Course Offerings - Course Learning Outcomes

Use the table below to review the student learning outcomes for all of the College's course offerings.

Filter by Prefix, Number, or Title
Prefix Number Course Offering Course Learning Outcomes
AH 124
AH 124 - Introduction to Electronic Health Records

AH 124 - Introduction to Electronic Health Records Course Learning Outcomes

AH 190
AH 190 - Human Disease and Treatment
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AH 190 - Human Disease and Treatment Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Define the nature and types of diseases.
  2. Describe the methods of disease transmission.
  3. Identify the predisposing factors of disease.
  4. For each body system, relate specific diseases to their etiology, signs, symptoms, and treatment.
  5. For each body system, describe the common laboratory tests and diagnostic procedures used to diagnose disease.
AH 201
AH 201 - Basic ICD and CPT Coding
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AH 201 - Basic ICD and CPT Coding Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Explain the reimbursement implications of faulty coding.
  2. Explain why compliance programs are important in health care for reimbursement
  3. Assign ICD diagnostic codes accurately and efficiently according to the Official Coding Guidelines.
  4. Assign Evaluation and Management (E/M) codes to services and procedures accurately and efficiently.
  5. Assign CPT codes to services and procedures accurately and efficiently.  
  6. Use the 3M Encoder to process coded information and demonstrate judgment in the correction of machine generated encoding errors.
  7. Apply an understanding of privacy and confidentiality guidelines
AH 204
AH 204 - Medical Law and Ethics
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AH 204 - Medical Law and Ethics Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Understand the value of healthcare professionals having knowledge of fundamental healthcare law and ethics and describe consequences of illegal and unethical behavior and healthcare workplaces.           
  2. Recognize patient-healthcare professional relationships and elements of care which complies with acceptable legal and ethical boundaries.
  3. Describe the influence of technology on health care and explain ethical and legal issues that may arise from use of technology.            
  4. Express a working knowledge of basic law and the court system; explain concept of both criminal and civil law; duty of care, fraud, and abuse.
  5. Explain essential concepts related to healthcare law and ethics such as liability, mal practice, negligence, and identify the rights of patients and responsibilities of health care professionals regarding contracts, consent, standard of care, privileged communication, and end of life matters.
  6. Identify and describe the importance of pertinent legislation, regulations, and policies related to the delivery of healthcare such as the American with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HTPA A).                
  7. Identify and describe the role of organizations that develop policies and regulations related to healthcare delivery such as the Drug Enforcement Agency          
  8. (DEA), the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Health Organizations (JCAHO), Occupation Safety and Health Act (OSHA). Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC.); state medical boards and ethical committees/board of healthcare organizations.
  9. Discuss and identify moral and ethical issues and dilemmas pertaining to end-of­ life- matters; abortion, sterm cell research, genetic testing end engineering.                
AH 220
AH 220 - Information Management Systems in Health Care
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AH 220 - Information Management Systems in Health Care Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Use a medical office software program to perform billing, collection and accounting procedures.
  2. Use a medical office software program to manage patient appointments.
  3. Explain HIPAA regulations as they pertain to the Electronic Health Record.
AH 224
AH 224 - Current Issues and Trends in Health Care
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AH 224 - Current Issues and Trends in Health Care Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Develop a useful overview of the history of, and recent major trends in, health care
  2. in the United States.
  3. Effectively communicate the issues which influence health care delivery in the United States.
  4. Utilize research and data analysis to evaluate the current health care system in the United States.
  5. Present information professionally on health care issues.
  6. Successfully implement the results of a research assignment to guide community­ based action.
  7. Utilize information generated from research to generate solutions for positive change in health care.

AH 260
AH 260 - Supervisory Management in Health Care
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AH 260 - Supervisory Management in Health Care Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Describe a healthcare environment and contrast it to industry's environment.
  2. Appraise leadership qualities of a healthcare supervisor, including personality, management styles and education.
  3. Appraise and perform management functions including planning, organizing, staffing, leading and controlling.
  4. Describe personnel management roles including recruitment, selection, performance evaluation, disciplinary and dismissal procedures.
  5. Describe the importance of communication between management, staff, and patients;
  6. Develop a medical office policy and procedure manual.
ALTF 101
ALTF 101 - Electric Drive Vehicles
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ALTF 101 - Electric Drive Vehicles Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Demonstrate the use of industry standard safety precautions with electric drive vehicles.
  2. Test and diagnose electric drive system faults, according to industry standards.
  3. Repair and replace electric drive system components, including the high voltage battery, AC-DC invertor, DC-DC convertor, and brushless electric drive motor, all according to industry standards.
ALTF 102
ALTF 102 - Hybrid Vehicles
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ALTF 102 - Hybrid Vehicles Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Use industry standard safety precautions when working with hybrid electric drive systems.
  2. Test and diagnose hybrid electric drive system faults
  3. Repair and replace specific hybrid electric drive system components, including the high voltage battery, hybrid AC-DC invertor, hybrid DC-DC convertor, and brushless electric drive motor, in accordance with industry standards.
ALTF 110
ALTF 110 – Compressed Natural Gas for Transportation
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ALTF 110 – Compressed Natural Gas for Transportation Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Demonstrate and use industry standard safety precautions when working with vehicles that use compressed natural gas.
  2. Safely test and diagnose compressed natural gas performance concerns around vehicle engine systems. 
  3. Conduct tank inspections, and repair and replace compressed natural gas injectors and fuel components.
ALTF 111
ALTF 111 - Carbon-Based Fuel Alternatives
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ALTF 111 - Carbon-Based Fuel Alternatives Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Safely test and diagnose a variety of carbon based fuel systems for performance concerns
  2. Repair and replace components using industry safety standards in a variety of carbon based fuel systems.
  3. Conduct safety inspections for a variety of carbon based fuel types.
ANTH 101
ANTH 101 - Introduction to Anthropology
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ANTH 101 - Introduction to Anthropology Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Exhibit an understanding of the subjects and the research methodologies of each of the subfields of anthropology. 
  2. Demonstrate recognition of the role of biological evolution in the origin and development of human beings and other primates. 
  3. Display an understanding that race is a social concept – that no inherent differences in intellect or behavioral capability between people from different cultures or regions of the world have been identified by science. 
ANTH 112
ANTH 112 - Cultural Anthropology
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ANTH 112 - Cultural Anthropology Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Explain the concepts of cultural relativism and ethnocentrism and their significance in anthropological thought and research. 
  2. Explain how cultures are studied in the field by anthropologists, including the use of participant observation. 
  3. Explain how cultural practices and institutions, such as marriage, kinship, economic structure, and religion differ from culture to culture across the globe. 
  4. Describe the process of globalization and its relationship to culture change.  
ANTH 124
ANTH 124 - Fundamentals of Archaeology
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ANTH 124 - Fundamentals of Archaeology Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Explain the standard archaeological methodologies for data collecting: excavation and survey.
  2. Apply the techniques used for relative and absolute dating and archaeological stratigraphy to appropriate contexts.
  3. Explain how recovered artifacts and architecture can be employed and analyzed to interpret ancient social, political, economic, and other cultural patterns.
  4. Describe in broad outline the history of archaeology and the different interpretive models that have been used to study the past.
ANTH 125
ANTH 125 - Physical Anthropology
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ANTH 125 - Physical Anthropology Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Demonstrate an understanding of the basic biophysical anthropological data and theoretical issues associated with the subfields of human paleontology, heredity and physical evolution, human diversity, primatology, and applied aspects of the field.
  2. Display an understanding of how physical anthropological field data is collected and interpreted.
  3. Demonstrate awareness of how medical anthropology addresses healthcare on a cross-cultural basis and human rights issues are addressed by forensic anthropology.
  4. Show recognition of how physical anthropology sheds light on the issue of race as a cultural, not scientific issue.
ANTH 202
ANTH 202 - Gender Roles in Cross-Cultural Perspective
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ANTH 202 - Gender Roles in Cross-Cultural Perspective Course Learning Outcomes

  • Apply anthropological theories to perspectives on women, men and gender roles.
  • List the roles of women and men in a variety of social institutions including marriage, the family, education and socialization, division of labor, politics, religion and health care delivery.
  • Explain how categories of race, class gender and sexual preference affect world views and self-perceptions.
  • Compare and contrast examples of gender roles from an anthropological perspective from both American and nonwestern societies.
ANTH 211
ANTH 211 - African Peoples and Cultures
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ANTH 211 - African Peoples and Cultures Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Apply anthropological theories to societies of Africa.
  2. Compare and contrast the unifying themes and diversifying themes from an anthropological perspective found in the societies of Africa.
  3. Explain how the African past including the impact of colonization is reflected in contemporary African society.
  4. Explain how African dance, music oral traditions and art reflect traditional culture and have changed in modern society.
ANTH 215
ANTH 215 - Peoples and Cultures of Asia
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ANTH 215 - Peoples and Cultures of Asia Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Apply anthropological theories to societies of Asia.
  2. Compare and contrast the unifying themes and diversifying themes from an anthropological perspective found in the societies of Asia.
  3. Explain how the Asian art and politics serve as mediums of change in Asia societies.
  4. Explain how Chinese religion has influenced other regions of Asia.
ARAB 101
ARAB 101 - Elementary Arabic
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ARAB 101 - Elementary Arabic Course Learning Outcomes

  1. listen to and understand basic information in the target language about themselves and others in the present.
  2. read and understand basic information in the target language about themselves and others in the present.
  3. orally provide basic information in the target language about themselves and others in the present.
  4. provide in writing basic information in the target language about themselves and others in the present.
  5. identify and describe select aspects of the target culture.
ARAB 102
ARAB 102 - Elementary Arabic
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ARAB 102 - Elementary Arabic Course Learning Outcomes

  1. listen to and understand detailed information in the target language about themselves and others in the present and past.
  2. read and understand detailed information in the target language about themselves and others in the present and the past.
  3. orally provide detailed information in the target language about themselves and others in the present and past.
  4. provide in writing detailed information in the target language about themselves and others in the present and past.
  5. identify and describe select aspects of the target culture.
ARAB 201
ARAB 201 - Intermediate Arabic
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ARAB 201 - Intermediate Arabic Course Learning Outcomes

  1. listen to and understand complex descriptions and narrations in the target language in the present and the past.
  2. read and understand complex descriptions and narrations in the target language in the present and the past.
  3. orally provide complex descriptions and narrations in the target language in the present and the past.
  4. provide in writing complex descriptions and narrations in the target language in the present and the past.
  5. identify and describe select aspects of the target culture.
ART 101
ART 101 - Visual Communication
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ART 101 - Visual Communication Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Use specific aesthetic vocabulary to describe and analyze works of art
  2. Identify themes of art across a broad range of cultures and time periods
  3. Recognize and discuss the various materials and elements used in the creation of art
  4. Identify formal elements in a work of art and be able to ascertain how these elements create meaning
  5. Distinguish the relationship of design principles and be able to relate these to content and meaning in art
  6. Identify and discuss the concerns of specific media in constructing meaning: painting, sculpture, architecture, photography, video
ART 101H
ART 101H - Visual Communication (Honors)
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ART 101H - Visual Communication (Honors) Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Use specific aesthetic vocabulary to describe and analyze works of art
  2. Identify and compare themes of art, which constitute the consistencies and variations in artists’ motivations and subject matter over space and time, across a broad range of cultures and time periods.
  3. Identify formal elements in a work of art across multiple media and be able to ascertain how these elements create meaning; distinguish the relationship of design principles and be able to relate these to content and meaning in art
  4. Analyze and discuss primary texts, including art historical studies and critical texts
  5. Analyze theories put forth in various times and at various places, recognizing different methodologies and scholarly perspectives, by cultural establishments, such as art academies, by particular artistic movements and by art historians, with attention to how matters related to race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, ability, culture, region, country, religion, and/or language have factored in the shaping of those theories
  6. Recognize and discuss the various materials and elements used in the creation of art
ART 103
ART 103 - History of Art: Ancient to Renaissance
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ART 103 - History of Art: Ancient to Renaissance Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Compare and contrast works of art from the prehistoric through the Gothic periods
  2. Demonstrate knowledge of a formal art vocabulary
  3. Identify works of art by civilization as well as specific artists
  4. Describe stylistic traits and/or function pertinent to each art movement/civilization, artist, or work of art
  5. Explain the historical and cultural relevance of art works, including patronage, status of the artist, as well as the social/political climate of the time
  6. Analyze the significance of formal elements as well as subject matter and iconography
ART 103H
ART 103H - History of Art: Ancient to Renaissance (Honors)
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ART 103H - History of Art: Ancient to Renaissance (Honors) Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Use a formal art vocabulary to analyze and discuss works of art and other primary texts, including historical studies and critical texts
  2. Interpret and analyze works of art from the prehistoric through the Gothic periods
  3. Describe stylistic traits and/or function pertinent to specific movements/civilizations, artists, or works of art, including related scholarly perspectives (e.g., structuralism, post-structuralism, psychoanalysis)
  4. Explain the historical and cultural relevance of art works, including patronage, status of the artist, as well as the social/political climate of the time
  5. Analyze the significance of factors such as race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, ability, culture, religion, and/or language in works of art
ART 104
ART 104 - History of Art II: Renaissance to Modern
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ART 104 - History of Art II: Renaissance to Modern Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Use a formal art vocabulary to analyze and discuss works of art and other primary texts, including historical studies and critical texts
  2. Interpret and analyze works of art from the Renaissance through the Modern periods
  3. Describe stylistic traits and/or function pertinent to specific movements/civilizations, artists, or works of art, including related scholarly perspectives (e.g., structuralism, post-structuralism, psychoanalysis)
  4. Explain the historical and cultural relevance of art works, including patronage, status of the artist, as well as the social/political climate of the time
  5. Analyze the significance of factors such as race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, ability, culture, religion, and/or language in works of art
ART 104H
ART 104H - History of Art: Renaissance to Modern (Honors)
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ART 104H - History of Art: Renaissance to Modern (Honors) Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Interpret and analyze works of art from different periods/cultures
  2. Demonstrate an understanding of different methodologies used in interpreting a work of art
  3. Pursue comparative analyses of various styles of art
  4. Critically read and discuss primary texts including art historical studies and critical texts
  5. Analyze and understand theories put forth in various times and at various places by cultural establishments, such as art academies, by particular artistic movements, and by art historians
ART 105
ART 105 - Drawing I
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ART 105 - Drawing I Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Control the placement of objects on the page.
  2. Use sight measuring (sighting along a pencil to compare distances and angles and to compare height vs. width).
  3. Construct geometric forms using a combination of the following four methods:
    • sight measuring
    • perspective (convergence)
    • transparent construction (drawing every object as though you can see through it)
    • tone.
ART 106
ART 106 - Drawing II
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ART 106 - Drawing II Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Explain how to set up an on-car lathe and diagnose brake pulsation.
  2. Analyze and explain the causes of brake pulsation.
  3. Demonstrate how to set up a dial caliper to measure rotor runout.
  4. Demonstrate how to use the micrometer to measure rotor thickness to check against manufacturers’ specifications.
ART 109
ART 109 - Ceramics I
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ART 109 - Ceramics I Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Demonstrate proficiency at the introductory level in the main methods of forming clay: slab and coil building and the pottery wheel
  2. Acquire an understanding of glazing and decorating materials and how they are used
  3. Learn a working vocabulary of terms appropriate to the discipline of ceramics and be able to use those terms in discussion and evaluation of ceramic works
ART 111
ART 111 - Three-Dimensional Design I
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ART 111 - Three-Dimensional Design I Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Construct expressive three dimensional forms using the basic elements of design in space; line, plane and volume
  2. Organize and edit multiple disparate parts to form a cohesive whole
  3. Use hand tools, glues and various building materials skillfully with a high level of workmanship
  4. Use drafting tools to accurately measure and draw simple and compound geometric shapes and to understand proportional measuring systems
  5. Analyze and evaluate sculptural forms, both in writing and verbally, using appropriate vocabulary and according to the principles of design
ART 112
ART 112 - Three-Dimensional Design II
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ART 112 - Three-Dimensional Design II Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Construct expressive three dimensional forms using the basic elements of design in space; line, plane and volume
  2. Organize and edit multiple disparate parts to form a cohesive whole
  3. Use hand tools, glues and various building materials skillfully with a high level of workmanship
  4. Use drafting tools to accurately measure and draw simple and compound geometric shapes and to understand proportional measuring systems
  5. Analyze and evaluate sculptural forms, both in writing and verbally, using appropriate vocabulary and according to the principles of design
ART 115
ART 115 - Painting I
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ART 115 - Painting I Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Develop oil paintings of still lives from observation using a full color palette by comparing the following relationships:
    • value
    • hue
    • chroma
  2. Stretch and prime a canvas
  3. Complete a master study
ART 120
ART 120 Art in Africa
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ART 120 Art in Africa Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Compare and contrast works of art from the Africa in all historic periods
  2. Demonstrate knowledge of a formal art vocabulary
  3. Identify works of art by civilization/style as well as specific artists
  4. Describe stylistic traits and /or function pertinent to each art movement/civilization, artist, or work of art
  5. Understand the historical and cultural relevance of art works, including patronage, status of the artist, as well as the social/political climate of the time
  6. Identify the methods, techniques and materials used by the artists to create their work
ART 125
ART 125 - Design I
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ART 125 - Design I Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Develop an understanding and usage of artist materials and supplies
  2. Demonstrate the application of line weights (variations), line directions, and movements (both literal and implied)
  3. Manipulate positive and negative shape(s) and space(s) through knowledge of balance, proportion, and arrangement.
  4. Develop a discerning control and mastery of tone(s) through value studies, mixing, gradation, and contrast
  5. Create projects in a variety of mediums, including paint, collage and digital
  6. Demonstrate understanding of the importance of concept, completion, craft, comprehension and presentation
ART 126
ART 126 - Design II
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ART 126 - Design II Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Both articulate and apply directly to projects the design principles studied in Design 1 (Art 125), with color theory and its applications added as a new layer
  2. Articulate and demonstrate through project applications the 7 color contrasts e.g. as described though Johannes Itten’s The Art of Color
  3. Explore design ideas while emphasizing non-literal thinking
  4. Work from provided objectives and distill complex subjects down to succinct self-created objectives
  5. Create increasingly complex projects in a variety of mediums, including paint, collage and digital
ART 150
ART 150 - Introduction to Computer Art/Graphics
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ART 150 - Introduction to Computer Art/Graphics Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Identify terminology, concepts, and applications related to current computer and network technology and apply technology skills to create and display work.
  2. Demonstrate key design and layout abilities.
  3. Evaluate and apply fonts for various design applications.
  4. Develop the ability to acquire, place, and export images for use in their course projects.
  5. Produce, identify, and assess image quality.
  6. Use basic skills to assess, adjust, and replace color.
  7. Use electronic spreadsheets to organize, analyze, present, and retrieve data to build visual charts and graphs.
  8. Use the current learning management systems to access and submit assignments.
ART 151
ART 151 - Graphic Design I
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ART 151 - Graphic Design I Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Identify the anatomy of a typeface, and describe the main type families and some of their appropriate uses
  2. Work comfortably and independently with technology [computer program(s), equipment, and peripherals]
  3. Demonstrate the ability to compose elements within a given space
  4. Develop a system for image production, acquisition, retrieval, and document importing and exporting
  5. Demonstrate through course projects an understanding of the procedures for producing and identifying proper image quality
  6. Recognize color-building, and suitable color application
ART 171
ART 171 - Topics in Art
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ART 171 - Topics in Art Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Vocabulary
  2. Uses
  3. Culture
  4. Analysis
ART 172
ART 172 - Topics in Art
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ART 172 - Topics in Art Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Vocabulary
  2. Uses
  3. Culture
  4. Analysis
ART 173
ART 173 - Topics in Art
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ART 173 - Topics in Art Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Vocabulary
  2. Uses
  3. Culture
  4. Analysis
ART 180
ART 180 - Topics in Art Studio
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ART 180 - Topics in Art Studio Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Demonstrate through course assignments an understanding of the specialized skills needed in the studio area studied
  2. Enhance transfer portfolio by demonstration of specialized skills
ART 182
ART 182 - Topics in Art Studio
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ART 182 - Topics in Art Studio Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Vocabulary
  2. Uses
  3. Culture
  4. Analysis
ART 183
ART 183 - Topics in Art Studio
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ART 183 - Topics in Art Studio Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Vocabulary
  2. Uses
  3. Culture
  4. Analysis
ART 205
ART 205 - Seminar: Modern and Contemporary Art
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ART 205 - Seminar: Modern and Contemporary Art Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Demonstrate critical thinking and reading skills through the intensive analysis of primary and secondary source readings
  2. Identify, analyze, compare, and discuss major movements and influences in Modern and Contemporary Art across time periods, cultures, and regions.
  3. Demonstrate research and writing skills that focus on rhetoric and criticism
  4. Develop skills of public speaking, including facilitation, debate, and discussion techniques
  5. Discuss the relationship between art and political and social historical events
ART 207
ART 207 - Drawing III
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ART 207 - Drawing III Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Control the placement of the figure on the page
  2. Use sight measuring in order to see proportional relationships within the figure
  3. Construct the figure using a combination of:
    • gesture
    • basic geometric volumes
    • anatomy
ART 208
ART 208 - Drawing IV
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ART 208 - Drawing IV Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Draw the figure in a spatial context
  2. Draw the figure using black and white wet drawing media
  3. Plan and develop a five part series of drawings.
ART 209
ART 209 - Ceramics II
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ART 209 - Ceramics II Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Demonstrate advanced technical skills in the main methods of forming clay
  2. Use clay as a medium to express concepts and communicate visually
  3. Demonstrate understanding of how the elements of form and surface work together to create refined ceramic forms
ART 215
ART 215 - Painting II
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ART 215 - Painting II Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Develop oil paintings of the landscape from observation using a full palette by comparing the following relationships:
    • value
    • hue
    • chroma
  2. Prepare a variety of painting surfaces including canvas, wood panel and paper/li>
  3. Plan and develop a series of landscape paintings
ART 251
ART 251 - Graphic Design II
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ART 251 - Graphic Design II Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Develop concepts and present ideas in process
  2. Utilize color-building, and suitable color application
  3. Produce further-developed and advanced projects by synthesizing learned principles from previous design courses
  4. Demonstrate mastery of relevant `studio and hand-skill abilities Produce projects that introduce stronger concept consideration
ART 290
ART 290 - Portfolio Preparation
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ART 290 - Portfolio Preparation Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Plan and develop a portfolio of artwork in a chosen area of study
  2. Use slide presentation software to create a portfolio of artwork for presentation in academic, professional, and personal situations.
  3. Document artwork using photography
  4. Use word processing software to produce academic and professional documents for transfer to art schools and universities.
  5. Use computer technology to collaborate and network in academic, professional, and personal situations.
  6. Identify and respond appropriately to common ethical issues and laws related to technological handling of images and data, including privacy and security concerns.
ASL 101
ASL 101 - Elementary American Sign Language I
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ASL 101 - Elementary American Sign Language I Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Engage in basic introductions and exchange personal information in ASL using appropriate grammar for questions, personal pronouns, and negation.
  2. Talk about the classroom and college surroundings using sufficient vocabulary, correct indexing, correction question/response language, non-manual markers for distance, and spatial referencing.
  3. Converse about housing (type and location) and transportation to/from work/school demonstrating sufficient vocabulary and visual-spatial perspective.
  4. Describe family structure and relationships using appropriate vocabulary, possessive pronouns, contrastive structure, and non-manuals for topic-comment sentences.
  5. Tell about activities using time signs for past, present, and future using a variety of verbs, spatial referencing, and appropriate phrasing for listing.
  6. Demonstrate emerging linguistic and cultural behaviors appropriate for interacting in the Deaf Community.
ASL 102
ASL 102 - Elementary American Sign Language II
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ASL 102 - Elementary American Sign Language II Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Give directions in ASL by using a common reference point and appropriate spatial agreement grammar, such as eyegaze/location nonmanuals and relative distance perspective.
  2. Describe others by 1) focusing on prominent features and physical characteristics, and 2) personal characteristics, incorporating descriptive classifiers and numbers, sufficient ASL vocabulary, characterization, and contrastive structure.
  3. Demonstrate ASL conversation behaviors at an advanced beginner level, including how to get attention, how to handle interruptions, how to give listener feedback, and how to open and close conversations.
  4. Talk about family and occupations by explaining relationships using ranking, demonstrating basic vocabulary for various jobs, asking/telling about age incorporating basic age numbers, and demonstrating emerging competency with ASL name signs.
  5. Talk about routines using temporal sequencing, vocabulary for time concepts, and appropriate production of clock numbers.
  6. Make requests and give commands using spatial verbs, inflecting verbs, spatial referencing, topic comment structure, and role shifting, as well as demonstrating competency in signing basic money numbers.
ASL 201
ASL 201 - Intermediate American Sign Language I
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ASL 201 - Intermediate American Sign Language I Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Demonstrate appropriate ASL vocabulary and grammar when telling about routines, schedule conflicts, and time.
  2. Converse in ASL at an intermediate level of proficiency, demonstrating awareness and understanding of the language and culture of the American Deaf Community.
  3. Describe a house, along with the items around and in it incorporating topic-comment structure, classifiers, question forms, ordinal numbers, and the use of the nondominant hand as reference.
  4. Express complaints, make suggestions, and make requests using appropriate verb inflections, time signs, role shifting, question nonmanuals, and conditional structures.
  5. Demonstrate appropriate conversational behaviors including how to get attention, how to handle interruptions, how to give listener feedback, and how to open and close conversations.
ASL 202
ASL 202 - Intermediate American Sign Language II
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ASL 202 - Intermediate American Sign Language II Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Narrate about life events using “when” clauses, phrasing for sequencing events, contrastive structure, possessive forms, and classifiers.
  2. Converse in ASL at an intermediate level of proficiency, demonstrating awareness and understanding of the language and culture of the American Deaf Community.
  3. Narrate about weekend activities and short trips/vacations using time signs with durative aspect and temporal sequencing, and vocabulary for disrupted plans.
  4. Express opinions and feelings using appropriate ASL vocabulary, nonmanual facial expressions, and emphasis.
  5. Identify and describe objects by using different kinds of classifiers for shapes, patterns, and textures - descriptive, element, instrument, and locatives.
ASL 215
ASL 215 - American Sign Language Fingerspelling
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ASL 215 - American Sign Language Fingerspelling Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Demonstrate awareness and understanding of encoding and decoding processes involved in expressive and receptive fingerspelling and numbers.
  2. Demonstrate clear and accurate handshape configurations, natural rhythm, and appropriate pacing/cadence in the expression of ASL fingerspelling and numbers.
  3. Demonstrate expressive and receptive competency with the following topics related to numbers: 1) monetary values, 2) quantities, 3) measurement, 4) time signs, and 5) sports.
  4. Recognize and comprehend lexicalized fingerspelling in order to incorporate these specialized signs into expressive and receptive ASL conversations.
  5. Demonstrate accuracy and fluency in expressive and receptive fingerspelling with the following conversational topics: 1) birthdays, age, family ranking, 2) personal descriptions, 3) home and neighborhood, and 4) travel.
ASL 230
ASL 230 - Structure of American Sign Language
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ASL 230 - Structure of American Sign Language Course Learning Outcomes

  1. describe features that are common to all languages and how these features apply to ASL.
  2. identify challenges, experiences, and strategies for learning ASL as a second language.
  3. translate sentences and utterances from ASL into English with accuracy and grammatical correctness.
  4. follow standard conventions of writing ASL to identify and transcribe ASL grammatical structures, to include 1) varieties of sentence types, 2) time and non-manual adverbs for time, 3) various forms of pronouns and how referents are given spatial locations for pronominal reference, 4) subjects and objects, 5) classifiers, 6) locatives (use space to express relationships between things and ideas), and pluralization.
ASL 231
ASL 231 - Advanced American Sign Language I
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ASL 231 - Advanced American Sign Language I Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Narrate a story about a mishap effectively using role shift (characterization), spatial agreement, classifiers, and sufficient vocabulary, while timing reactions to coincide with descriptions.
  2. Engage in face-to-face conversations in ASL that cover a range of topics and demonstrate appropriate turn-taking behavior with minimal difficulty in comprehension of the Signed messages
  3. Apply cultural understanding and culturally appropriate behaviors within the classroom environment and in the larger Deaf Community outside of the classroom.
  4. Narrate a fairy tale or folktale incorporating key ASL storytelling elements- placement of characters, movement of characters and objects, continuity, character development, and special features.
  5. Enhance “literacy” skills, e.g. the reading of a signed utterance in ASL, expressed live or on videotape, to increase receptive ability in the intonational range and rich visual imagery of ASL.
  6. Explain facts and rules using appropriate ASL grammatical structures to show the relationship and relevance of the information – topic-comment organization, contrastive structure, rhetorical questions, and indexing on the non-dominant hand.
ASL 232
ASL 232 - Advanced American Sign Language II
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ASL 232 - Advanced American Sign Language II Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Narrate an incident or story about a horse, bicycle, and/or automobile using appropriate classifiers, role shift, timing reactions to coordinate with actions, and organizing coherently.
  2. Discuss money matters related to income, methods of payment, banking, debts, bills, and contributions appropriately using money signs.
  3. Discuss important life decisions related to housing, cars, and other common situations (moving, new job, choosing college, etc.) to include explaining a decision-making process, criteria for evaluating options, and feelings/opinions about decisions made.
  4. Develop and make a presentation on a health condition that identifies the key points of the condition, organizes the information into three areas (symptoms, causes, and treatments), and demonstrates appropriate use of classifiers, vocabulary, and grammar.
  5. Engage in face-to-face conversations in ASL covering a range of topics, demonstrating appropriate turn-taking behavior with minimal difficulty in comprehension of the Signed messages.
  6. Enhance ASL literacy skills, that is, the reading of a signed utterance in ASL, expressed live or on videotape, to increase receptive ability in the intonational range and rich visual imagery that is part of the fundamental nature of ASL.
AT 100
AT 100 - Introduction to Automotive Technology
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AT 100 - Introduction to Automotive Technology Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Describe the evolution of engines.
  2. Discuss the major components of a vehicle.
  3. Discuss the level of training and experience needed for various positions within the automotive industry.
  4. Identify hazardous waste material in accordance with state ru1d federal regulations and follow proper safety precautions while handling hazardous waste materials.
  5. Discuss how to safely handle tools and shop equipment.
  6. Interpret vehicle identification numbers and placard information.
  7. Explain kinetic energy and why it is so important to brake design .
  8. Describe the proper procedure for changing the engine oil and performing complete chassis system lubrication and under-vehicle inspection.