Guided Pathways Core Team

A College-wide group with stakeholders from diverse units has been formed to facilitate communication for the overall implementation of Guided Pathways at Community College of Philadelphia.
The Core Team will:
- Review and discuss progress being made by various associated teams, committees, programs, and faculty working on the multiple components of Guided Pathways
- Gather feedback from units to bring back to Core Team
- Provide updates to respective units
- Provide guidance to units for continued progress
Samuel Hirsch, Vice President of Academic and Student Success
David Asencio, Dean of Student Life
Joan Bush, Dean of Educational Support Services
Pam Carter, Dean of Business and Technology
Mary Anne Celenza, Dean of Math Science and Health Careers
Jennifer Roberts, Associate Vice President of Academic and Student Success
Chae Sweet, Dean of Liberal Studies
Health Care Academic Pathway Representative
Science and Technology Academic Pathway Representative
David Bertram, Design, Construction, and Transportation Academic Pathway Representative
Rich Saxton, Business, Entrepreneurship and Law Academic Pathway Representative
Sarah Iepson, Creative Arts Academic Pathway Representative
Osvil Acosta-Morales, Liberal Arts and Communications Academic Pathway Representative
Brian Morrison, Education and Human Services Academic Pathway Representative
English Department Head
Foundational Math Department Head
Carmen Colon, Counseling Department Head
Jason Roscoe, Advising Department Head
Anna Seixas, Learning Lab Department Head
Michael Krasulski, Library Department Head
Jason Hand, Director of Admissions
Richard Kopp, Director of Student Engagement
Director of Institutional Research
Ayanna Washington, Director of Career Connections
Sandra Gonzalez-Torres, Director of Transfer/Articulation
Lynne Sutherland, Director of Student Success Initiatives
Amy Birge, Coordinator of Curriculum Facilitation
Division of Information Technology Services Representative
Michele Claybrook-Lucas, Division of Workforce and Economic Innovation Representative
Kristina Henk, Division of Marketing and Government Relations Representative
Division of Access and Community Engagement Representative