President’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Council

The President’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Council is the primary advisory committee to the president on matters of diversity and equity for the College. Leila Lawrence, director of the Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, is co-chair of the Council. Founded in 2000, the President’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Council is committed to the development of a College environment that welcomes, celebrates and promotes respect for all.
The President’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Council addresses diversity in the following areas:
- Mission and Goals
- Faculty Recruitment, Development and Retention
- Staff Recruitment, Development and Retention
- Student Recruitment, Development and Retention
- Curriculum
- Climate
- Community Outreach
- Civility
- Diversity Leadership and Governance
Members of the President’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Council share diversity best practices, make recommendations to senior leadership about pressing diversity issues, and engage in institutional diversity planning and advocacy. Members of the Council include administrators, faculty, staff and students. The Council meets regularly during the academic year. The President’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Council currently has four subcommittees: Faculty Issues, Student Issues, Civility and Events, and Diversity Assessment.
Council Charge
The President’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Council will outline strategies for valuing the contributions of diverse populations, recognizing changes in societal and workforce demographics, and enhancing campus climate. The Council will work to identify ways to infuse diversity into our curriculum, campus life, and in professional development.
Definition of Diversity
Diversity means differences based on important human characteristics that impact an individual’s values, opportunities, and perceptions of self and others. These characteristics are broadly defined differences such as: age, ethnicity, gender, race, sexual orientation, mental/physical abilities, national origins, religion, socio-economic status, work and learning styles, work experience, education, organizational role, organizational level, and communication style, and many other variables. Diversity encompasses an infinite range of an individual’s unique characteristics and experiences.
Mission Statement
The mission of the Community College of Philadelphia’ s President’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Council is to help the College build a more inclusive campus community which understands, accepts, and embraces the value of diversity among students, faculty and staff. This mission will be accomplished through comprehensive and broad initiatives, which will encourage and facilitate campus responsibility regarding developing a more sensitive and welcoming campus environment. The President’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Council will coordinate and promote efforts to increase the visibility and coherence of campus diversity activities.
Diversity Commitment Statement
The Community College of Philadelphia is committed to the development of a campus environment that welcomes, celebrates, and promotes respect for all. In our commitment to diversity, we welcome people from all backgrounds, and seek to include knowledge and values from many cultures into the curriculum and extra-curricular life of the campus community. In fulfilling this commitment we will work toward creating an environment that understands and values diversity. We will strive to create, promote, and maintain activities and programs that further understanding of individual and group diversity. We are committed to ensuring that the concept of diversity be advanced and incorporated into every activity at the College.
The President’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Council Membership
The members of the 2022-2023 President’s Diversity Council include:
Leila Lawrence, Chair
Faye Allard
Amy Birge-Caracappa
Michele Claybrook-Lucas
Joseph Corso
Melissa Fogg
Lucia Gbaya-Kanga
Erica Harrison
Tameka Jackson-Leung
James "Barry" Johnson
Marissa Johnson
Mamadou Kane
Mak Khan
Danielle Liautaud-Watkins
Michelle Lopez
Alexis Mercado
Waturu Nishida
Anthony Palimore
Lisa Papurt
Derrick Perkins
Ronald Perri
Kate Sanchez
Vincent Scarfo
Koi Stevens
Alison Watts