My Path to Campus Services

Follett Higher Education operates full-service bookstores on the Main Campus and at the Northeast. The Main Campus bookstore is located in the Pavilion Building. Textbooks and course materials are sold at all bookstore locations specific to the location, with the exception of distance courses (online) and West Campus, which are available at the Main Campus. New, used, and digital textbooks (for purchase and rent) are available at all bookstore locations. The Main and Northeast Regional bookstores also carry a large selection of school supplies, computers and computer supplies, printers, trade books, school spirit apparel and giftware, backpacks, gift cards, and snacks and beverages. More information including bookstore hours, contact information, store promotions, online ordering options, etc., are posted on the bookstore link on MyCCP and the bookstore website at
Dining Services
Canteen, a division of Compass International, provides dining options on the Main Campus. Roary’s Café, located in the Pavilion Building, offers a made-to-order grill, deli, and pizza station as well as grab’ n selections and premium beverages. Café details including contact information and menus are located on the Dining Services link on MyCCP. The CBI Cyber Café, Pavilion, Bonnell, Northeast Regional Center & CATC Center feature high-end vending options which include ‘grab’ n go’ selections, premium beverages, and microwaveable items. Vending machines are located throughout all campus buildings.
The Saxbys at the Community College of Philadelphia is an Experiential Learning Platform cafe helmed by a Student Cafe Executive Officer that oversees a team of peers and all cafe operations while earning an undergraduate degree. Everything at this cafe is crafted for students, by students! The impressive breadth of this cafe also extends to its food menu. All-day breakfast highlights include Breakfast Grilled Cheese, pastries, egg sandwiches, Breakfast Burritos and a suite of unique toasts. Beyond all-day breakfast, a range of seriously melty grilled cheeses are offered as well. The cafe’s carefully curated beverage menu features a range of options from its signature Cold Brew Collection, to all-natural smoothies, Harney & Sons teas, and seasonal sippers. For current hours of operation, click here. For more info about the program, contact the Experiential Learning & Impact Team, at
Lion Card - Your Student ID
A student ID card, also known as the Lion Card, is issued to all new students and is your official college identification. Lion Cards are used for admission to the campus and access to its facilities. Effective January 2017, your Lion Card must be worn visibly at all times while on campus and must be presented and swiped at all building entrances each and every time. You also may be asked for other identification. You must show the ID card if it is requested.
Abuse of an ID card could result in disciplinary action by the College. If the card is lost or stolen, contact the Department of Public Safety in MG-12 at Main Campus or the main Public Safety desk at each Regional Center for information about replacing it. Each replacement ID card is $10.
Funds may be loaded onto your Lion Card by the card holder and can be used in Roary’s Café, the Bookstore, to purchase tickets for events and activities, and for the discounted parking rate at the Main Campus Garage and discounted copies in Business Services (MG-25).
Card holders can make cash deposits to their Lion Card using a Value Port; one Value Port is located in the Pavilion Building and one is located at the Northeast Regional Center. Deposits using a credit card can be processed through the cardholder’s Lion Card account which is accessed through the Lion Card link located on MyCCP under the Campus Life tab. More information including FAQ’s and Terms and Conditions can be found on the Lion Card link. Funds can also be loaded using the CBORD GET App available for smartphone users.
Public Safety
The Department of Public Safety operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The Main Campus and the Regional Centers are staffed with Public Safety Specialist, plus stationary and roving patrol officers. Campus Patrol Officers patrol the interior and exterior of the campuses. The roving patrols include the parking lots and other parking areas located on campus. In addition to our roving patrols, we are equipped with state-of-the-art Closed-Circuit TV (CCTV) cameras located throughout our campuses. The CCTV cameras are monitored by Public Safety Specialist 24 hours daily.
The Public Safety Communications Center is located in MG-12. Dial extension 5555 from campus phones for an emergency situation. Otherwise, this facility can be reached at any time by dialing (215) 751-8111.
All campus accidents and injuries, or any hazardous situations, should be reported at once to the department office (MG-12) or to the nearest Public Safety/Security station. The Public Safety stations are located at each main entrance to the College.
Public Safety will be summoned quickly in an emergency by dialing extension 5555 from any College telephone. Special red ‘house phones’ are located in hallways throughout campus for internal use.
Lost or found items should be reported to the Department of Public Safety, MG-12.
Campus Emergency Communications
The College has a number of mass emergency communication streams to advise, warn and give information in the event of a college emergency. These include:
- Text messaging, email blast, voice: Our Send Word Now® system will notify all students of closing, delayed openings or an emergency situation on campus.
- On Campus mass communication system: Alertus® communications is a visible box located at strategic areas throughout the campuses. It sends and audio as well as visual message of an emergency to the entire campus or targeted areas.
- Classroom Public Announcement (PA): Our VOiP system is featured with the ability to send messages to classroom phones to alert faculty and students of any emergencies on campus.
Telephone - Primary Number and Cell Number
The primary and cell phone numbers will be used for all College business, including emergency communications. Updates to these numbers will overwrite any previously supplied information to the College. The Cell Phone 2 will be used ONLY for emergency communications. Please note that in order to receive a text message, at least ONE cell phone number must be filled in. If you do not want to receive text messages to a number, simply do not choose the option receive emergency communications for that number.
Email - Community College of Philadelphia Email and Other Email
The Community College of Philadelphia email and other email will be used for all College business, including emergency communications. You will have the ability to enter one additional non-Community College of Philadelphia email which will ONLY be used for emergency communications.
The information you provide will determine the resources by which you receive urgent notifications. Keep these things in mind:
- Provide enough information to reach you instantly regardless of the time of day. If, for example, you usually turn your cell phone off at work, it should not be provided as the only way of reaching you.
- Do not enter a phone number more than once. Please provide unique direct-dial numbers and email/text addresses that go directly to you.
When in doubt, please provide more points of contact rather than less.
The information you provide will remain private. Send Word Now has signed a confidentiality agreement with the College. They will not use this information for any other purpose except notifications initiated by the College. Also, Send Word Now will never ask for sensitive information, such as credit card information or your Social Security Number, which might be used for identity theft. If you receive an invitation from Send Word Now that does not conform to these guidelines, please do not accept the invitation - report it.
To update your contact information, please log into MyCCP and within the Student Tab under the Enrollment Services channel, click on Update Contact Information. If you have any questions, please contact 4ITSupport at (215) 496-6000 or for assistance. Please remember to include your Student ID # (also, your J#) in all requests to .
Please note that your enrollment in this service will be in effect for two consecutive terms after the last date of enrollment.
Information Technology
As a registered student, a College-issued email account is given to you as part of MyCCP. You may continue to use an alternate email account; however, it is not recommended that you auto forward your MyCCP email to this alternate account. Official College communications are sent via email, and you do not want to miss reading any important information. Communication sent by email is considered to be valid and official, and you will be held accountable for any information, deadline, or requirement contained within the email. Please make it a priority to check your College-issued email regularly. If using email, please leave an alternate email address other than your Community College of Philadelphia email.
Contact or call (215) 496-6000, with questions or problems with your College email account. Please remember to include your Student ID # (also, your J#) in all requests to .
MyCCP provides students the ability to interact with the College in numerous ways. While there will be times when you must take care of business in person, many activities including forms submissions, payments, etc., can be accomplished online. You will receive official College correspondence, notices and announcements in MyCCP. In addition, some faculty may use this service to augment in-class discussion and assignments with online resources. Once you have registered for your first semester of classes, be sure to monitor your MyCCP account regularly.
Information Technology Support
As a student using the College’s computer networks, either for course-related activity or to manage your student records, help is available should you need assistance. Contact Information Technology at (215) 496-6000 (off campus) or extension 6000 (on campus).
For Student Support, press OPTION #2. Under OPTION #2 press one of the following:
#1- Log In – Navigating MyCCP Support
#2 - Student ID Information or to report a problem with your student ID
#3 - Financial Aid Questions
#4 - Payment or Billing Related Questions
#5 - Records and Registration Questions
#6 - Admissions Questions
#7 - Speak to a Student Technical Support Representative
Wireless Availability
The Community College of Philadelphia Wireless Network is available to all staff, faculty, students and authorized visitors with laptops or mobile devices capable of wireless connectivity. Those connected to the Community College of Philadelphia Wireless Network will be able to access Internet and email; however; SHARED NETWORK RESOURCES ARE NOT ACCESSIBLE.
Wi-Fi Hot Spots For All Campus Locations
Bonnell Building |
Pavilion Building |
Mint Building |
West Building |
Winnet Building |
Center for Business & Industry (CBI) |
Northeast |
Northwest |
West Philadelphia Regional Center |
System Requirements
Any device with Wi-Fi capability. This includes any mobile device.
Connection Information
The Wi-Fi within the College is a non-broadcasting network. We do this to limit non-college resources from accessing the network. To set your device connection, go to your device’s Network and/or Wi-Fi connection settings location. Manually ‘Add’ a network using the SSID of CCP WLAN with Open Security. The “CCP WLAN” SSID must be entered as shown here. If asked, check Obtain an IP address automatically.
For additional information, contact the ITS Support Desk at (215) 496-6000.
Lockers are assigned on a first-come, first-served basis each fall by the Facilities Management Department, MG-14. Assignments are for both the fall and spring semesters. Lockers are not available during summer sessions. Check bulletin boards for when and where to pick up your locker assignment. Locker problems are handled by the Facilities Management Office, MG-14.
Financial Education Center
Located in the Bonnell Building Lobby and Northeast Regional Center, the PSECU Financial Education Center offers students, faculty, and staff a variety of free services. PSECU can help with answering general account questions, opening new accounts, offering financial education seminars, providing meaningful internship experiences for students, resolving account issues, and developing account relationships with students, faculty and staff.
To get started or for more information, visit the PSECU website, or call (215) 231-9404.
On-Campus ATM’s
The College has an ATM located in the Bonnell Building, Winnet Student Life Building, and Pavilion Building on Main Campus, and one machine at each Regional Center.
There is also free nationwide ATM usage with the joint network of credit unions’ in the CO-OP program, a network with over 35,000 ATM’s. Generally, members can use any ATM, anywhere, for free through our ATM surcharge rebate program. All members are rebated up to $8 per month. Members with recurring direct deposit (no minimum required) are rebated up to $20 per month.
Hours of Operation
Main Campus
Monday, Wednesday and Friday: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Tuesday and Thursday: 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Summer Hours: Monday - Thursday: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Northeast Regional Center
Monday, Wednesday and Friday: 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Thursday: 1:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Summer Hours: Monday - Thursday: 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM