Diversity Incentive Fund

The Diversity Incentive Fund is designed to provide financial assistance through a number of diversity mini-grants to help support projects, workshops and activities that strengthen excellence in diversity. A limited amount of funding is available for this academic year.
Faculty and staff are eligible to apply as individuals or in groups. The same collaborative group may submit only one proposal per year. Awards will range from $100 to $500 dollars, and can also be used in conjunction with funds received from other sources.
The Director of the Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion will appoint an Ad Hoc committee consisting of individuals from the President’s Diversity Council to review applications and make funding recommendations. The Ad Hoc committee will bring its recommendations to the Director of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion for final approval. Members of the Ad Hoc committee are not eligible to apply for the grants. Applications may be submitted at any time.
Applications will be reviewed on the following criteria:
- The event has a strong conceptual framework that can be identified as strengthening the College’s commitment to diversity; reflects the mission, goals and core values of the College; and relates to goals and objectives identified in the College’s Strategic and/or Diversity Plans.
- The event is clearly defined with easily identified starting and ending points, specific activities, goals, and measurable outcomes.
- The event has direct impact upon a significant portion of the College community and has broad visibility. Events may not be limited to in-class presentations.
Examples of programs for which the Diversity Fund may be used for:
- Guest speakers on a diversity topic
- Special program(s) intended to increase respect for diversity and individual differences
- A project to enhance and support the recruitment, retention and development of a diverse full-time faculty and staff
- Events that expand the inclusion of issues related to race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, age, social class, physical ability or attributes, religious or ethnical values system, national origin and political beliefs
Awards may not be used to fund:
- Activities that take place entirely off campus and have no obvious benefit to the College community
- Conference registration or travel expenses
- Entertainment expenses that do not have a clearly defined educational component
- Travel expenses, except for presenters brought to campus for a specific activity
- Ongoing existing initiatives, classes or programs
- Research leading to a degree
- Research projects
- Salaries
- Stipends to college employees
For more information, contact Leila Lawrence, Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion & Title IX Coordinator, at 215-751-8036.