Frequently Asked Questions
What is my College placement level?
Your placement refers to the level of classes you are placed into as determined by your placement test. If you are required to take courses in a specific program placement, your advisor or counselor will tell what your placement is and can help you register.
How can I find all courses that are offered online?
Select the term you want to register for, select "Online Learning" as your campus location and click "Search."
What does CRN mean?
CRN stands for Course Reference Number. It is a five-digit number assigned to each class section for each term.
What are Linked Sessions?
Linked sessions are used to link two courses together. For example, Chemistry labs and lectures are tied together since you must take a lab with a lecture. If you search for CHEM 110, you will see a "View Linked" button in the "Linded Sessions" column. Click on this button to see when the corresponding lab is being offered.
What is a prerequisite?
Prerequisites are specific course(s) that must be taken before enrolling in other courses. Prerequisites must be taken before a particular course; corequisites can be taken either at the same time or before enrolling in a particular course. If you do not understand what courses you need as prerequisites or corequisites, please contact Academic Advising at advising@ccp.edu or 215-751-8777.
Where can I find refund dates?
The academic calendar in the College Catalog lists refund dates for the academic year.