Division of Access and Community Engagement (DACE)

Community College of Philadelphia’s Division of Access and Community Engagement (DACE) offers special programs and services to the adult literacy and developmental student population, the local high school student population and the many other community partners and residents in Philadelphia.
DACE focuses on community engagement, educational equity and student success while closely aligning with the mission and vision of the College.
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High School Student Programs
News & Announcements
We are proud of the Parkway Center City Middle College High School students for their successful fall 2017 semester. 95% of the students from Parkway Center City, including both the freshmen Middle College students, as well as the upper class students taking dual enrollment classes in the tenth, eleventh, and twelfth grades, passed their Fall 2017 courses, with the vast majority of those freshman Middle College students earning “A’s.”
In January, the English as a Second Language Institute welcomed its spring cohort of more than 70 students with a comprehensive new student orientation. Prior to the start of spring classes, students arrived on campus for an introduction to their courses, to learn about program expectations and important resources both on and off campus, and to understand how to plan for their goals after completing the ESL program. Also invited were representatives from the Welcoming Center for New Pennsylvanians’ International Professionals Program. Students were connected with helpful resources, including the ESL Institute’s new on campus tutoring supports.
In November 2017, the TRIO Upward Bound program moved to its new home on the third floor of the Winnet Student Life Building. Both staff and students loved getting to create a space of their own with new furniture, a SMART Board classroom, and more tutoring and storage space. As they’re constantly thinking of new ways to utilize and decorate their new space, the administrators are currently working on designing a bulletin board to highlight Upward Bound’s importance to its students. Come visit Upward Bound’s new office in Room S3-14.

Upward Bound Seniors, Tara Smith and Amadou Ba, Hard at Work in the New Tutoring Space
Each fall and spring semester, TRIO Upward Bound students get to enjoy trips to local colleges and universities. This year, the students had the opportunity to visit Haverford College and the University of the Sciences.
In November, the students traveled to Haverford College. During their visit, students were given a tour of the beautiful campus and learned that it serves as an important arboretum as well. In an information session, an admissions counselor spoke about the academically rigorous liberal arts curriculum and Haverford’s honor code, which is written and edited by its undergraduate students. The Upward Bound students even learned about the partnerships that Haverford has with other universities in the area.
On February 28, Gateway to College staff had the pleasure of honoring 11 honor roll students at a banquet held at the Cheesecake Factory in Center City, Philadelphia. Students received dinner and a special gift for maintaining “A” and “B” grades while effectively balancing coursework, internships and other program activities. Student Kardala Mohammed was able to earn straight “As” this semester while excelling in her Gateway internship at United Bank.
On January 12, students from the Gateway to College program convened for the annual Gateway Spring Summit. During the event, they heard testimonials from honor roll students like Anisa M., who provided insight into what it truly means to be a “finisher” of the Gateway to College program. Jachai May, another Gateway participant, urged students to continue their educational journeys beyond the program. During his speech, May proudly announced that he will graduate from the College this May and attend Temple University in the spring with a major in Business.
In honor of the 25th anniversary of AIDS Education Month, the College’s Institute for Community Engagement and Civic Leadership partnered with Philadelphia FIGHT to host a presentation about preventing and combating HIV on June 21. Dr. Helen Koenig and Dr. Luis Montaner, two leading HIV prevention and cure study experts, discussed pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) and its effectiveness in preventing the transmission of HIV, if used properly. More than 80 invited guests, including representatives from Philadelphia FIGHT, Philadelphia Health Center One; health care students from District 1199C and YouthBuild Philadelphia; and College faculty, administrators and Nursing program students were in attendance. This event was part of an ongoing effort to raise awareness of HIV/AIDS and its ongoing implications for the city of Philadelphia and its residents.
Gateway to College (GtC) celebrated its 11th year by graduating the biggest class in Gateway’s history on May 18. Twenty-four seniors received their diplomas and celebrated this milestone with friends, family and the Gateway to College staff. Graduating seniors Douglas Brown and Alexis Andino delivered speeches, along with Mrs. Timeka Ford-Smith, Gateway director, and Dr. David Thomas. A now-permanent hashtag, #IAmAFinisher, developed by Betty Handy, Gateway’s academic coordinator, grew out of the efforts to help students stay motivated and reach their goals. The hashtag has become a theme throughout all levels of the program. Each graduate participated in a weekly senior seminar class that focused on the fundamentals of postsecondary success and completed a research project that examined their college and career choices.
The College’s Institute for Community Engagement and Civic Leadership partnered with Junior Achievement to host Step to Success Day (JASTS) on June 1. Junior Achievement is a nationally recognized organization that works to develop a foundation of college aspiration among third grade students. Nearly 300 third graders from four different Philadelphia elementary schools were welcomed onto campus by Colonial Phil and members of the College community. The students enjoyed an opening presentation from Dr. Judith Gay, vice president for Strategic Initiatives and Chief of Staff, and Mr. DeAndre Jones, assistant dean of DACE. A team of 15 wonderful volunteers, comprised of College employees, faculty, students and alumni, led the students on a tour of the College, exposing the students to its many academic offerings and programs. Students visited the Athletics Center, the Mint Building and the Library.
The Keystone Education Yields Success (KEYS) Program Annual Celebratory Gala was held on June 28. Graduates of the KEYS program were treated to a voyage on the Spirit of Philadelphia to celebrate and honor their academic, professional and personal successes. Some administrators and faculty members from the College joined the KEYS students and staff for a pre-cruise reception in the Pavilion Cube. More than 30 students were able to enjoy a delicious lunch, dessert buffet and music, all while gazing at the skyline of Philadelphia. Mrs. Kimberly Daniel, KEYS director, presented a number of awards to students for outstanding performance. Naya Williams received an award for highest GPA, Keisha Gregory won the award for Academic Achievement and Pamela Kemp won for Most Improved Student. All of the students had a wonderful time celebrating their accomplishments and successes!
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