Behavior Intervention Team

Our Mission

The Behavior Intervention Team (BIT) is here to support the CCP community by identifying and responding to students who may need help. Our goal is to provide a caring, collaborative environment where everyone feels safe and supported.

What We Do

  • Prevention and Proactive Support: We focus on preventing issues before they escalate.
  • Promote a Reporting Culture: We encourage everyone on campus to speak up when they notice something concerning.
  • Act as a Communication Hub: We connect people with the right resources and support.
  • Be the “Eyes and Ears” of Campus: We work to identify students who may be distressed or disruptive.
  • Provide Referrals and Resources: We connect students to the help they need.
  • Not a Disciplinary Board: We focus on growth and support, not punishment.
  • Developmental, Not Punitive: Our approach is to help students develop and succeed.

How You Can Help

If you see something concerning, please reach out to the Behavior Intervention Team. We are here to answer your questions and provide support.


Submit a Report: Behavior Intervention Reporting Form