Course Offerings - Course Learning Outcomes

Use the table below to review the student learning outcomes for all of the College's course offerings.

Filter by Prefix, Number, or Title
Prefix Number Course Offering Course Learning Outcomes
ENGL 271
ENGL 271 - The Language of Film
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ENGL 271 - The Language of Film Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Demonstrate how elements typical of a literary genre help to create a work’s theme or artistic impact.
  2. Analyze a work of literature in its cultural context.
  3. Distinguish appropriate use of paraphrase versus analysis in writing about literature.
  4. Produce academic writing within the discipline of literature.
ENGL 272
ENGL 272 - Topics in Film Study
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ENGL 272 - Topics in Film Study Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Demonstrate how elements typical of a literary genre help to create a work’s theme or artistic impact.
  2. Analyze a work of literature in its cultural context.
  3. Distinguish appropriate use of paraphrase versus analysis in writing about literature.
  4. Produce academic writing within the discipline of literature.
ENGL 280
ENGL 280 - Poetry Writing
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ENGL 280 - Poetry Writing Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Produce poetry as the end result of a deliberate creative process.
  2. Analyze published poetry and critique the work of their peers using vocabulary of the craft.
  3. Apply the elements of craft in their own work.
  4. Identify means of engagement with larger creative community through query, and prepare work for readings, publication, and/or contests.
  5. Produce a portfolio of predetermined length that demonstrates a response to feedback and reflects the creative process.
ENGL 281
ENGL 281 - Fiction Writing
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ENGL 281 - Fiction Writing Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Read and comprehend a variety of literary works in one genre (fiction)
  2. Create new fictional works and continue projects begun in previous creative writing courses and elsewhere
  3. Deepen their understanding of the critical vocabulary appropriate to fiction
  4. Analyze and critique models in fiction from the perspectives of writers rather than readers
  5. Produce original works and revisions that reflect an understanding of the conventions of the genre and that demonstrate response to critique
ENGL 282
ENGL 282 - Scriptwriting
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ENGL 282 - Scriptwriting Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Produce a script as the end result of a deliberate creative process.
  2. Analyze published scripts and critique the work of their peers using vocabulary of the craft.
  3. Apply the elements of craft in their own work. 
  4. Identify means of engagement with larger creative community through query, and prepare work for readings, publication, and/or contests.
  5. Produce a portfolio of predetermined length that demonstrates a response to feedback and reflects the creative process.
ENGL 283
ENGL 283 - Nonfiction Writing: Memoir and Literary Journalism
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ENGL 283 - Nonfiction Writing: Memoir and Literary Journalism Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Produce nonfiction as the end result of a deliberate creative process.
  2. Analyze published nonfiction and critique the work of their peers using vocabulary of the craft.
  3. Apply the elements of craft in their own work. 
  4. Identify means of engagement with larger creative community through query, and prepare work for readings, publication, and/or contests.
  5. Produce a portfolio of predetermined length that demonstrates a response to feedback and reflects the creative process.
ENGL 285
ENGL 285 - Portfolio Development
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ENGL 285 - Portfolio Development Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Expand their vocabulary and understanding of literary terminology begun in previous creative writing courses.
  2. Read, analyze and learn from core texts about the craft of writing and the effective work habits of writers. 
  3. Create a student reading list of texts by authors whose works are likely to inform the student’s individual portfolio project.
  4. Improve their skills in polishing and/or completing their portfolios through feedback and continued revision.
  5. Complete a portfolio of original works of some literary merit which embody significant ideas and exhibit professional presentation. 
  6. Explain the publication process. 


ENGL 297H - Literature in the Context of Intellectual History: Ancient and Medieval (Honors)
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ENGL 297H - Literature in the Context of Intellectual History: Ancient and Medieval (Honors) Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Use academic modes of reading, writing and speaking to interpret texts from the ancient to medieval periods and participate in academic discourse
  2. Apply strategies for interpretation of texts within and across disciplines
  3. Recognize the evolution of forms with at least one of three major genres (the novel and other prose fiction, stage drama and lyric poetry) and the role of theory in academic discourse
ENGL 298H - Literature in the Context of Intellectual History: Modern (Honors)
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ENGL 298H - Literature in the Context of Intellectual History: Modern (Honors) Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Use academic modes of reading, writing and speaking to interpret texts from the 17th century to the present day and participate in academic discourse
  2. Apply strategies for interpretation of texts within and across disciplines
  3. Recognize the evolution of forms with at least one of three major genres (the novel and other prose fiction, stage drama and lyric poetry) and the role of theory in academic discourse
ENGL 299
ENGL 299 - Special Topics in Literature
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ENGL 299 - Special Topics in Literature Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Demonstrate how elements typical of a literary genre help to create a work’s theme or artistic impact
  2. Analyze how race, class, gender, citizenship, and sexuality intersect in literary texts from specific subgenres and/or cultural identities
  3. Distinguish appropriate use of paraphrase versus analysis in writing about literature
  4. Produce academic writing within the discipline of literature
ENGR 102
ENGR 102 - Engineering Design and Laboratory I
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ENGR 102 - Engineering Design and Laboratory I Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Understand the application of the Problem Solving Strategies Method in engineering.
  2. Understand the principles of Engineering Design Process.
  3. Understand and know how to use the basic Technical Drawing techniques (including projection).
  4. Know how to build electrical circuits and how to apply Kirchhoffs Rules and Ohm's Law to electrical circuits.
  5. Understand the basic concept of the Logic in Mathematics used in solving engineering problems.
  6. Understand the basic concept of Heat Transfer (with numerical applications).
  7. Use laboratory equipment and work with other students as a team.
ENGR 202
ENGR 202 - Engineering Design and Laboratory II
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ENGR 202 - Engineering Design and Laboratory II Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Demonstrate an understanding of the application of the CAD program in technical drawing.
  2. Acquire basic knowledge of Geotechnical Engineering with the ability to solve moderately advanced word problems.
  3. Use appropriate mathematical methods in creating a Truth Table in word problems (in Logic in Mathematics).
  4. Demonstrate an understanding the Network Theorem and transducers.
  5. Acquire basic knowledge about Control Systems.
  6. Demonstrate the ability to use Lab VIEW.
  7. Demonstrate an understanding of AC circuits and transformers.
  8. Acquire a basic knowledge of Geosynthetics.
  9. Demonstrate the use of Power Point to do presentations.
  10. Acquire the ability to work in a team to use laboratory equipment.
ENGR 205
ENGR 205 - Materials Engineering
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ENGR 205 - Materials Engineering Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Use mathematical and graphical methods in the solution of the basic and moderately advanced engineering problems in Materials Engineering.
  2. Understand the concept of Crystalline and Noncrystalline materials and know how to sketch their structures.
  3. Use appropriate mathematical methods in the solution of material engineering problems related to: stress-strain behavior of materials, compressive, shear and torsional loadings.
  4. Know how to apply scientific methods in problems related to structures and properties of Ceramics, Composite Materials and Polymers.
  5. Identify and analytically solve problems in Materials Engineering related to electrical, magnetic and optical properties of materials.
  6. Know how to solve mathematically problems in Degradation and Corrosion of
ENGR 221
ENGR 221 - Vector Mechanics I (Statics)
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ENGR 221 - Vector Mechanics I (Statics) Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Demonstrate an understanding of the scientific method as it applies to classical mechanics. 
  2. Identify a Vector Mechanics problem in engineering and state it in a way that makes it amenable to the scientific method.
  3. Demonstrate an understanding of operations on vectors including graphical and analytical methods using linear algebra.
  4. Demonstrate an understanding of the concepts of the equilibrium of rigid bodies, centroids and first moment of area, centroids by integration and apply them in the solution to moderately advanced engineering problems in Vector Mechanics.
  5. Use appropriate mathematical methods in solving engineering problems related to trusses, frames, machines and loads on beams.
  6. Demonstrate an understanding of the concept of composite areas and know how to solve moderately advanced engineering problems using calculus based mathematics.
ENGR 222
ENGR 222 - Vector Mechanics II (Dynamics)
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ENGR 222 - Vector Mechanics II (Dynamics) Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Demonstrate an understanding of the concept of rectilinear and curvilinear motions and use the scientific method to solve moderately advanced engineering problems in Vector Mechanics II
  2. Use appropriate mathematical methods In the solution of moderately advanced problems related to vector functions,
  3. Apply calculus based mathematics in the solution of engineering problems in Dynamics.
  4. Demonstrate an understanding of the concept of work and energy, power, conservation of energy, impulse and momentum theorem, impact, general plane motion, absolute and relative acceleration in the system of rigid body.
  5. Identify a scientific problem in Vector Mechanics II and be able to solve it analytically and show the solution graphically in three dimensional space.
ENTR 101
ENTR 101 - Entrepreneurial Thinking
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ENTR 101 - Entrepreneurial Thinking Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Develop a framework for creating, launching, and scaling innovative entrepreneurial ventures.
  2. Apply entrepreneurial mindset and skills to starting a new venture or working within a startup venture.
  3. Utilize communication techniques, strategy, problem solving, and marketing in entrepreneurship ventures.
  4. Identify and create solutions to challenges involved in new business ventures.
  5. Describe the role social responsibility plays in entrepreneurship and innovation.
ENTR 110
ENTR 110 - Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship
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ENTR 110 - Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Define entrepreneurship and describe the characteristics of a successful entrepreneur.
  2. Identify and explain key aspects of entrepreneurship: Information, operations, human resources, finance, marketing, and general administration.
  3. Explain the role of ethics and social responsibility in entrepreneurship.
  4. Identify and evaluate the methods of entering an entrepreneurial venture, including starting a new business, buying an existing business, and becoming a franchisee.
ENTR 120
ENTR 120 - Entrepreneurial Marketing
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ENTR 120 - Entrepreneurial Marketing Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Distinguish between needs and wants and how this affects buying.
  2. Distinguish between mass markets, target markets and market segmentation.
  3. Describe the basic marketing essentials, such as product, place, promotion and price (4Ps).
  4. Explain different types of advertising/marketing (e.g. traditional, person-to-person, print, online, non-traditional, social media), how to use them appropriately, and the advantages and disadvantages of each.
  5. Demonstrate a working knowledge of a marketing plan.
ENTR 130
ENTR 130 - Entrepreneurial Financial Intelligence
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ENTR 130 - Entrepreneurial Financial Intelligence Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Describe the uses of a general ledger, how to make entries, the standard chart of accounts, and the relevant accounting terms commonly used.
  2. Explain the double entry bookkeeping system, cash v. accrual accounting, and variable and fixed costs.
  3. Organize the financial records of a small business with Intuit’s QuickBooks.
  4. Describe and demonstrate how to use the income statement, the balance sheet, and the cash flow statement in analyzing the condition of the business and in taking the necessary steps to maintain and grow the business.
  5. Define breakeven analysis and describe entrepreneurs’ practical use of accounting ratios in financial planning.
  6. Explain the importance of a start-up budget, an operating budget, as well as cost controls and what is involved in each and their relevance in planning the future path of the business.
  7. Define intrapreneurship and explain its importance.
  8. Define crowdfunding and explain its importance.
ENTR 140
ENTR 140 - Business Plan Development for Entrepreneurs
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ENTR 140 - Business Plan Development for Entrepreneurs Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Create a concept statement for a new venture.
  2. Prepare and describe a new venture feasibility study.
  3. Prepare and describe a business model.
  4. Discern relevant information regarding financial ideas, management and company structure, and Internet resources to enhance a business plan.
  5. Prepare and present a business plan
ENTR 150
ENTR 150: Law for the Entrepreneur
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ENTR 150: Law for the Entrepreneur Course Learning Outcomes

  • Recognize and discuss initial legal concerns that a new entrepreneur typically faces.
  • Describe the range of forms of business organizations (proprietorship, general partnership, LLP (limited liability partnership), LLC (limited liability company), corporate options) and how to obtain needed licenses and registrations.
  • Discuss and apply legal ways of holding personal and real property, the advantages and disadvantages of leasing as compared with owning, and business financing options and taxes to plan for.
  • Describe and apply the key issues involved in selecting and hiring employees in accordance with employment, labor, and immigration law and distinguish the legal differences between employee and independent contractor status.
  • Determine potential liability for an enterprise regarding negligence, products liability, and other areas of Tort Law and describe and apply common insurance options and protections relevant to engaging in entrepreneurial activities.
  • Explain how Contract Law relates to the sale of goods and the providing of services, with a focus on Article Two of the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) and the Contract for the International Sale of Goods (CISG), and discuss when each applies and the differences between them, including how other selected Articles of the UCC as well as trademark, patent, and copyright law can be relevant for an entrepreneur.
  • Describe appropriate exit strategies for a business in terms of applying Federal Bankruptcy Law, the Sarbanes Oxley Act and other legal regulations.
ENTR 170
ENTR 170 - Diversity in Entrepreneurship
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ENTR 170 - Diversity in Entrepreneurship Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Develop strategies to navigate historic and systemic policies and practices that impact minority entrepreneurship. 
  2. Identify and evaluate various funding sources for minority-owned businesses.
  3. Apply various methods to integrate diversity, equity, and inclusion in an organizations’ culture. 
  4. Develop profitable solutions to address barriers to diversity in new business ventures, large scale companies, and supply chains. 
  5. Connect the relationship between entrepreneurship, diversity, and social responsibility. 
ENTR 180
ENTR 180 - Entrepreneurship & Human Resources
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ENTR 180 - Entrepreneurship & Human Resources Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Outline appropriate practices to recruit employees in ways that align with the company’s culture and purpose.
  2. Identify human resource components that ensure a startup venture is legally compliant with local, state, and federal laws.
  3. Apply strategies to resolve conflict when leading startups.
  4. Identify strategies to increase diversity when  building teams.
  5. Describe the relationship between networking, leading startups, and building teams.
ENTR 210
ENTR 210 - Entrepreneurial Failures & Risk
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ENTR 210 - Entrepreneurial Failures & Risk Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Connect the benefits of risk and failure to entrepreneurial thinking.
  2. Identify early and late stage failure points.
  3. Implement critical thinking to determine when to pivot and when to stop.
  4. Describe the factors investors consider to assess risk when making investment decisions.
  5. Apply strategies to mitigate legal risks in an entrepreneurship venture.
ENTR 250
ENTR 250 - Launch a Business
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ENTR 250 - Launch a Business Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Use the Business Model Canvas to visualize and communicate your business model. 
  2. Create marketing materials using various methods that address the business’s unique target market.
  3. Identify supply-chain opportunities and challenges in a start-up venture.
  4. Present a start-up business venture to potential internal and external stakeholders.
  5. Cultivate professional skills utilized in operating a business.
FIN 151
FIN 151 - Risk Management and Insurance
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FIN 151 - Risk Management and Insurance Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Describe the major methods of handling risk
  2. Explain the steps in the risk management process
  3. Explain the various element of insurance company operations
  4. Explain the fundamental legal principles of insurance contracts
  5. Distinguish between the various liability risks
  6. Summarize and distinguish between the major types of insurance policies
FIN 155
FIN 155 - Property and Liability Insurance
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FIN 155 - Property and Liability Insurance Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Describe the ways property-liability insurance enables societal economic security through risk transfer.
  2. Describe and analyze specific aspects of property-liability insurance, including market conditions, need, regulations, and methods of selling.
  3. Evaluate the financial performance of property-liability insurers and the role that risk management plays in financial performance. 
  4. Define adverse selection and analyze the ways property-liability insurers use this concept in setting policy.
  5. Explain and critique how property-liability insurers evaluate claims, to ensure that contractual promises are met.
FIN 160
FIN 160 - Personal Insurance
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FIN 160 - Personal Insurance Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Explain, analyze, and compare specific aspects of personal insurance, including how personal insurance is used as a risk financing technique and how coverage is provided through personal watercraft insurance, comprehensive personal liability insurance, and personal umbrella insurance.
  2. Describe, evaluate, and critique specific aspects of automobile insurance: the ways automobile accident victims are compensated; the ways high-risk drivers are able to obtain auto insurance; and how sections of the Personal Auto Policy and endorsements are used to handle auto loss exposures.
  3. Identify, describe, and evaluate the sections of the Homeowners Policy and endorsements that are used to handle property and liability loss exposures including the Dwelling and Mobile Home Policies, the National Flood Insurance Program, and the residual market programs for those underserved by the voluntary market and those overly exposed to wind. 
  4. Analyze and apply the financial aspects of insurance and its relative importance for specific situations, including the means through which financial security in retirement is ensured; the insurance products and government programs aimed at providing financial security for those disabled or in poor health; and the effects of planning for life insurance, retirement, disability, and health.
FIN 165
FIN 165 - Commercial Insurance
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FIN 165 - Commercial Insurance Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Explain, analyze, and critique the sections of the Building and Personal Property coverage form, its optional coverages, and commercial property endorsements relating to business income loss exposures, crime insurance, and equipment breakdown insurance.  
  2. Analyze loss exposures for specific sections of the coverage for commercial general liability and business auto insurance.
  3. Describe and analyze specific sections of Workers Compensation and Employees Liability policies and explain the loss exposures which apply in specific situations.
  4. Analyze the coverages provided by the Business owners Policy and the Farm Insurance Programs and how these coverages help their policy holders address their unique loss exposures.
  5. Explain and analyze the need and operation of specialty commercial insurance coverages including but not limited to commercial excess and umbrella liability, professional liability, management liability, environmental, aircraft, cyber, and risk, insuring foreign operations, terrorism, and surety bonds.
FIN 190
FIN 190 - Personal and Consumer Finance
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FIN 190 - Personal and Consumer Finance Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Analyze and apply basic financial management concepts and tools in the financial decision process
  2. Apply quantitative skills in financial decision making
  3. Identify strategies for achieving personal financial goals
  4. Explain financial consumer protection laws and regulations
  5. Explain the basics of negotiating consumer transactions
  6. Explain the basic skills/roles of financial counselors
  7. Explain basic concepts in insurance
  8. Explain basic concepts in investing, in particular investing for retirement
  9. Explain the home ownership and financing process
  10. Explain education financing and career strategies
FMM 101
FMM 101 - Survey of the Fashion Industry
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FMM 101 - Survey of the Fashion Industry Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Describe the Fashion system as product progresses from Concept to Consumer
  2. Explain how designs are transformed into a marketable product by researching current trends and markets.
  3. Categorize market segments
  4. Analyze brands in the market
  5. Discuss the past, present and future of the fashion industry
  6. Illustrate the role of the retail function in the fashion industry
  7. Interpret the role of marketing in the fashion system
FMM 105
FMM 105 - Textiles
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FMM 105 - Textiles Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Identify natural and man-made fibers, woven and knits, dying/printing and finishing processes 
  2. Describe which fibers, fabrics, and finishes are best for a variety of end uses, considering a variety of performance and costing criteria 
  3. Discuss timing and actions in the design and production processes as they relate to the industry 
  4. Discuss the global aspects and issues of the textile industry, such as global trade, supply chain management, and merchandise production 
  5. Discuss the effects of the textile industry on the environment. 
FMM 110
FMM 110 - Merchandising and Marketing Professional Tools
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FMM 110 - Merchandising and Marketing Professional Tools Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Describe and implement basic design principles for retail.
  2. Create a visual language through a combination of digital media that includes color theory, font psychology and the process of discovery and visual decision-making.
  3. Apply the fundamental elements of software for graphics creation and manipulation, image acquisition, text creation and manipulation, typography, infographics, and content development as they relate to retail industries.  
  4. Implement visual theory, research and development in order to organize visual information for presentation. 
FMM 112
FMM 112 - Industry Explorations

FMM 112 - Industry Explorations Course Learning Outcomes

FMM 115
FMM 115 - Understanding the Customer
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FMM 115 - Understanding the Customer Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Identify traditional and growing market segments
  2. Describe the relationship between retailer and customer
  3. Discuss archetypal customers
  4. Create customer profiles based on given criteria
FMM 120
FMM 120 - Professional Personal Selling
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FMM 120 - Professional Personal Selling Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Assess multiple customer needs and motivations
  2. Analyze and forecast market trends 
  3. Illustrate the use of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) in building customer relationships
  4. Develop value-driven solutions
FMM 125
FMM 125 - Experiential Retail
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FMM 125 - Experiential Retail Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Identify the in-store experience a customer desires
  2. Discuss the visual merchandising function in relation to store experience
  3. Describe the importance of personal selling and customer service to the profitability of the store
  4. Analyze systems that support in-store experiences
  5. Analyze strategies that support in-store experiences
  6. Analyze functions that support in-store experiences
  7. Create a positive retail experience 
FMM 130
FMM 130 - Work Experience I
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FMM 130 - Work Experience I Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Develop skill competencies in the retail industry through completion of and reflection on the work experience.
  2. Apply theory and practice in areas of merchandising and marketing in an internal work experience setting.
  3. Assess individual career interests and abilities in the fashion merchandising and marketing industry.
  4. Assess strategies, implementation, and evaluation of project criteria across all business functions in merchandising and marketing. 
FMM 135
FMM 135 - Fashion Product Promotion
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FMM 135 - Fashion Product Promotion Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Compare the traditional path to purchase with the present path to purchase
  2. Differentiate between Global Marketing & PR.
  3. Diagram effective marketing tools to assigned global customer profiles.
  4. Analyze the traditional, electronic and in-store marketing efforts for a global fashion brand.
  5. Design a comprehensive marketing strategy, including Traditional, Electronic and In-store channels for an assigned fashion product from a global fashion brand.
FMM 140
FMM 140 - Buying & Private Label Development
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FMM 140 - Buying & Private Label Development Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Explain the retail, cost or markup dollars and percentages, and gross margin in dollars and percent
  2. Establish global retail pricing that plans for profit
  3. Calculate dollar and percentage markdowns
  4. Discuss the impact of global pricing and re-pricing on profit
  5. Illustrate how to maintain and balance inventory with globally projected sales
  6. Develop a six-month plan for global sales, inventory, reductions, and purchases
  7. Interpret a profit and loss statement and understand the global effect of each factor in outcome
  8. Construct a global private label program that increases gross margin
FMM 145
FMM 145 - Work Experience II
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FMM 145 - Work Experience II Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Build a record of work experience through completion of and reflection on special projects.
  2. Develop industry ready resume, cover letter, interview preparedness, and career research tools.
  3. Apply advanced theory and practice in areas of merchandising and marketing.
  4. Identify individual career interests and abilities in the fashion merchandising and marketing industry.
  5. Assess strategies, implementation and evaluation of project criteria across all business functions in merchandising and marketing.
FMM 150
FMM 150 - Material Directions
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FMM 150 - Material Directions Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Identify non-woven textiles, specialty fabrics, and other materials commonly used in products in the fashion apparel accessory, home décor, and gift categories
  2. Choose which materials, applications, innovations and processes are best for a variety of end uses, considering a variety of performance and costing criteria
  3. Assess timing and actions in the design and production processes as they relate to the industry
  4. Examine global aspects and issues as they relate to the textile industry
  5. Analyze current industry trends and innovation
  6. Synthesize current industry innovations to solve a real-life problem that can be corrected through the use of textiles
  7. Communicate in writing using accepted fashion industry terminology and document formats.
FMM 155
FMM 155 - Digital Commerce
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FMM 155 - Digital Commerce Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Describe the technological and strategic aspects of developing a digital platform
  2. Explain new models in business and ecommerce to increase profitability, engagement, and leverage customer experience
  3. Formulate strategy (and revisions) based on data collection, analysis, and iteration by analyzing performance metrics including API’s and KPI’s for success in adoption and customer engagement
  4. Appraise the fundamental concepts of content management systems, store design, payment and order processing, security and data management, distribution and supply chain as it relates to an omnichannel retailer
  5. Solve merchandising and marketing challenges online using ecommerce marketing strategies, SEO, product promotions, reviews and ratings, and social media solutions
FMM 160
FMM 160 - Work Experience III

FMM 160 - Work Experience III Course Learning Outcomes

FNMT 016
FNMT 016 - Arithmetic

FNMT 016 - Arithmetic Course Learning Outcomes

FNMT 017
FNMT 017 - Elementary Algebra

FNMT 017 - Elementary Algebra Course Learning Outcomes

FNMT 019
FNMT 019 - Introductory Mathematics
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FNMT 019 - Introductory Mathematics Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Add/subtract/multiply/divide and exponentiate whole numbers, integers, and rational numbers written as fractions or decimals
  2. Solve problems with dimensional analysis, ratios, proportions, percent
  3. Solve problems with speed/distance/time
  4. Solve problems with perimeter and area of basic geometric shapes
  5. Simplify and manipulate linear algebraic expressions
  6. Solve linear equations 
FNMT 020
FNMT 020 - Introductory Mathematics Discussion
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FNMT 020 - Introductory Mathematics Discussion Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Perform arithmetic operations with whole numbers using standard written algorithms.
  2. Properly use basic mathematical vocabulary.
  3. Memorize basic math facts.
  4. Show number sense by accurately estimating and comparing values and using the real number line.
  5. Describe and implement useful math study strategies.
FNMT 101
FNMT 101 - Quantitative Reasoning
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FNMT 101 - Quantitative Reasoning Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Use deductive and inductive reasoning to make, prove, and disprove conjectures; recognize, choose, and employ problem-solving strategies, including rounding and estimating.
  2. Use logic to determine the veracity of a given statement and the validity of a given argument and identify the occurrence of logical fallacies.
  3. Recognize and use proportional reasoning to answer real-world questions.
  4. Express the relationship between verbal, algebraic, numeric and graphical representations of functions (especially linear and exponential), and convert between the different representations in context-appropriate ways.
  5. Use correlation and regression analysis to critique and create algebraic models of real-world data.
  6. Accurately communicate quantitative information in clear English prose.
FNMT 118
FNMT 118 - Intermediate Algebra
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FNMT 118 - Intermediate Algebra Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Add, subtract, multiply, divide and factor polynomials 
  2. Add, subtract, multiply, divide and reduce rational expressions. 
  3. Solve linear equations and inequalities in one variable. 
  4. Solve absolute value equations in one variable. 
  5. Graph linear equations and determine equations of lines. 
  6. Solve 2 x 2 linear systems. 
  7. Solve quadratic equations in one variable. 
FNMT 121
FNMT 121 - Retail Mathematics & Merchandising
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FNMT 121 - Retail Mathematics & Merchandising Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Identify formulas used for buying and selling products, such as mark up, cost of goods sold, gross margin, profit, etc. 
  2. Convert dollars to percents and percents to dollars tools of geometry. 
  3. Describe how the fashion merchandising industry uses basic accounting practices and procedures to keep financial records and manage profit and cash flow 
  4. Use and interpret terminology verbalized in merchandise buying and selling. 
  5. Apply mathematical problem-solving skills (e.g. algebra, probabilities, percentages, distributions, spreadsheet applications, etc.) to problems that simulate actual retail experiences. 
  6. Evaluate factors that contribute to profitability and affect strategic decisions, such as investments, merchandise assortment planning, and pricing. 
  7. Use data and merchandising strategies to formulate and communicate merchandising decisions. 
FNMT 141
FNMT 141 – College Algebra I with Applications

FNMT 141 – College Algebra I with Applications Course Learning Outcomes

FNMT 141
FNMT 141 – College Algebra I with Applications

FNMT 141 – College Algebra I with Applications Course Learning Outcomes

FREN 101
FREN 101 - Elementary French
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FREN 101 - Elementary French Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Analyze short, simple present-tense spoken conversations in French by translating and constructing verbal conversation responses that incorporate diverse cultural perspectives
  2. Analyze short, simple present-tense written texts in French by translating and constructing written responses that incorporate diverse cultural perspectives
  3. Construct simple, complete, grammatically correct sentences orally in French, incorporating diverse cultural perspectives
  4. Write simple, complete, grammatically correct sentences in French, incorporating diverse cultural perspectives
FREN 102
FREN 102 - Elementary French
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FREN 102 - Elementary French Course Learning Outcomes

  1. listen to and understand detailed information in the target language about themselves and others in the present and past.
  2. read and understand detailed information in the target language about themselves and others in the present and the past.
  3. orally provide detailed information in the target language about themselves and others in the present and past.
  4. provide in writing detailed information in the target language about themselves and others in the present and past
  5. identify and describe select aspects of the target culture.
FREN 201
FREN 201 - Intermediate French
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FREN 201 - Intermediate French Course Learning Outcomes

  1. listen to and understand complex descriptions and narrations in the target language in the present and the past.
  2. read and understand complex descriptions and narrations in the target language in the present and the past.
  3. orally provide complex descriptions and narrations in the target language in the present and the past.
  4. provide in writing complex descriptions and narrations in the target language in the present and the past.
  5. identify and describe select aspects of the target culture.
FREN 202
FREN 202 - Intermediate French
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FREN 202 - Intermediate French Course Learning Outcomes

<li>listen to and understand complex and detailed descriptions and narrations in the target language in multiple time frames.</li>
<li>read and understand complex and detailed descriptions and narrations in the target language in multiple time frames.</li>
<li>orally provide complex and detailed descriptions and narrations in the target language in multiple time frames.</li>
<li> provide in writing complex and detailed descriptions and narrations in the target language in multiple time frames.
5. identify and describe select aspects of the target culture. </li>

FSCI 104
FSCI 104 - Fire Prevention and Building Codes
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FSCI 104 - Fire Prevention and Building Codes Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Apply their knowledge of how to use fire prevention and building codes to locate specific information in the codes.
  2. Demonstrate their understanding of the importance that building and fire codes place on maintaining a safe exit for the occupants of a building.
  3. Explain how to conduct a fire safety inspection of a building and illustrate their understanding of commonly encountered unsafe building conditions.
FSCI 111
FSCI 111 - Emergency Scene Management
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FSCI 111 - Emergency Scene Management Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Practice using emergency scene management tools, such as the Incident Command System and the Command Sequence to manage theoretical emergency scene problems.
  2. Demonstrate their ability to identify, prioritize and address strategic, tactical and operational issues at common structure fires and other emergencies.
FSCI 142
FSCI 142 - Introduction to Occupational Health and Safety for Firefighters
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FSCI 142 - Introduction to Occupational Health and Safety for Firefighters Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Demonstrate their understanding of the safety movement in the United States and describe the difference between a code and a standard.
  2. Apply their knowledge of how the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 benefits society and workers to reduce injuries and death in the workplace.
  3. Assess risk for the job of firefighter and company officer, plotting and analyzing injury frequencies and severity, measuring safety performance using current safety methods.