My Path to Being a Good Student

Student Success Initiatives (SSI)
Student Success Initiatives (SSI) offers programs and services designed to ensure students’ academic success at the College. SSI is constantly expanding their program offerings as specific needs among the College’s student body are identified. SSI offers student support through Student Success Support Coaches available for phone, on-line, or face-to-face appointments. SSI also manages Starfish Connect, the College’s academic early alert system, which provides students with timely and effective communication regarding academic performance. Staff work with students after receiving alerts to provide guidance about helpful resources available at the College. In addition, the office manages the Complete with 15 Scholarship which is designed to help students complete their degree program faster while saving money.
Academic Early Alert (Starfish Connect)
Starfish Connect, the College’s academic early alert system, is a communication tool for students, faculty and staff at the College, designed to provide students with feedback about academic performance. The goals of the system are to help students successfully complete courses, connect students with campus resources, engage students in their academic success and increase student persistence from semester to semester. The Starfish Connect software allows faculty to easily communicate their concerns to students while at the same time communicating these concerns to student support staff on campus. Starfish provides a way for faculty and students to directly communicate with one another about student issues that need to be resolved. Students can be more successful when direct faculty-student communication is combined with effective support from advisors, counselors and other staff on campus. Using Starfish Connect, faculty can raise flags when they have a concern about student performance, give kudos to provide positive feedback to students and make referrals to campus resources. Students receiving an email from an instructor(s) with the subject, 'Important Information about your (Name of Course)' should follow up with the instructor(s) and take any other suggested action steps as soon as possible.
To create a student profile in Starfish Connect, click this link For more information about Starfish, visit
Complete with 15 Scholarship
Complete with 15 provides eligible students, who enroll in four courses (a minimum of 12 credits) each semester with a scholarship that will fund an additional three-credit course. By enrolling in five courses per semester for a minimum of 15 credits, students can complete an associate degree in less time while saving money. Students are eligible to apply for this scholarship once they have earned at least 24 credits and have a GPA of 2.5 (See “Paying for College” on the College’s homepage for additional eligibility criteria). The scholarship is renewable for two semesters, following initial award, providing eligibility criteria continue to be met.
For more information, including eligibility requirements, visit the Complete with 15 Scholarship. Students can also submit an application electronically here.
Support for 50th Anniversary Promise Scholars and Joseph and Marie Field Scholars
SSI can help students who are awarded the 50th Anniversary Promise Scholarship or the Joseph and Marie Field Scholarships maintain their eligibility throughout the academic year. SSI staff help these scholars navigate College processes and resources. They help students meet their goals by reminding students of important deadlines, identifying academic support workshops offered on campus and extracurricular activities on campus or in the community.
Learning Lab
The Learning Lab provides students with free academic support services such as individual and small group tutoring sessions, study groups, and workshops in most of the courses offered at the College. The Learning Lab can also help with fine-tuning your study strategies and essay writing skills. We provide our academic support services both in person and online!
The Learning Lab is comprised of both peer tutors and subject specialists with expertise in a broad range of subjects. Our peer tutors are accomplished students of high academic standing, who have excelled in the courses they tutor and are also familiar with the rigors of courses offered by the College. Our subject specialists are faculty members with expertise in reading, writing, ESL, mathematics, computer information systems, computer technologies, accounting, economics, science, statistics, and learning disabilities. Both the Learning Lab peer tutors and specialists are trained in the art of tutoring and are mentored to provide the individualized attention students need to achieve their personal best.
Scheduling a tutoring appointment has never been easier! You can now schedule appointments at your convenience, online! To access the Learning Lab’s scheduling site, you will first need to log into the MyCCP portal. Next click on the Student Services Link, found on the left side of your MyCCP home page. Click on the “Schedule Tutoring” link, and lastly the “Access Online Tutoring Support” link.
For more information detailing services and hours of operation, please visit our webpage at or stop by any Learning Lab location.
Our library faculty are available to help you with research questions and provide you with the knowledge and skills to locate, evaluate, and use a wide range of resources to support your college coursework.
Library services are available at Main Campus, Northeast Regional Center, and West Regional Center. Your college ID is all you need to borrow library materials.
The Main Campus includes more than 40,000 books, journals, magazines, and newspapers. Course reserve materials are available for use in the library, including some textbooks. You can access the library databases on campus or off-campus through MyCCP.
For more information about the services and resources available at the Main Campus and Regional Center Libraries, visit our webpage at
STUDENT ACADEMIC COMPUTER CENTER (*updated section; page 27; My Path to Being a Good Student)
The Student Academic Computer Centers (SACC) offers you access to computer workstations with various software applications utilized at the College, including email, Web, and laser printing. Our friendly and knowledgeable faculty and student workers are here to provide you with technical support and answer your general questions about how to use academic technology, as well as providing you with beneficial navigation assistance.
Student computer access is available on the Main Campus in the new Learning Commons and the Center for Business and Industry (CBI) building (C3-17), as well as in the Northeast Regional Center Learning Commons (NE-123) and in the West Regional Center’s Career and Advanced Technology Center Learning Commons (CATC-359). For more information detailing services and hours, visit our webpage at or stop by any SACC location.
Student Academic Computer Center
The Student Academic Computer Center (SACC) offers you access to computer workstations with various software applications required in all disciplines at the College, including email, Web, and laser printing. We are comprised of both faculty and student workers who are here to support you by answering general knowledge questions about how to use the academic technology, as well as providing you with general navigation assistance.
To request technical academic support, especially when working remotely, email us at . Please be sure to include a phone number where we can reach you so that we may respond directly and in a timely fashion.
Student computer access is available on the Main Campus in the new Learning Commons and the Center for Business and Industry (CBI) building (C3-17), as well as at the Regional Centers in the Northeast Learning Commons (NE-123), the Northwest Regional Center (NW-120), and the West Learning Commons (WERC-160).
For more information detailing services and hours, visit our webpage at computer-center/student-academic-computer-center-sacc, then scroll down the main page or stop by any SACC location to pick up a brochure.
English Language Learner (ELL) Student Services
ELL Student Services helps English Language Learners have the best student experience at the Community College of Philadelphia and increase their retention. ELLs are current and former students in the ESL program. They are a very diverse and remarkable group, coming from more than 80 countries, speaking more than 30 languages, and bringing a wealth of cultures and experiences to the College. When ELLs need assistance, we connect them to appropriate resources both inside and outside of CCP. These supports include tutoring, financial aid, health care, legal and immigration questions, children's resources, food, housing and much more. For more details, email us at '; // --> , call (215) 751-8479, or visit us in L1-06C.
Office of Collegiate Recovery
Connecting Education to Your Recovery
The Office of Collegiate Recovery (OCR) is focused on coordinating efforts to help you fulfill recovery goals related to alcohol and/or other substances (i.e. harm reduction, abstinence) while simultaneously pursuing a college education.
Through the collaboration of on-campus student support services and community resources, the OCR will help you transition into and succeed in a college environment as you work on your recovery process. You will learn self- advocacy skills and coping mechanisms necessary to achieve your goals.
The OCR offers you several resources, including:
- On-going peer-led and academic mentoring based on individual student needs
- Weekly recovery fellowship support meetings
- Structured activities within the CCP community and recovery community in Philadelphia
- Access to the College’s student support services, including career counseling and tutoring
- Connections with community resources throughout the City of Philadelphia
The Office of Collegiate Recovery Services is dedicated to reaffirming the reality of recovery maintenance by celebrating and enhancing the variety, availability and quality of local and regional recovery support.
For more information, please contact .
Pride Portal
Your All-Access Pass to Student Involvement Want to get involved but not sure where to start? Pride Portal is your one stop hub for campus engagement and serves as “your path to pawsibilities.” Login via the MyCCP portal or directly at to learn about all the incredible opportunities available to enrich your college experience. Get involved and make it a roarin’ good year.
TRiO Student Support Services
TRiO Student Support Services is a U.S. Department of Education grant funded program. College students eligible for the program are low-income, first-generation college and/or disabled. Services provided include: orientations, an English 98/101 writing intensive summer bridge program, and intercession detailing college services, personal and career development, specialized academic advising, college transfer options visits, culture activities, study abroad, and grant aid for PELL Grant recipients. The goal is for the student to graduate from the College and/or transfer to a four-year college or university and to receive a four-year baccalaureate degree.
For further information on TRiO SSS and eligibility requirements, please contact us in B1-27 or call (215) 751-8532.
Keystone Education Yields Success (KEYS)
Keystone Education Yields Success (KEYS) Program supports recipients of Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) and Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Programs (SNAP) attending one of Pennsylvania’s 14 community colleges. To be eligible, you must be pursuing both a career-specific, short-term certificate and/or associate degree. You can utilize class, study, and other academic and career-related activities to meet state mandated work participation hours to maintain family sustaining benefits. Through the support of these benefits, you are able to attend school and receive added allowances to help sustain your activities. Those allowances include assistance with:
- Child care (co-pays may apply)
- Transportation (can be applied anywhere from 7-14 days from the first of the month)
- Books and supplies (may cover cost of uniforms)
- Professional clothing (for employment and training)
- Criminal background requests (for employment and career-related community service placement)
- Career-specific testing and licenses
The KEYS Program blends education, employment and enrichment to facilitate student success and sustainability. Our aim is to promote increased self-sufficiency in your life. Therefore, students enrolled in the program are required to participate in an active job search while pursing short-term credentials to enhance employability. The program offers employment placement through career development services provided by the KEYS Job Developer and employment partners. Additionally, if you are enrolled in the program, you are connected with a KEYS Student Facilitator who provides you with academic guidance, professional coaching and individual enrichment. Student Facilitators monitor your academic performance and will work with you to address diverse academic and personal challenges, linking you with educational, employment and social resources both on and off campus. KEYS staff operates as a liaison to assist you in accessing benefits and services through the County Assistance Office and other community agencies.
The KEYS Program is funded by the Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare, Bureau of Education and Training and is a supportive project under the state’s welfare-to-workforce initiatives. If you are eligible and interested in enrolling in KEYS, you should contact your assigned Career Development Unit (CDU) worker for a direct referral or visit the KEYS office.
For more details, contact us in M1-24 or call (215) 751-8025.
Institute for Community Engagement and Civic Leadership
The Institute for Community Engagement and Civic Leadership is the College’s home for volunteerism, community-engaged learning, outreach and partnerships.
The Institute connects the College community to volunteer and civic engagement opportunities on campus and throughout the city. College-wide volunteer events and service days hosted by the Institute provide meaningful engagements for the College community to give back and experience something fulfilling, while positively impacting various diverse communities within Philadelphia. Institute service projects include: donation drives, mentoring, tutoring, community gardening and more! Students who engage with the Institute learn new skills and develop their leadership abilities through service experiences.
The Institute awards two students each year with the Maggie Hawkins-Powell Community Leadership Transfer Scholarship and is always looking for students to serve on the College Volunteer Council. Students can also earn Volunteer Service Awards, Letters of Recommendations and other incentives when they serve with us.
- Service programs include: The Adopt-A-School program, Next Steps AmeriCorps program, #CCPVotes, Martin Luther King Day of Service and the Semester of Service program.
- If you are a student who has experience in foster care, we’re here to support you on your college journey through our Fostering Caring Connections program, email to learn more.
- To volunteer, visit and sign up for an upcoming opportunity today!
- For questions about Institute events, volunteer opportunities and more, please contact the Institute at or visit the Institute offices in S3-03 and M2-34.
The Mission of the Institute for Community Engagement and Civic Leadership is to foster a culture of engagement and collaboration that promotes experiential learning and capitalizes on the strengths of students, faculty, staff and partners to make a positive difference on social justice issues.
That the College’s institutional profile and reputation be elevated to the status of one recognized for excellence and embraced by the community and beyond for having a positive impact on social issues at local, regional and national levels.
Single Stop
Community College of Philadelphia helps you connect with state and federal financial services, as well as social and community resources. We want to support you to prevent and overcome economic barriers so that you can continue with your education and ultimately accomplish your goals. For that, we have Single Stop! An office where you can get individualized attention to help you identify and apply for additional financial resources like public benefits, get guidance to manage life barriers, and much more! These services are only offered to registered Community College of Philadelphia students and include:
Basic Needs and Benefits Screening
Through a quick screening you can learn if you could qualify for additional financial resources and obtain help pursuing them. From food to health insurance, utility and cash assistance; textbooks, transportation, childcare, and other subsidies, staff can help you identify and apply without leaving campus.
Tax Preparation and Filing
Following the IRS standards, Single Stop staff assist you in preparing your documents and submit your documents for filing your tax return and/or amendment so that you can maximize your tax credits including the Earned Income, American Opportunity or Child Tax Credits. This service is available from January through April at the Main Campus.
Legal Aid
Single Stop staff refer students to attorneys and advocates who provide free assistance and advice to address issues with public benefit denials and suspensions, housing, utilities, employment, record expungement, fraud, identity theft, and more.
Immigration Consultations
Pro-bono attorneys provide guidance about immigration law, status adjustment, DACA, sponsorship, and the citizenship process are available on campus at no cost.
Financial Fitness
Work with a certified financial instructor to establish and achieve your financial goals. From credit counseling to debt management, understanding student loans, and planning for your independence, Single Stop can help you get financially fit while you are in school.
Healthcare Enrollment Assistance
Single Stop staff can assess and help you connect with the most suitable health insurance option. Whether you qualify for a plan through the state or through the Marketplace, assistance to apply is available on campus AT NO COST!
Referral Services
After completing the intake process, or submitting your profile using the self-screening online tool available on your MyCCP portal, staff will review your results and reach out to make a plan to connect you with internal and external services and resources.
Contact Single Stop
Click here to connect with staff using the online self-screening tool.
Visit their office located at Main Campus, room M1-21 in the Mint Building, phone (215) 516-3710, or email Northeast Regional Center, room 102i, phone (215) 972-6268. Email the Regional Centers Coordinator at '; // --> .
Learn more about Single Stop on MyCCP and follow on Twitter @singlestopCCP.
Did you know that...
- Students who use Single Stop services have higher graduation rates and higher GPAs than students who do not.
- All Single Stop services are free of charge to currently enrolled students.
- Since 2013, Single Stop helped more than 17,000 students connect with more than $30.1 million dollars.
English Language Learner (ELL) Student Services
ELL Student Services helps English Language Learners have the best student experience at the Community College of Philadelphia and increase their retention. ELLs are current and former students in the ESL program. They are a very diverse and remarkable group, coming from more than 80 countries, speaking more than 30 languages, and bringing a wealth of cultures and experiences to the College. When ELLs need assistance, we connect them to appropriate resources both inside and outside of CCP. These supports include tutoring, financial aid, health care, legal and immigration questions, children's resources, food, housing and much more. For more details, email us at, call (215) 751-8479, or visit us in BG-39C.
Women’s Outreach and Advocacy Center (WOAC)
The Women’s Outreach and Advocacy Center (WOAC) is committed to providing a comprehensive set of services that respond to the academic, social, emotional, and personal development needs, as well as health and safety concerns of students. These services include:
- Individual consultations for gender-related, family, and caregiver supports
- Crisis intervention, advocacy, and support
- Referral to women’s agencies and social service organizations
- Educational and issue awareness seminars, skill building workshops, and special conferences and presentations
- General advocacy to the administration and faculty on behalf of students
- A safe space
- Support Groups
For more information, contact the Women’s Outreach and Advocacy Center at (215) 751-2092, or visit S3-09. The Center is open from Monday - Friday, 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM and from Monday - Thursday, 8:00 AM - 5:30 PM during the summer.
Lactation Rooms/Pods
The Women’s Outreach and Advocacy Center, under the Division of Student Development, continues to support a lactation room on Main Campus. The lactation room is a soothing, private space for students, faculty, and staff to use who need to chest-feed or pump and is located on the First Floor of the Winnet Student Life Building in Room S1-09A. Students or guests with appropriate ID may access the space using keypad code 2001# or reaching out to the Winnet Security Desk, Human Resources, or Women’s Outreach and Advocacy Center.
Additionally, Mamava Lactation Pods are available on the Main Campus and Regional Centers in the following locations:
- Main Campus - located on the Bonnell Ground Floor near the Counseling Center. For faculty, staff, and students who don't have cell phone access, please see the Counseling Center Reception Desk (BG-07) or the Bonnell Security Desk for assistance. For more info, contact or Melissa Fogg ( ) and Kelly Lake ( ).
- Northeast Regional Center - located near the Bookstore on the First Floor. If you don't have cell phone access and need access to the pod, please see the Security Desk for assistance. For more info, contact Cathy Collins at .
- West Regional Center – located in the West Regional Center, use the Ludlow Street Entrance and Security will direct you to the pod location near the Chestnut Street Lobby. If you don't have cell phone access and need access to the pod, please see the Security Desk for assistance. For more info, contact Corrine Miller at .
MarcDavid LGBTQ Center
The MarcDavid LGBTQ Center offers support services, programming activities, and educational opportunities to members of the LGBTQ community and to the entire College community. Student outreach and support efforts consist of working with LGBTQ student groups, faculty and staff LGBTQ competency trainings, working with campus partners and student groups on inclusion and support initiatives, and connecting students with City and College resources. Find out more about the Center, or request a training for your department or class by visiting our section of the website.
Contact the Center at (215) 972-6232, email , or visit us in S3-09 (moving to S1-19 in Spring 2025).