Student Canvas FAQs
Canvas is the online system available to all College classes. It is used by all online and hybrid classes, and many on-campus classes as well. Students should ask their instructors how they will be using Canvas. You may also view Online Learning, Student Orientation Video.
Q: How do I login to Canvas?
Your CCP ID is the username and password you will use to access all online services at CCP.
You should have received an email from to your personal email account. This email will have a link to establish your account.
If you have an account that was established prior to May 26, 2020 and you have not changed your password you can retrieve it by clicking here.
If you have established your password and you don't remember it, you can reset it by clicking here.
Username: your CCP Username
Password: your CCP Password
Click the LOGIN button
If you have problems setting up your Canvas account, contact the Help desk at 215-496-6000 or
Q: How do I Change my Display Name in Canvas?
A: To change your name that appears in Canvas (and other CCP lists):
1. Log into MyCCP.
2. Click on the Student tab.
3. Select Enrollment Services.
4. Select Update Contact Information. The form to add Chosen\Preferred First Name appears.
5. Type your preferred name and click on Update Preferred Name.
Q: Why don't I see all of the courses I'm registered for in Canvas?
A: Canvas course sites are not accessible to students until the site is made available or "published," so it is normal to not see all courses listed in Canvas before the course starts. Not all on-campus instructors are using Canvas, and they might use different functions, such as the gradebook, or online assignments. Ask your instructor how they will be using the system.
Q: When can I access my courses?
A: You typically will not have access to your courses in Canvas until the first day of class. You do not need to request access to courses. You are automatically enrolled when you register. It may take one business day before access is available as we update the information five times a day, not instantaneously. If the course has already started and you still don’t see it in Canvas, you should check your enrollment profile in MyCCP. If you do not see the course there, contact the Records and Registration Office at 215-751-8700 and/or Financial Aid Office as soon as possible.
Q: How do I customize my profile and set preferences for the notifications I receive from Canvas?
A: View the instructions for adding a photo and adjusting your notification preferences.
You can link your accounts from Facebook, Twitter, Skype, Google, LinkedIn, and Delicious to Canvas, and you can choose to receive alerts on your cell phone from Canvas too.
Q: How do I upload files for my Assignments?
A: View the instructions for uploading files.
Q: How do I get help using Canvas?
A: We recommend that students check out the tutorials in Canvas' Video guide and the information in the Canvas Guides. For questions or issues regarding Canvas, please use the help link from within Canvas or contact IT at
Q: What Technology skills do I need?
Students should be able to perform the minimum skills listed below before taking an online course. Please note this is a minimum; skills specific to individual courses may also be required. Check the syllabus for additional requirements. Students who need help with basic computer skills should take CIS 103 on-campus or hybrid, or seek out equivalent training. Students who want help navigating Canvas should review Roary’s OnLion Learning Space.
Basic Computer Knowledge
- Understand basic computer terminology
- Minimize, maximize and move windows
- Back up files
- Download and install software
- Transfer files by uploading or downloading
- Ability to create folders/directories
- Ability to find, name, rename, copy and delete files
- Create documents of various types and save in a desired location
- Select, copy, and paste text from one area to another
- Have familiarity with a word processing application
Technical Communication Skills
- Email using Outlook
- Send messages via Canvas
- Add attachments to a message
- Retrieve attachments from an email message
Internet Skills
- Use a browser effectively, including going to a specific URL, bookmarks, use the forward and back buttons
- Know how to open multiple browser windows
- Use search engines to find information on the Web
Q: What hardware do I need?
Make sure your computer meets the minimum Canvas computer requirements. Note that although Canvas will work on a mobile device, we do not recommend submitting assignments or taking quizzes on a mobile device. You will also need a reliable internet connection. Individual courses could have additional requirements, check the syllabus for more information