Study Groups/Workshops

The Learning Lab offers a wide range of workshops to review and teach specific topics to small groups of students. The Lab workshops are free for Community College of Philadelphia students, and the times and topics vary from semester to semester.
Math Study Groups (Contact John Politis @ )
Free math study groups are offered on a weekly basis. Sign-up required to join but regular attendance can pay off! You may attend study groups in addition to peer tutoring. Discussion and problem-solving are based on the requests of the participants.
Writing Workshops (Contact Mary Yannuzzi @ )
Students may attend as many workshops as they like, as often as they’d like. Sign-up is required and join in any week, but regular attendance can pay off! You may attend workshops in addition to making an individual tutoring appointment each week.
Fundamentals of Writing Workshops English 098
This workshop teaches the fundamentals of grammar and punctuation, as well as practicing the writing and revising of short texts.
Punctuation Workshops
This workshop teaches the fundamentals of using proper punctuation marks.
Essay Writing Workshops English 101
These workshops will help students develop the skills needed for writing college essays, especially students enrolled in English 101.
Research Paper Workshops English 102
These workshops are designed to help students in all courses, especially English 102, who need to develop a research paper. Some of the topics that will be covered are:
- Developing a thesis and a proposal
- Documenting sources
- Avoiding plagiarism
- Developing an outline
- Using correct format
- Revising and proofreading
English as a Second Language (ESL) Workshops (Contact Mary Yannuzzi @ )
ESL workshops are designed to help students in ESL 072, 092, and 093. Workshops are free to currently enrolled students. You may join in at any time of the semester and sign-up is necessary. Topics include:
- Pronunciation (ESL 072 or higher)
- Writing Paragraphs and Essays (ESL 093 or higher)
- Imrove your Sentence Writing (ESL 092 or 093)
- Grammar and Punctuation (ESL 093 or higher)
- ESL Conversation (ESL 072 or higher)
CIS Study Groups (Contact Dr. Mavis Pogue @ )
If you are interested in starting a CIS study group, feel free to contact me at the email address above.