Signature Initiatives of the Institute

The Institute is currently engaging the College community through our signature initiatives below. The following are some examples of how the Institute and the College are making a positive local impact:
In partnership with The School District of Philadelphia and neighboring schools, the College has "adopted" Spring Garden School and Laura Wheeler Waring School and works with many more throughout the school year. The College sends student volunteers into the schools to support teachers and elementary to middle school youth with a variety of needs such as literacy supporting, homework help, tutoring and more. Additionally, the College community can support our partner schools throughout the year through our donation drives providing basic needs to support to the families in our communities who need it the most.
This is the College's democratic engagement program focused on voter registration, voter engagement and voter education. Students can volunteer and become democratic engagement fellows through our national partners to serve as a civic leader on campus!
Civics Education
Check out the College's growing Civics Education Workshop series offered to the public. Students, Philadelphia residents and anyone interested in learning more about their government and/or community journalism is invited to join us for one of our workshops. Check back for more information on our upcoming 2023 workshop series.
Fostering Caring Connections
In partnership with The Field Center for Children’s Policy, Practice and Research at the University of Pennsylvania, the Institute has developed a campus based support program for students with experience in foster care. The program involves using a “single point of contact” experience for students seeking support to engage with a College employee who is educated on and sensitive to the unique needs of foster care youth.
Semester of Service
The College community can join the Institute for Community Engagement and Civic Leadership in a number of service opportunities throughout the academic year! Opportunities include the College's AmeriCorps Next Steps program, ongoing trips to the Sankofa Community Farm, convening for the annual Philly Spring Clean Up day and more!
Please contact for more information.