March 26 Negotiations Update

The College and Faculty and Staff Federation have reached a tentative agreement that avoids a strike. Classes, work and activities will be held as scheduled.

Budgets and Financial Services

The Department of Budgets and Financial Services is responsible for the College budget, as well as Business Services (Duplicating and Mailroom), Purchasing and Auxiliary Services.

Budget Office

The Budget Office is responsible for the coordination of the College's operating and capital budgets and the production of the various budget documents which are submitted to the Board of Trustees, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and the City of Philadelphia.

Visit the Budget Office

Business Services

Business Services is a division of the Office of Business and Finance, and includes the Duplicating Center and Mailroom.

Visit Business Services


The Purchasing Department is responsible for the timely and efficient acquisition of goods and services to ensure that both the educational and business goals of the College are met, while maintaining the highest level of professional ethics and integrity.

Visit the Purchasing Department

Auxiliary Services

The Office of Auxiliary Services provides management oversight for the College Bookstore, Dining Services, Vending and Parking to ensure that students and employees of the College receive superb service from each auxiliary business partner.

Visit Auxiliary Services