 - Introduction to Terrorism
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JUS 201 - Introduction to Terrorism Course Learning Outcomes

  1. describe the differences between terrorist and typical criminal behavior.
  2. illustrate both the similarities and major differences between a terrorist organization and a corporation operating under a traditional business model.
  3. account for the differences between ethnic, nationalist and religious terrorist groups. identify the controversy surrounding the Patriot Act and list at least three supposed benefits it provides to those combating terrorism as well as explain how some aspects of the Patriot Act raise serious concerns about civil liberties.
JUS 221
JUS 221 - Criminal Investigation
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JUS 221 - Criminal Investigation Course Learning Outcomes

  1. identify the major activities necessary to conduct a criminal investigation.
  2. evaluate the uses of various types of evidence.
  3. analyze the requirements necessary for a search warrant.
  4. explain the steps needed to preserve the chain of custody.
JUS 235
JUS 235 - American Correctional Institutions
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JUS 235 - American Correctional Institutions Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Identify historical responses to crime and delinquency
  2. Define theories underlying those responses
  3. Explain impact of imprisonment, i.e., its effect on inmates and correctional officers
  4. Define evaluative measures that assess effectiveness of incarceration, especially its relation to recidivism rates
JUS 237
JUS 237 - Community-Based Corrections
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JUS 237 - Community-Based Corrections Course Learning Outcomes

  1. provide examples of the type of information found in the pre-sentencing investigation (PSI) and interpret how these bits of information may impact the recommended sentence.
  2. summarize the major sentencing goals that directly influence correctional sentencing in the U.S.
  3. analyze how correctional moods and practices have shifted in the U.S. over generations and how that impacts on overall prison populations.
  4. account for the popularity and growth of Intermediate Sanctions as a sentencing option in the U.S. since 1980.
JUS 241
JUS 241 - Criminal Law
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JUS 241 - Criminal Law Course Learning Outcomes

  1. define the nature and purpose of criminal law.
  2. distinguish the difference between substantive and procedural law.
  3. define the elements of crime, particularly the act and the state of mind.
  4. identify the elements of crimes against the person (Homicide, Forcible Rape, Robbery, Aggravated Assault).
  5. identify the elements of crimes against property (Larceny, Burglary, Auto Theft and Arson).
  6. define the role of the prosecution.
  7. define the role of the defense.
JUS 251
JUS 251 - Comparative Police Systems
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JUS 251 - Comparative Police Systems Course Learning Outcomes

  1. describe various mechanisms for measuring police accountability in a global context.
  2. list the various police practices that are descriptive of ‘democratic’ policing globally
  3. identify countries described as exhibiting both ‘democratic’ and ‘authoritarian’ policing and contrast their police practices
  4. illustrate how and why countries with a history of colonialism struggle with policy ‘legitimacy’ in the eyes of the citizens.
JUS 261
JUS 261 - Criminal Evidence and Procedure
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JUS 261 - Criminal Evidence and Procedure Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Demonstrate an understanding of important concepts in the constitution that relate to criminal procedure.
  2. Explain the role of criminal procedure during pre-trial advocacy, the criminal trial and conviction.
  3. Describe the basic procedural rules regarding police interrogations and confessions.
  4. Identify the outcome of several recent court decisions affecting the behavior of police officers during an investigation and /or arrest.
JUS 281
JUS 281 - Organized Crime
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JUS 281 - Organized Crime Course Learning Outcomes

  1. compare and contrast the major characteristics of organized criminal groups.
  2. analyze the major activities of organized criminal groups.
  3. define the focus of transnational criminal organizations.
  4. describe the major features of the Racketeering Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act.
JUS 291
JUS 291 - Contemporary Ethical Issues in Justice
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JUS 291 - Contemporary Ethical Issues in Justice Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Describe the ethical responsibilities of police, corrections officers, prosecutors, and judges working in the criminal justice system.
  2. Analyze complex ethical scenarios involving all levels of the criminal justice system.
  3. Apply ethical rules to the actions of police officers, corrections officers, prosecutors and judges throughout the stages of the criminal justice process.
  4. Differentiate between professional ethical obligations and personal moral beliefs.
  5. Formulate ethical solutions to contemporary issues in justice.
JUS 298
JUS 298 - Criminal Justice Internship
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JUS 298 - Criminal Justice Internship Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Gain practical work experience in the criminal justice field.
  2. Analyze the core practices and skills required for a successful career in criminal justice
  3. Describe the variety of criminal justice careers
  4. Cultivate a network of criminal justice professionals
JUSR 101
JUSR 101 - Introduction to Restorative Justice

JUSR 101 - Introduction to Restorative Justice Course Learning Outcomes

LEAD 104
LEAD 104 - Introduction to Leadership Studies
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LEAD 104 - Introduction to Leadership Studies Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Define leadership as a concept for building stronger community
  2. Identify common traits of leaders and understand how to develop those traits
  3. Illustrate knowledge of various types and styles of leadership
  4. Demonstrate communication skills in negotiation
  5. Implement strategies for bringing about changes within organizations and understand the roles leaders play in organizational and community development
LEAD 114
LEAD 114 - Leadership for Effective Organizations
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LEAD 114 - Leadership for Effective Organizations Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Identify differences and similarities among styles of leadership found in various types of organizations such as civic, military, business, religious, recreational.
  2. Describe and discuss differences between staff roles and member roles in a non-profit organization.
  3. Describe a media relations strategy for working in the community
  4. Describe methods an organization can use in a coordinated fashion to send its messages through news media
  5. Describe how leader help members work together effectively to resolve internal and external conflicts.
  6. Develop a sample operating budget for a non-profit organization.
  7. Develop a grant proposal.
LEAD 120
LEAD 120 - Introduction to Conflict Resolution Theory and Practice
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LEAD 120 - Introduction to Conflict Resolution Theory and Practice Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Identify features of human conflict
  2. Explain contemporary theories of how conflict arises
  3. Utilize appropriate interventions to resolve conflicts
MATH 121
MATH 121 - Computer Mathematics and Logic
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MATH 121 - Computer Mathematics and Logic Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Convert numbers from one number base to another. 
  2. Perform basic arithmetic operations on numbers in decimal, binary and hexadecimal form. 
  3. Construct truth tables for logical propositions and determine if two propositions are equivalent. 
  4. Determine if a logical argument is valid. 
  5. Evaluate set theoretical expressions and determine if two sets are equal. 
  6. Determine properties of binary relations and partial orders and create matrix, diagrammatic and graphical representations of relations. 
  7. Operate with Boolean expressions and minimize Boolean functions. 
MATH 123
MATH 123 - Mathematical Principles I
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MATH 123 - Mathematical Principles I Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Elementary logic 
  2. Elementary set theory 
  3. Relations 
  4. Functions 
  5. Numeration systems and elementary number theory 
MATH 133
MATH 133 - Mathematical Principles II
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MATH 133 - Mathematical Principles II Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Arithmetic operations on rational and real numbers
  2. Numeric sense, approximation, estimation and mensuration
  3. Methods of counting
  4. Elementary probability and statistics
  5. Elementary geometry
MATH 137
MATH 137 - Geometry for Design
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MATH 137 - Geometry for Design Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Identify, describe, classify and compare geometric figures and objects. 
  2. Visualize and represent 2-d figures and 3-d geometric objects and develop spatial sense using computer-based technology and traditional tools of geometry. 
  3. Apply geometric properties and relationships and use geometric models to represent and solve problems and real-world applications. 
  4. Transform and tessellate geometric figures 
  5. Understand and appreciate the historical development and application of geometry in fields such as art, architecture, design and construction. 
MATH 150
MATH 150 - Introductory Data Analysis
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MATH 150 - Introductory Data Analysis Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Graph a set of one – variable data and identify symmetry, skewness, number of clusters, and outliers. 
  2. Make a scatter plot of two – variable data and use it to describe the linear correlation between the two variables. 
  3. Compute and interpret one – variable and two – variable descriptive statistics including mean, median, mode, range, interquartile range, standard deviation, variance, correlation, slope, and intercept. 
  4. Use small data sets provided to set up and test hypotheses about a population proportion using binomial probabilities. 
  5. Algebraically manipulate statistical formulas to derive other statistical formulas. 
MATH 151
MATH 151 - Linear Mathematics
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MATH 151 - Linear Mathematics Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Graph lines, linear inequalities and systems of linear inequalities in the plane.
  2. Determine whether a system oflinear equations is independent, dependent or inconsistent, and solve systems of linear equations using matrices.
  3. Solve linear programming problems graphically and using the simplex method.
MATH 161
MATH 161 - Precalculus I
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MATH 161 - Precalculus I Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Detennine basic properties of functions.
  2. Perfonn operations on functions.
  3. Graph polynomial and rational functions.
  4. Perfonn operations 011 complex numbers.
  5. Find real and complex roots of quadratic functions.
  6. Graph transformations of functions.
  7. Graph and detennine properties of conic sections
MATH 162
MATH 162 - Precalculus II
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MATH 162 - Precalculus II Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Graph and determine properties of exponential and logarithmic functions.
  2. Graph and determine properties of trigonometric functions.
  3. Graph and determine properties of inverse trigonometric functions.
  4. Solve problems using trigonometric identities.
  5. Use polar coordinates to graph polar equations.
  6. Convert complex numbers between rectangular and polar form.
  7. Perform operations on vectors in the plane.
MATH 163
MATH 163 - Discrete Mathematics I
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MATH 163 - Discrete Mathematics I Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Solve problems involving basic concepts of logic, set theory and functions.
  2. Apply basic counting techniques to solve counting problems.
  3. Solve problems involving mathematical induction and recurrence relations.
  4. Determine properties of relations and use digraphs to represent relations.
  5. Determine properties of graphs and trees.
  6. Use Boolean algebra to minimize logic circuits.
MATH 171
MATH 171 - Calculus I
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MATH 171 - Calculus I Course Learning Outcomes

  1. 1. Evaluate limits of functions.
  2. Differentiate algebraic and transcendental functions.
  3. Solve problems involving rates of change and optimization problems.
  4. Graph functions and determine features of graphs such as intervals of increase and decrease, concavity, inflection points, asymptotes, holes, etc.
  5. Find anti-derivatives of functions and evaluate definite integrals using the definition of the integral and the fundamental theorem of calculus.
  6. Evaluate definite and indefinite integrals using substitution.
MATH 172
MATH 172 - Calculus II
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MATH 172 - Calculus II Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Evaluate integrals using a variety of techniques.
  2. Solve problems involving applications of integrals such as finding areas, volumes, arc length, work, etc.
  3. Differentiate and integrate functions defined by parametric equations or equations in polar form.
  4. Test infinite series for convergence and represent functions using power series.
MATH 251
MATH 251 - Statistics for Science
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MATH 251 - Statistics for Science Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Graph a set of one-variable data and identify symmetry, skewness, number of clusters, and outliers.
  2. make a scatter plot of two-variable data and use it to describe the linear correlation between the two variables.
  3. Compute and interpret one-variable and two-variable descriptive statistics including mean, median, mode, range, interquartile range, standard deviation, variance, correlation, slope, and intercept.
  4. Use probability rules, counting rules, and formulas to compute probabilities.
  5. Compute confidence intervals and test hypotheses about proportions, means, and variances.
  6. Algebraically manipulate statistical formulas to derive other statistical formulas.
MATH 263
MATH 263 - Discrete Mathematics II
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MATH 263 - Discrete Mathematics II Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Construct mathematical proofs.
  2. Implement algorithms and evaluate their efficiency.
  3. Work with abstract structures arising from enumeration problems in order to sort lists, traverse graphs, search for substructures with specified properties, and to code methods of solutions within suitable fonnal schemas.
  4. Analyze graphs and trees combinatorially and to apply techniques of enumerating substructures of graphs and trees.
MATH 270
MATH 270 - Linear Algebra
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MATH 270 - Linear Algebra Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Solve systems oflinear equations by a variety of techniques.
  2. Represent flats in a linear space using parameters or \\l:ithoutu sing parameters.
  3. Find bases for linear spaces.
  4. Find matrix representations oflinear transfonnations with respect to given bases,
  5. Compute invariants for linear maps, such as trace and determinant.
MATH 271
MATH 271 - Calculus III
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MATH 271 - Calculus III Course Learning Outcomes

  1. find derivatives of maps from Rn to Rm.
  2. Compute line integrals.
  3. Compute surface-integrals.
  4. Compute volume-integrals.
  5. use Stokes' theorem to evaluate multi-dimensional integrals.
MATH 272
MATH 272 - Differential Equations
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MATH 272 - Differential Equations Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Solve special first-order equations explicitly.
  2. Solve special second-order equations explicitly.
  3. Solve differential equations, using Laplace-transforms.
  4. Solve differential equations in the form of power-series.
  5. Solve differential equations in the form ofFourier-series.
MHT 101
MHT 101 - Medium and Heavy Truck Maintenance Fundamentals / Intro to Medium and Heavy Truck Service
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MHT 101 - Medium and Heavy Truck Maintenance Fundamentals / Intro to Medium and Heavy Truck Service Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Evaluate medium and heavy equipment platforms, such as trucks, buses, tractor-trailer systems, and off-road equipment.
  2. Recall and demonstrate basic safety in the shop and field regarding hazards associated with medium and heavy equipment platforms such as trucks, buses, tractor-trailer systems, and off-road equipment.
  3. Identify and demonstrate proficiency in the use of basic hand tools, service publications, and various types of measuring equipment used to service trucks, buses, tractor-trailer systems, and off-road equipment.
  4. Perform basic service, including fluids and inspections, lubrications, preventive maintenance services, and filter services, associated with medium and heavy equipment platforms such as trucks, buses, tractor-trailer systems, and off-road equipment.
MHT 112
MHT 112 - Medium and Heavy Truck Electricity
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MHT 112 - Medium and Heavy Truck Electricity Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Evaluate electrical systems and component platforms such as trucks, buses, tractor-trailer systems, and off-road equipment.
  2. Demonstrate the use of wire diagrams, fuse boxes, and other schematic diagrams.
  3. Perform basic service on electrical components such as batteries, charging systems, and starting systems.
  4. Demonstrate proficiency in the diagnosis of basic electrical faults, such as opens, shorts, and wiring issues.
MHT 114
MHT 114 - Medium and Heavy Truck Steering and Suspension
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MHT 114 - Medium and Heavy Truck Steering and Suspension Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Recall and identify various suspension related service issues and operational theories in platforms such as trucks, buses, tractor-trailer systems, and off-road equipment.
  2. Perform diagnoses of various steering and suspension related service issues in platforms such as trucks, buses, tractor-trailer systems, and off-road equipment.
  3. Demonstrate proficiency in the repair and service of various steering and suspension related service issues in platforms such as trucks, buses, tractor-trailer systems, and off-road equipment.
MHT 120
MHT 120 - Medium and Heavy Truck Brake Systems
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MHT 120 - Medium and Heavy Truck Brake Systems Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Recall and identify brake system components and operational theories in platforms such as trucks, buses, tractor trailer-systems, and off-road equipment.
  2. Perform diagnoses of various brake-related service issues in platforms such as trucks, buses, tractor-trailer systems, and off-road equipment.
  3. Demonstrate proficiency in the servicing and repairing of various brake related components in platforms such as trucks, buses, tractor-trailer systems, and off-road equipment
MHT 125
MHT 125 - Medium and Heavy Truck Hydraulic Systems
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MHT 125 - Medium and Heavy Truck Hydraulic Systems Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Recall and identify hydraulic powered systems components and operational theories in platforms such as trucks, buses, tractor-trailer systems, and off-road equipment.
  2. Perform diagnosis of, and service for, various hydraulic power systems in platforms such as trucks, buses, tractor-trailer systems, and off-road equipment. 
  3. Demonstrate proficiency in the repair and service of various hydraulic power systems.
MHT 180
MHT 180 - Medium and Heavy Truck Engine Service
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MHT 180 - Medium and Heavy Truck Engine Service Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Recall and identify diesel and gasoline combustion engines and components, including operational theories in platforms such as trucks, buses, tractor-trailer systems, and off-road equipment.
  2. Perform diagnoses of various diesel and gasoline combustion engine systems service issues in platforms such as trucks, buses, tractor-trailer systems, and off-road equipment.
  3. Demonstrate proficiency in the repair and service of various diesel and gasoline combustion engines and component platforms such as trucks, buses, tractor-trailer systems, and off-road equipment.
MKTG 131
MKTG 131 - Principles of Marketing
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MKTG 131 - Principles of Marketing Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Apply marketing strategy planning to corporate decision-making.
  2. Eva luate and describe opportunities in a changing marketing environment
  3. Compare and contrast product management and new product development as related to the product life cycle.
  4. Describe the marketing function of place, Including development of channel systems, distribution and logistics.
  5. Explain, orally or written, the four promotion methods that are available to marketers and how they are blended together.
  6. Compare and contrast the many strategic dimensions of price.
MLT 102
MLT 102 - Phlebotomy
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MLT 102 - Phlebotomy Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Students will be able to collect blood specimens from patients of all ages using a variety of equipment while following safety regulations and demonstrating professionalism.
  2. Students will summarize basic anatomy and physiology of the human body, describe the additives and types of tests performed on the most commonly used collection tubes and gain an understanding of the other healthcare workers.
  3. Students will describe and perform basic lab tests to include routine urinalysis, point of care testing and the blood donation process.
MLT 155
MLT 155 - Clinical Hematology
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MLT 155 - Clinical Hematology Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Describe the formation, maturation, functions and normal value ranges of erythrocytes, leukocytes and platelets
  2. Perform automated and manual hematologic, coagulation and urinalysis assays to screen for and identify various medical conditions and correlate these results with said conditions
  3. Recognize cellular inclusions and abnormalities and their connection to medical conditions
  4. Explain how urine is formed and the constituents/elements normally found in urine along with those that are indicative of disease
  5. Summarize the coagulation process and link defects of this process with coagulopathies 
MLT 205
MLT 205 - Immunohematology and Immunology
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MLT 205 - Immunohematology and Immunology Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Describe the ABO and Rh blood group systems and perform laboratory testing to accurately determine blood groups
  2. Explain other erythrocyte blood group systems and their significance to transfusion medicine
  3. Explain the procedure for screening potential blood donors and the tests that are performed on units to ensure safety of the blood supply
  4. Describe the various blood products, how they are utilized in transfusion medicine, and corresponding storage conditions and expiration dates of these products
  5. Describe the basic principles of immunology, antibody detections tests as they relate to disease/immune status, and perform testing on patient samples
MLT 225
MLT 225 - Clinical Chemistry
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MLT 225 - Clinical Chemistry Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Order tests, perform preventative maintenance, and perform routine clinical chemistry procedures
  2. Correlate common tests performed in the clinical chemistry lab with normal and abnormal pathophysiology.  
  3. Discuss the operating principles of common laboratory analyses, including electrophoresis, ion selective electrode analyzers, random access analyzers and spectrophotometry.
  4. Explain Westgard rules and apply quality assurance principles to all assays
MLT 245
MLT 245 - Clinical Microbiology
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MLT 245 - Clinical Microbiology Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Relate pathogenic microorganisms to the associated diseases/infections which they cause.
  2. Accurately and aseptically perform laboratory techniques to identify clinically significant microorganisms.
  3. Describe stains, media, biochemical tests and other assays used in the clinical microbiology laboratory and correlate results to medically significant bacteria, fungi, parasites and viruses.
MLT 265
MLT 265 - Current Topics in Medical Laboratory Sciences
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MLT 265 - Current Topics in Medical Laboratory Sciences Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Use a case study approach to apply knowledge covered in core MLT courses to correlate tests performed in all areas of the clinical laboratory with each patient’s diagnosis.
  2. Describe the importance of reading peer reviewed professional literature, remaining current in laboratory areas, and being a lifelong learner.
  3. Summarize information not covered in other MLT classes to include body fluids, immunoassays, toxicology, therapeutic drug monitoring, endocrinology, autoimmune diseases, and an overview of molecular diagnostics.
  4. Complete a research-based capstone project to incorporate topics from all courses in the curriculum.
MLT 295
MLT 295 - Clinical Practice
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MLT 295 - Clinical Practice Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Complete a rotation in all areas of the clinical laboratory to gain work skills required to be a successful employee.
  2. Synthesize material from all courses in the MLT Program to successfully complete a series of multiple choice exams in each lab department and a mock certification exam.
  3. Demonstrate good time management skills in order to be successful in the required clinical skills and rotation exams.
  4. Using patient lab data, write a case study of a patient following the format provided by the instructor and present this case study to the class.