ADA Accessibility Committee

Committee Charge

The primary charge of the ADA Accessibility Committee is to review and address the accessibility needs and issues that arise at the College.  The Committee assists in assuring compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA); Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and all other pertinent Federal, State and local laws and regulations pertaining to individuals with disabilities.  To accomplish this charge the Committee will:

  • Assist the ADA Compliance Officer in the evaluation of current campus programs, policies, and procedures relating to access and services for individuals with disabilities;
  • Make recommendations to senior management regarding the best methods of dissolving/addressing barriers that inhibit access to any College services, programs, products or accommodations
  • Advise on development of policy and implementation plans for 1) web accessibility; 2) Instructional materials accessibility; and 3) accessibility of electronic and information technology procurement.

Disability Access and Inclusion Plan

View the 2017-2021 Disability Access and Inclusion Plan