Course Registration - Waitlisting for Students
Courses have a maximum number of students that can be enrolled; when the capacity is reached, students can no longer register. Instead of finding a different course to take, students can add themselves to the waitlist. The waitlist is comprised of students who are waiting for a seat in a particular section. There is a limit on the waitlist capacity as well, therefore if the waitlist is full you'll need to find a different section.
Students should also be persistent with checking to see if a spot on the waitlist has opened. From the time that registration opens to when it closes spans several months, and just because there are no seats at the time you choose to register does not mean seats will not open later.
This guide will explain the process of putting yourself on the waitlist.
- First, navigate to the registration menu, just as you would to register normally.
- The number of available seats in the course and on the waitlist are displayed under the heading "Status." In the image below, I've circled a course that is full, but still has waitlist capacity.
- To add yourself to the waitlist, the process is the same as if you wanted to register. First, click add (circled in red). Next, instead of selecting **Web Register** select **Web Wait List**. This option is shown below next to the red arrow.
- As always, be sure to click submit before leaving the page.
- If you are on the waitlist, you will be contacted via your CCP Email if a spot opens in the course. When this happens you will be given a 24-hour window in which the seat in the course will be held for you and you may register. Registration is the same as normal, however the course will already appear in your registration and you will only need to change the action from **Web Wait List** to **Web Register**.
Initial email when you get on the waitlist:
Subject Line: Wait List Registration
From Email Address:
Email Content:
Dear Student:
You have been placed on the waitlist for one or more courses. If and when a seat becomes available, you will be notified via your MyCCP email and you will have 24 hours to accept the seat.
To accept the seat, you may register on-line but must do so prior to your deadline. If you miss your deadline, you will be removed from the waitlist and miss your opportunity to register for the course.
If you have any questions or run into any issues, please email
Thank you”
Email you receive when a class is available for you to register:
Subject: Waitlist Notification for 43290
From Email Address:
Email Content:
John Smith,
A seat has become available in BLAS 101 001 43290 for Fall 2020
You have until 29-September-2020 10:00PM to register for the course. If you do not register for the class within the 24 hour period, you will be removed from the waitlist, and the available seat notification will be sent to the next person on the waitlist. If you no longer want to register for this class, go to and drop it. The next person on the waitlist will then have a chance to register.
You must log into MyCCP and register. If you are unable to register online, please send an email to for assistance.
Online registration is not available between the hours of 2:00AM and 5:59AM.
Thank You”