March 26 Negotiations Update

The College and Faculty and Staff Federation have reached a tentative agreement that avoids a strike. Classes, work and activities will be held as scheduled.

Integrated Marketing Plans

Strategic Marketing Plan 2014-2015

Increasing Brand Equity And Visibility

With rapid changes in the social, political, and competitive environments, maintaining the College’s brand identity is now more important than ever. The College needs to continue to position itself with one voice throughout the city and the region, strengthening its visibility. The more visible the College is to constituents in the region, and the more favorable their image, the easier it will be for Community College of Philadelphia to gain support from constituents and to market the College’s programs and services. And the resulting Strategic Marketing Plan for Community College of Philadelphia lays the foundation for the College’s future marketing efforts.

After evaluating all the operational and strategic plans, the input from constituents of the College, and the defined products the College has to offer, this Strategic Marketing Plan:

  • Defines the current markets for Community College of Philadelphia and the marketing strategies to support the College’s enrollment goals
  • Positions the College for success in an upcoming comprehensive fundraising campaign
  • Ties the outcomes of the Strategic Marketing Plan to the plans of the operational units and the College’s Strategic Plan
  • Provides a framework for marketing new programming and services as they are developed by the operational units

To achieve the strategic goals of the Strategic Marketing Plan, the Division of Marketing and Government Relations has to balance communications supporting the overall College branding with the communications to the targeted markets defined in the plans for the operational units.

View the Strategic Marketing Plan for 2014-2015

Previous Marketing Plans

2009 Community Scan Results

In 2005, the Community College of Philadelphia contracted with CLARUS Corporation to assess the image of the College with the members of the community and to determine their attitudes toward the College. The Community Scan (2005) provided the basis of the marketing plan and branding campaign for Community College of Philadelphia. A summary of the change in awareness and familiarity for Community College of Philadelphia among the community members from 2005 to 2009, as well as an assessment of the attitudes held toward the College, follows.

View the 2009 Community Scan Results

2009 Employer Scan Results

In 2005, the Community College of Philadelphia contracted with CLARUS Corporation to assess the
image of the College with the employers and to determine the employers’ needs for education and
training. The Employer Scan (2005) provided the basis of the marketing plan for Community College of Philadelphia’s Corporate Solutions, which is charged with providing education and training to the
employers in Philadelphia. A major goal of the administrative team at Community College of Philadelphia based on the results of the Employer Scan (2005) was to increase familiarity and awareness of the College and Corporate Solutions among the employers in the City.

View the 2009 Employer Scan Results

2009 Student Scan Results

The customer service audit, the Student Scan, was administered online for Community College of
Philadelphia from April 27 to June 8, 2009. Nine hundred seventy-three questionnaires were completed by current students. The ratings of the Community College of Philadelphia students were averaged and statistically compared to the ratings of the community college students at the other 43 community colleges in the normative sample.

View the 2009 Student Scan Results

2006 Integrated Marketing Plan Scan Results

View the 2006 Integrated Marketing Plan Scan Results