College Closed Friday, February 14

Community College of Philadelphia will be closed Friday, Feb. 14, in honor of the Eagles’ Super Bowl victory parade and in light of street closures. All classes are canceled. This cancelation does not apply to students who may be scheduled for clinical rotations, off-site practicum/observation sites or internships. Go Birds—Super Bowl LIX Champions!

Middle College Students Breeze through the Fall Semester

We are proud of the Parkway Center City Middle College High School students for their successful fall 2017 semester. 95% of the students from Parkway Center City, including both the freshmen Middle College students, as well as the upper class students taking dual enrollment classes in the tenth, eleventh, and twelfth grades, passed their Fall 2017 courses, with the vast majority of those freshman Middle College students earning “A’s.”

Parkway Center City Middle College, the first middle college of its kind in Pennsylvania, provides an opportunity for its students to enroll at Community College of Philadelphia to earn college credits while still in high school. Students who successfully complete four years of classes will graduate with their high school diploma and an associate degree. Growing in popularity, the School District of Philadelphia received over 3,000 applications for entry into the 2018-2019 program. 150 rising ninth graders, the second cohort of the Middle College, will begin their journey with the Summer Bridge program this July!