Readmit Students

Welcome Back to the Community College of Philadelphia!

Welcome Back Returning Lions

We are thrilled to have you rejoin the Community College of Philadelphia family! Whether it’s been two years or more, we understand you may have questions and concerns about returning to college. We're here to equip you with the tools you need to achieve your academic goals, maintain your well-being, and build toward a bright future.

Meet a Readmit Student

Meet two readmit students who are currently pursuing their goals here at the College:

Resources at Your Fingertips

  • Need to Register?  Work with a counselor to receive personalized advice to help you navigate your academic path. Click here to request an appointment!
  • Financial Aid Guidance: For financial aid questions please contact
  • Career Services: Click here to access the Career Connections webpage!
  • Single Stop: Need help with housing, benefits, healthcare and more? Click here for more information!

Get Connected. Get Involved. Get to Graduation!

  • Get Connected: Tap into a network of supportive peers, mentors, and advisors who are here to help you succeed.
  • Get Involved: Join clubs, attend events, and participate in activities to enrich your college experience.
  • Get to Graduation: Stay on track with personalized support and guidance tailored to your unique journey.

Contact Us

Have questions or need assistance? Reach out to us anytime!

Welcome back, and here's to your success! We look forward to seeing you soon!